
Chapter 442 Attack!

"Damn it, this Sanyuan Palace is really disgusting!"

At this moment, Luo Tian, ​​who had already left the imperial capital of the Great Qi Kingdom, thought angrily in his heart, this Sanyuan Palace is famous for its prohibition circle, and it really deserves its reputation.The Lord of the Great Qi used the supreme power of Zhenguo Yuxi to deduce a total of five places. Luo Tian is also looking for the second place at this moment. When Luo Tian tried his best to break the countless restrictions Later, it was found that this place was also empty.

"Lord Daqi, I don't know if you didn't know or did it on purpose. If it wasn't for Qinghe, I would really pull out your primordial spirit and search for your soul!" Luo Tian's eyes were cold. Xing didn't want to cause more killings, so he patiently continued to move towards the third place.

"Falling Demon Valley!"

With a thought, Luo Tian looked at the valley in front of him where the black mist exudes a strange and ghostly aura. Instead of rushing into it, he hid himself in the void and stopped quietly in place.


After a while, several sounds of piercing through the air came, and immediately a group of monks came galloping from a distance.Soon, this team of monks was followed by another team of monks.

"Great Qi Kingdom is indeed the dirtiest country among the three great empires. In the whole country, monks of the demonic way accounted for [-]% of the total. No wonder the Sanyuan Palace is too lazy to collude with the leader of the Great Qi Kingdom. No matter how harmonious the atmosphere is, righteousness and demons have nothing in common. .”

As Luo Tian said to himself, the two teams of monks had already arrived in front of the Fallen Demon Valley. The two teams of monks seemed to know each other. Among them, after a while, the two teams of monks began to enter cautiously.

Seeing this, Luo Tian's figure flashed, triggering a high-level concealment talisman, and quietly followed the two teams of monks into the Fallen Demon Valley. With Luo Tian's cultivation base, it was naturally difficult for the two teams of monks to detect Luo Tian's existence.

"The one with the highest cultivation level is the alchemy stage Dzogchen." Luo Tian saw through the cultivation level of everyone here with just one glance. It seems that Fallen Demon Valley should not be considered a dangerous place.

What made Luo Tian very speechless was that next, the two teams of monks went forward vigorously to kill monsters, almost slowly.Luo Tian couldn't bear it anymore, and secretly made a move.

As a result, the leading monks of the two teams were all shocked, thinking that the opponent's magical powers had improved a lot, and became more vigilant in their hearts.

After about an hour, the two teams of monks finally arrived outside a forest, which was also one of the five places that the Lord of Qi had deduced by relying on the Zhenguo Yuxi. Luo Tian naturally didn't bother to pay attention to the two teams of monks, and moved away directly.

After about a meal, Luo Tian flew out with red eyes, and it was another fake place.When passing by the two teams of monks along the way, the corners of Luo Tian's mouth turned up, and he quietly attracted a few powerful sixth-order monsters over...

"No, there are powerful monsters coming!"

"Get back quickly!"

Naturally, they didn't think too much about how the two teams of monks would resist these monsters that were sleeping soundly but were attracted by Luo Tian.


Just when Luo Tian was about to leave the Fallen Demon Valley, a strange fluctuation in the sky and earth appeared, which turned into a red silk thread and flew towards Beihe Kingdom.


Luo Tian's complexion changed, it should be Hongta who was born, I don't know how many Hongta was born?

Looks like it's time to hurry up!

Luo Tian came out of the Fallen Demon Valley, and immediately rode the blue clouds soaring into the sky, and arrived at the fourth place in just a moment. This time, a gleam of joy finally appeared on Luo Tian's face.

It should be here!

Luo Tian's face was full of joy, this Sanyuan Palace is more than just the three caves of the cunning rabbit, you are not wrong in doing this, but it is a big mistake to use Qing He as a shield for your Sanyuan Palace to pass on!Big mistake!


This time, Luo Tian shot with all his strength without hesitation, without giving the opponent any chance to prepare, he directly grabbed the endless sea water below the cliff, and the sea water boiled directly, turning into countless white water dragons towards a seemingly extremely The usual mountains and forests are gone.

At the cultivation base of the fusion period, it seems that it is extremely easy to mobilize the power of heaven and earth. Luo Tian exerts all his strength, and the power is naturally even more terrifying, it is terrifying to the extreme!A hundred miles of sea water was caught by Luo Tian.

Bang bang bang!

There were bursts of shocking loud noises, and the strong restriction of the Sanyuan Palace finally revealed its original shape, waves of transparent ripples swayed endlessly, and immediately Luo Tian clearly saw a huge palace hidden deep in the ripples.

"Old miscellaneous hairs of Sanyuan Palace, don't pretend to be dead for me, and hand over Qing He quickly!"

Luo Tian yelled loudly, and with both hands deep in his hands, he yelled in a low voice, "Turn the clouds!"

Two clouds and mist vortexes emerged immediately, the upper one was fine, but the cloud-turning magic power below directly leveled the cliffs of hundreds of feet, and the mountain forest was even razed to the ground. In an instant, the mountains and fields turned into a desert, with no grass growing.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable! Fellow Daoist, why bother? The catastrophe of heaven and earth is coming soon. With the supernatural powers of Fellow Daoist, it will definitely play an imaginable role. Why bother with Sanyuan Palace?" Finally, an old voice came to Luo Tian in the ear.

"Stop talking nonsense! If you don't hand over Qinghe, I will destroy the Sanyuan Palace today!"

With one hand, all the talismans in Luo Tianna's Void Precept were taken out, Luo Tian punched them out without looking at them, and in an instant, countless beams of colorful light exploded on the restriction of Sanyuan Palace.

However, the restriction outside the Sanyuan Palace seemed extremely tenacious. Luo Tian used a lot of supernatural powers one after another, but only reduced [-]% of the restriction's power, and Luo Tian couldn't do anything about the rest in a short time.

"Fellow Daoist, let's go."

"Old miscellaneous hair, you are also a monk at the stage of integration, why hide like a tortoise, how about coming out and fighting with me?" Luo Tian sneered again and again, but the other party remained unmoved.

"Okay! This is what you forced me to do!"

After waiting for a while, Luo Tian smiled angrily, "Since you are shameless, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

After finishing speaking, the Divine Breath Ancient Leaf Battle Armor emerged from Luo Tian's body, the imprint of the Divine Breath Ancient Leaf was shining brightly between his brows, he reached out his hand to grab it, and the Great Wilderness Immortal Sword was directly taken into his hand, and with just a slight shake, the surrounding space was directly shattered countless.

"Old Ancestor, what should we do?" In the Sanyuan Palace, a white-haired old Taoist priest looked at a half-century old man with his eyes closed all the time with a wry smile on his face. It's so terrifying to fight against the restriction outside the Sanyuan Palace with one's own strength, it's really too heaven-defying!"

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