
Chapter 440 Raising Chaos in the Great Qi Kingdom!

When Luo Tian came to the imperial capital of the Daqi Kingdom with an extremely domineering attitude, not only the people in the imperial capital were panicked, but everyone outside the imperial capital soon knew that a powerful man with unfathomable cultivation had arrived in the imperial capital. By!


In the majestic imperial palace in the imperial capital, at this moment, a middle-aged man wearing a purple heavenly dragon robe was furious, with lavender ripples spreading around his body, he slapped the huge dragon chair under him All of a sudden, it broke open, and the whole person even stood up.

"Quickly pass on the order, and the group of priests in Mingqunxian Temple took action to capture the madman. He dared to go straight to the imperial capital of our Great Qi Kingdom and openly violated the covenant of all nations. This is simply slapping me naked in the face. Slap the face of the entire Great Qi Kingdom!"

In fact, in the ancient times, all the rulers of the Profound Sky Continent were the imperial capitals that once gathered in the Dali Kingdom. But it was developed after fighting and annexing.At that time, it was said that the rulers of more than [-] countries in the Profound Sky Continent had signed a covenant, which was the covenant of non-aggression among nations.Of course, this non-aggression refers to those cultivators. It is inevitable that there will be struggles and frictions between countries, and even conflicts that cannot be resolved. The damage to ordinary civilians is too great. Therefore, this Covenant of Nations is mainly an agreement to restrict immortal cultivators from various countries from killing innocent people indiscriminately. Those kings are naturally happy to see immortal cultivators being restricted, and their royal power will also be lost. Further strengthening, they can even win over their own monks to consolidate the country's political power, so that everything in the country can be smooth in the superficial sense.Moreover, this covenant of all nations is quite binding. Since it was promulgated, there have been almost no cases of immortal cultivators entering other countries to kill wantonly. Occasionally, immortal cultivators violated the covenant. Just turn a blind eye.

But now, Luo Tian's actions like this are simply slapping the head of the Great Qi Kingdom in the face in front of the entire Profound Sky Continent, which is tolerable or unbearable!

Of course, with Luo Tian's way of doing things in his own way without any scruples, he can't be bothered to pay attention to the Covenant of Nations, it's none of his business!It's not that he doesn't know about this covenant, on the contrary, he already knew about it. However, his strength didn't reach the current height, and he didn't dare to act too much. Now that the situation is critical, Luo Tian naturally doesn't bother to pay attention to this covenant of nations, he doesn't believe it except In the Great Qi Kingdom, monks from other countries really came to seek death to reason with him.

"It seems that the Lord of Great Qi is not cooperating." At this time, Luo Tian retracted the brilliance in his eyes, one purple and one green, and stood quietly in the void, looking in the direction of the Great Qi Kingdom's palace, and suddenly stretched out his hand to the distance. Grab it hard.

More than ten miles away, a strong hurricane blew past, and immediately countless rope-like wind pillars suddenly formed. These wind pillars appeared without warning, and under constant twisting, they all turned gray, and finally slammed stabbed out.

"what is this?"

Soon, waves of space rippled not far away, and seven or eight monks with shocked expressions appeared. These monks were all staring at a layer of blue light like a lake above their heads. A defensive magic circle with special power.

Then, those gray wind pillars in the air slapped on the blue light without warning, and the blue light shattered like boiling soup and snow, and then the seven or eight monks whose complexions changed drastically were directly rolled by several gray ropes, and they were killed in a row. There was no cry, and it exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

Luo Tian frowned slightly, "This is the foundation and strategy of the Daqi Kingdom? No wonder it is the bottom of the three empires. If it weren't for the overall strength of the immortal cultivators in Daqi, I am afraid that the surrounding countries would have been wiped out long ago." Not necessarily."

After a pause, a playful expression appeared on Luo Tian's face, "Let's give the Lord of the Great Qi Kingdom another chance and see if he can send some decent monks over?"

In the imperial palace of the imperial capital of the Great Qi Kingdom, the Lord of the Great Qi Kingdom once again smoked from the seven orifices, panting heavily, his face flushed, and he couldn't help shouting: "Waste, a bunch of waste, when I keep them on weekdays, they all put their own He boasted that his supernatural powers were invincible, but in the end, when I met foreign enemies, everyone became a coward! You bastard! A bunch of fucking bastards!"

"Return...Report to the Holy Master, outside, there are three immortals outside asking to see, they said that they can solve the Holy Master's worries and problems!"

"Oh?" The lord of the Great Qi Kingdom narrowed his eyes slightly, and immediately looked overjoyed, "It turned out that the three of them are here, please, please, please!"

"The Lord of Great Qi is really useless. The young master gave him the steps, but he is still obsessed with it. He is really a waste!" At this time, Luo Tian moved his body and walked slowly. In a few steps, he reached more than ten miles. Besides, just before he was about to arrive at the imperial palace of the Great Qi Kingdom, he stopped, and with his hands behind his back, he glanced at a certain void, "Three, stop hiding, come out."

"Haha, Fellow Daoist is indeed extraordinary."

There was a loud old man's laughter, and immediately two gray-haired old men and a handsome young man appeared in front of Luo Tian.

"This fellow Taoist, I have reached an agreement with the Lord of Great Qi. As long as the friend of Daoist leaves, the Lord of Great Qi will not be blamed." After a long time, the slightly frowning young man, who is also the highest cultivator among the three, said calmly.

"I don't need the King of Great Qi to give me face like this." Luo Tian smiled slightly.

"You!" The faces of the three of them immediately turned calm. Although this person has a very high level of cultivation, he is so arrogant.

"It's just that one is at the early stage of transformation, and the two are at the later stage of distraction. If you want to kill you, get out of your bag, get out!"

With a loud shout, Luo Tian sent the three of them flying, and immediately grabbed them with his big hand, countless restraints were automatically generated to lock the three of them in their cultivation, and they were directly caught in his hands and flew towards the imperial palace of the Great Qi Kingdom.

"Haha, if the three seniors take action, the intruder will definitely wait to die!" The Lord of Daqi laughed boldly. Others don't know, but he knows what kind of terrifying situation those three people have cultivated to.

"Oh? You mean the three of them?"

At this time, a faint laugh sounded, and then a blue light flashed, and three embarrassed figures fell directly in front of the Great Qi King.

"Three seniors!" The Lord of Great Qi couldn't help being horrified, and said tremblingly, "Where did our Great Qi country offend seniors, and seniors actually directly killed our Da Qi country?"

"Great Qi Kingdom didn't offend me." Luo Tian said indifferently, "But you Da Qi Kingdom's Sanyuan Palace offended me, and even snatched my wife and became a disciple for more than a hundred years to escape this catastrophe!"

"What!" As soon as Luo Tian said this, everyone turned pale in shock. Sure enough, a catastrophe was coming.

ps: The cold is better, but the eyes are red like rabbits.This chapter is a cool one, try to update it twice tomorrow, ha ha.

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