
Chapter 441 The strong dragon also crushes the snake!

"It turns out that the rumors turned out to be true!" The King of Daqi wore a purple dragon robe and danced without wind.

"For now, there is no difference between the real one and the fake one." Luo Tian said flatly, he couldn't help looking at the Great Qi King, and two brilliance shot out of his eyes, one purple and one blue, and the next moment, Luo Tian saw Da Qi. There was a looming real dragon aura hovering above the Lord of Qi's head. This Lord of Qi was a born emperor with a long life, and he wanted to use his hand to force out the Sanyuan Palace. It seemed that this plan was not feasible.

After thinking about it, Luo Tian calmly glanced at the King of Great Qi and the three monks who were bound by him, "Okay, no matter the catastrophe, what you need to do now is to tell me the specific location of Sanyuan Palace. "

The Lord of Great Qi and the three of them couldn't help shaking their bodies, and their complexions became cloudy.

For a long time, the three monks who were originally high in the Great Qi Kingdom but now lying on the ground looked at each other, and finally the old monster who looked like a boy sighed and said: "Your Excellency's cultivation base is extremely high. , but the Sanyuan Palace has been passed down from ancient times and has been passed down for countless ancient years, among which masters emerge in endlessly. Although I don't know where the Sanyuan Palace is located, I would like to advise you that the Sanyuan Palace is not a huge monster that is easily provoked."

Luo Tian chuckled, and said: "You don't need to remind me, I know this, since I dare to find Sanyuan Palace, I won't be afraid of them."

Immediately, the three monks shook their heads with wry smiles and stopped talking.

Luo Tian looked at the King of Daqi with a half-smile, "It seems that you should know the exact location of Sanyuan Palace."

The Lord of Great Qi turned around with a wry smile and said, "Could it be that with your unparalleled supernatural powers, you still can't sense the exact location of the Sanyuan Palace?"

"I can't help it." Luo Tian shrugged, "The group of old miscellaneous hairs in Sanyuan Palace must have activated the powerful defensive circle and restriction, and they were reborn after preparing to escape this catastrophe. It’s really calculating, even your Great Qi King doesn’t pay attention to it.”

The expression of the Lord of Great Qi changed slightly immediately, and the anger on his face was fleeting. He is the Lord of Great Qi, and the Sanyuan Palace is the ultimate sect that protects the fortune of the Great Qi. Sweeping the snow in front of the door to hide, where the hell is the Daqi State?Did they take Daqi Kingdom seriously?

"Of course I know the exact location of the Sanyuan Palace, but I have to ask you to wait for three days." After a long time, the Lord of Great Qi seemed to have made up his mind.

Seeing Luo Tian looking over, the Lord of Great Qi regained his grace and composure, and said indifferently: "Just now I used the Jade Seal of the Great Qi Kingdom, and it will take three days to accumulate enough power to detect the hidden location of the Sanyuan Palace."

"Oh, you don't even know the real location of Sanyuan Palace?" Luo Tian asked with interest.

The Lord of Great Qi shook his head, and said: "The Sanyuan Palace has a high status, and the dozens of generations of the Daqi Kingdom have only seen one person in the Sanyuan Palace, but the Zhenguo Yuxi of the Daqi Kingdom contains a trace of the law of the Sanyuan Palace. Breath, unless they leave the Profound Sky Plane, I can find out the specific location of the Sanyuan Palace even if they run to the ends of the earth."

"That's good." Luo Tian nodded, waved his big hand at the three of them, and the three immediately regained their freedom of movement. Immediately, Luo Tian took a step forward and disappeared instantly.

"Three days later, I am waiting for the good news from the king."

As soon as Luo Tian left, the Lord of Great Qi's complexion sank slightly, and said: "Three seniors, I wonder what kind of realm this mysterious strong man has reached?"

"It's hard to say!" The young man with the highest cultivation base among the three shook his head, "But I can be sure that he is at least a super expert in the Dzogchen stage of the distraction stage, or even a master who has broken through to the fusion stage!"

"Fitness period!" All the people gasped. Which one of these legendary holy monks didn't appear like a dragon?Even Dali Kingdom, the most powerful country in Tianxuan, has not seen a monk in the fusion period for decades.

At the level of the integration period, you don't have to worry about the growth of your cultivation base and the growth of your soul. Generally speaking, as long as you honestly find a quiet place to retreat, without being contaminated by worldly karma, it is only a matter of time before you reach the Mahayana period. Of course , This time is also different. If there is not much life left after breaking through to the fusion period, I am afraid that the lifespan will be exhausted and die before the time is up.

Therefore, there are strengths and weaknesses in the fusion period, and the longer the lifespan, the stronger the strength will be.Those who are weak will naturally have a short lifespan. Even if they are lucky enough to break through the tribulation stage, they may not be able to survive the nine-nine-day calamity. Is it possible for ordinary people to survive the nine-round calamity?

Three days later, Luo Tian came on time, and the Lord of Great Qi directly sensed the approximate location of the Sanyuan Palace with the Zhen Guo Yuxi, and informed Luo Tian without hesitation.

When Luo Tian flew away, the Lord of Daqi sneered and said: "Sanyuan Palace, if you don't make me feel better, I won't make you feel better either!"


On the Sea of ​​Stars, Sha Sheng in a red robe let out a breath as if driving away a fly, and a wave of water shot out of his mouth, knocking the angry monk in front of him into the air, and the monk spat out blood It flew wildly for more than a thousand feet.

"Come back in Chiyi, you are no match for him!" The old Taoist priest who was suffocated and beaten and plucked half of his mount's bird feathers shouted immediately.

"Hey, the master-student relationship is pretty good. You little guy is not afraid of death. It's very good, haha, very good!" Sha Sheng's complexion changed, his eyes flashed coldly, and he was about to smash the two annoying people in front of him. The human monks were slaughtered, and after digging with them for so long, their anger was almost vented.

"Wait for Sha Sheng." At this moment, Bai Yan'er's voice reached Sha Sheng's ears, "What's his name?"

"Siblings, are you asking about the old or the young?"


"Come back! Why are you staring? Be careful, I will draw your soul to light the sky lantern." Sha Sheng smiled, and directly photographed the later middle-aged monk in front of him, "Tell me, what's your name?"

"Bah! It's just a family of monsters and beasts, and you are worthy of asking my name!" The middle-aged monk said angrily, and he was actually strong and unafraid of death.

"Oh?" Sha Sheng was too lazy to talk, and pointed directly at the half-dead old Taoist priest who was beaten by him, "I don't want your master's life anymore? Don't you human monks value love and righteousness the most?"

"You..." The middle-aged monk suddenly became angry.

"Yang Chiyi!"

"Forgive his life." Bai Yan'er's voice was extremely gentle, she knew the matter of Luo Tian the most, if it wasn't for this Yang Chiyi, Luo Tian's path might have changed.

"Master and apprentice, hurry up and get the hell out. I'm in a good mood today, so I spare your lives." Sha Sheng said condescendingly, and returned directly to the golden dragon boat after speaking.

Luo Tian and Sha Sheng, a pair of treacherous brothers, are doing the same thing at the same time, so they are really good brothers.

The strong dragon also crushes the snake!

ps: There is another chapter.I'm going to the hospital tomorrow for a final checkup. The update can't guarantee two chapters, but there must be an update.If it's almost all right, the day after tomorrow I will start to finish the book.

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