
Chapter 444: Our Zhang Family

"Fellow Daoist, why are you so aggressive?!" The voice of the half-hundred old man suddenly increased, and there was a long-accumulated coercion in his words.

"Fart!" Luo Tian is not a bad guy, "Huh! I'm aggressive? Old guy, I don't know you have the face to say such words. You robbed my wife for today, right? Your Sanyuan Palace has no door to resist the catastrophe of heaven and earth!"

"Since fellow daoists are deceiving too much, let's draw the line." The half-baked old man returned to his normal expression and said lightly.

Luo Tian was almost annoyed by this old guy, "I'm a bully too much, old bastard, what are you talking about? Cultivating Taoism, cultivating the Tao, for your sake, if I were you, I would have been smashed to death a long time ago It's on tofu!"

"Fellow Daoist, why bother to hurt people!" The half-hundred old man's mood, which had been calmed down for more than a thousand years, fluctuated violently again.

"I'm too lazy to tell you more, just ask the old Taoist priest out and you'll know why I'm pretending to be confused." Luo Tian sneered, "But now I have changed my mind and plan to continue attacking Sanyuan Palace."

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian grasped it with his hand, and the sea surface not far away immediately boiled up. After a loud rumbling noise, water jets flew out of the sea, rushed high into the sky, and headed directly towards where Luo Tian was. come down.

At this moment, Luo Tian was almost really angry, and immediately grabbed thousands of water jets, which fell fiercely towards the dark blue prohibition outside the Sanyuan Palace.

With Luo Tian's current tyrannical cultivation base, even if one of the water jets falls on it, the Nascent Soul stage monks will be seriously injured, and those who are nearly destroyed by the cultivation base will be wiped out, and thousands of water jets will fall down , even a cultivator at the stage of transformation can hardly resist.

"Stop!" The half-hundred old man shouted loudly, and immediately shot circles of blue brilliance in his hands, which temporarily resisted the falling momentum of thousands of water jets.

"Good time! Turning the cloud!" Luo Tian sipped lowly, and slapped the void twice with his big hand. He actually cast the cloud-turning supernatural power twice in succession, and directly overlapped the two supernatural powers.

There was a shocking loud noise, and the void around the half-hundred old man suddenly broke into countless space cracks, but a layer of light blue brilliance emerged from the half-hundred old man's body, and when the space cracks reached his side, they were bounced away by a gentle force. within ten feet of his body.

"Since fellow daoist is going to make a move, don't blame the old man for bullying the small." The half-baked old man said lightly, stretched out his palm, pointed at the center of his brow, and shot out a ray of white jade, which was directly drawn into a magic weapon in the shape of wishful thinking. Immortal level magic weapon.

"Only if you have a magic weapon." Luo Tian grabbed the void with his big hand, and the Great Desolation Immortal Sword was directly in his hand.

"The Immortal Sword of the Great Wilderness!" The half-hundred old man couldn't help but change his expression when he saw Luo Tian offering the magic weapon, "It turned out to be everyone from the Luo family of the Great Wu Kingdom. Which one of the sword mounds are you?"

"Neither of them!" Luo Tian laughed wildly, "Old guy, die!"

The next moment, Luo Tian's body was surrounded by waves and blue clouds, a layer of colorful brilliance flashed, and he went directly in front of the half-hundred old man. He slashed out with the Great Wilderness Sword in his hand, and the cracks in the surrounding space that were about to heal widened again, roaring loudly. They formed dark hollows one by one, and finally condensed towards the place where the long sword in Luo Tian's hand fell. This blow, let alone a monk at the fusion stage, might not be easily resisted by a monk at the transcending tribulation stage.

"Split light as you wish, separate space, divide!"

The half-hundred old man also condensed all his mana, and threw the white jade Ruyi directly above his head, and the white jade Ruyi immediately turned into a white monstrous river surging in mid-air. There is some extremely pure water vitality constantly transpiring below the long river.

"Narciss Qi?" Luo Tian couldn't help but froze, and swiped the Great Wilderness Immortal Sword in his hand again and again, space after space in the void broke, shattered, and collapsed, directly covering half of the monstrous river. The magic weapon is a semi-immortal weapon, I didn't expect it to be a sealed immortal weapon, it looks like a middle-grade fairy weapon, but it's a pity that it was sealed and lost most of its power, today your Sanyuan Palace is still going to be defeated!"

The half-hundred old man is very good at nourishing qi, it seems that he regained his immovable aura after being absent-minded for a moment. In this way, it is true that the eight winds are as immovable as a rock, and he just fixed the monstrous river transformed by Bai Yuruyi above his head , as if there was an hour-long space, in which the narcissus energy was constantly transpiring, and Luo Tian's Great Wilderness Sword could not do anything to the opponent for the time being.

A low-grade fairy weapon can only break through the void.A middle-grade immortal weapon can cultivate immortal energy.The top-grade fairy weapon is the Hunyuan magic weapon, which contains the law of the great way, and its power is earth-shattering.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Luo Tian's mind, and immediately he communicated with Bodhi Mountain, filtered all the supernatural powers in his heart, and opened his hand to form a law of space. Once the law of space was played, it really had an effect. It was pushed several feet, but the effect was extremely weak.

"The law of time!"

This is the law of the Great Dao that Luo Tian is most proficient at present, because the third heaven of the black lotus magic weapon contains the endless law of time. The monstrous and long river that he created disappeared all of a sudden, and then the scenery around Luo Tian continued to flash, and finally Luo Tian appeared in a place with beautiful mountains and rivers, and he actually saw a person.

Luo Qinghe!

But no matter how Luo Tian yelled, Luo Qinghe kept frowning and talking to herself with her chin on her chin.

"Bodhi Mountain, the law of destiny, reverse it for me!"

Luo Tian suddenly yelled, and the scenery in front of him gradually became clear. In the end, Luo Tian grabbed Luo Qinghe with one hand, and under Luo Qinghe's shock, he and Luo Tian suddenly disappeared into this world.

"Old man, thank you this time!" The space was distorted, and Luo Tian returned to the original position without any risk. The difference was that this time he was holding a woman in his hand, a shy and beautiful girl, Luo Qinghe.

"Let's go home!" Luo Tian smiled gently.

"Origin and extinction are changes in the way of heaven. Little benefactor, don't forget that under the way of heaven, everything is a dog!"

ps: There are too many things to do, try to update twice tomorrow.Whether you are sincere or not, you will know by reading the word count in this chapter.

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