
Chapter 445 Withdrawing from Dao Heart and Breaking Through Again

"The way of heaven?"

Luo Tian's complexion changed slightly, and the figure that was about to step into the void while holding Luo Qinghe gently stopped slightly, "What kind of thing is the Tiandao League? It is also worthy of giving orders on behalf of Tiandao, and it is also qualified to call everything a humble dog? Old guy, you don't need to provoke Me, even if you don't tell me, I will go to the Heavenly Dao League."

After finishing speaking, the waves and blue clouds all over Luo Tian's body flew away, broke through the space in an instant, and disappeared without a trace.

After a while, Luo Tian and Luo Qinghe directly appeared more than a thousand miles away, breaking through the void and appearing directly.

"Brother Tian, ​​what is your cultivation level now?" Luo Qinghe's frowning eyebrows have been relaxed since she met Luo Tian, ​​looking very good-looking.

"Oh, it's probably about to break through to the late stage of the fusion stage." Luo Tian chuckled, "Qinghe, wait a minute."

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian sat cross-legged in the air, and his spiritual consciousness entered Mount Bodhi. Mount Puti suddenly flew out of his body and turned into a huge mountain peak. The two of them directly landed on the peak of Mount Puti. On the Feathering Pond, the Bodhi Sacred Tree is thriving at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there are many strange laws flowing around the Bodhi Sacred Tree. fly.

"Qinghe, you are currently in the middle stage of the transformation stage, and it seems that you have been inherited. No wonder the Sanyuan Palace refuses to hand you over. It turns out that you already have such a great fortune. I think the Sanyuan Palace has ulterior motives. I will send you into the fairy world to resist disaster for him!" Luo Tian's supernatural powers now, with just one glance, he seems to see through Luo Qinghe's situation for more than a hundred years.

"Well, I practiced in a forbidden area called Taishi Peak in Sanyuan Palace, and no one disturbed me, but I always felt that something was wrong with this Taishi Peak." Luo Qinghe thought for a moment, then said softly.

"Hmph, that Sanyuan Palace is so courageous to have planted a Dao heart in your body! Taishi Peak Taishi Peak, I think it's Taiqing Peak!" Luo Tian turned cold, "Taiqing Peak! , is one of the Sanqing, the powerful force in the fairy world in ancient times has now declined, I think this Sanyuan Palace is obviously going to send you to the fairy world as a fighting puppet! Well, today I will use the power of the Bodhi tree to kill you Eliminate all the Dao heart in the body. In this Bodhi Mountain, even if the immortals descend to the earth, they will not be able to do anything to us!"

Then, in the center of Luo Tian's brows, the imprint of the ancient leaf of the divine breath flashed, and immediately shot out a cyan brilliance, which fell directly on the Bodhi tree. There was a violent agitation on the Bodhi tree, and countless ripples spread in all directions. , The runes transformed into those laws immediately spread out, and gathered towards Luo Tian one after another.

"Pay me!"

Luo Tian let out a low cry, and those law runes were suspended in front of Luo Tian at once, radiating a brilliance, including three thousand avenues, and each avenue turned into a small space, which was difficult to see through.

"The owner of Bodhi Mountain is really amazing, and the inheritance has been passed down for so many generations, and even the three thousand ways are involved!" Luo Tian couldn't help but gasped, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "The law of purification, come out for me! "

Chi Chi!

A translucent law flew out and landed directly in Luo Tian's palm. After Luo Tian got it, he did not hesitate to inject this not-so-complete purification law into Luo Qinghe's body.

A layer of pure light burst out of Luo Qinghe's body, temporarily blocking the purification law.

"Laws of refining! Refining for me!" Luo Tian spent a lot of effort to extract the laws of refining from the Three Thousand Ways. Although some of these laws are not even small, they can deal with Luo Qinghe being planted. The Dao heart should be more than enough.Ever since he truly mastered the Bodhi Mountain, Luo Tian knew that this Bodhi Mountain turned out to be the most core inheritance of the famous Bodhi Immortal King in the fairy world!

It took a full day and night for Luo Tian to use Bodhi Mountain to deceive countless secrets, making those veteran Taoists in Sanyuan Palace almost vomit blood. Finally, with the help of Bodhi Mountain's inheritance law, Luo Qinghe's Dao heart was completely withdrawn, and immediately The law of destruction was used to directly shatter the Dao Heart, restoring it to the most primitive vitality, injecting it into the Bodhi Sacred Tree, and promoting the Bodhi Sacred Tree in a disguised form.

"Qinghe, from now on, you just need to stabilize your own realm." Luo Tian smiled lightly, scolding the old Taoist priests in Sanyuan Palace in his heart. These old Taoist priests are really cruel enough to be willing to spend so much money In order to help Qinghe get rid of his Dao heart, he actually lost a full [-]% of his body's mana. It seems that it will take some time to re-cultivate his cultivation base.

Just glanced at it lightly, the Three Thousand Great Ways could not help trembling slightly, Luo Tianxia pointed at the center of his eyebrows for a moment, and absorbed most of the laws of fate, time and space surrounding the Bodhi Sacred Tree, hesitating for a moment, Luo Tian decided to attack the law of time that would benefit him the most and be the most stable first. After all, he has a deep understanding of the law of time, and the law of time in the third heaven of the black lotus magic weapon is more complete. reach a greater height.

Of course, Luo Tian dared to risk such a huge risk and expend [-]% of his mana to withdraw Luo Qinghe's Dao heart. First, Luo Qinghe was his beloved, and second, the heaven and earth energy in Bodhi Mountain was enough for him to recover. No, Bodhi Mountain can't do it, and there are spiritual stones and spiritual liquid pools in the second day domain of the black lotus magic weapon as backing.

After Luo Tian completely inhaled the law of time into his body, he began to recover his strength with the help of the abundant heaven and earth energy in Bodhi Mountain.It has to be said that the vitality of heaven and earth in Bodhi Mountain is really abundant to the extreme, and Luo Tian even used the time in the third heaven of the black lotus magic weapon to speed up his hard training, and his mana recovered very quickly.

It is a shocking fact that the cultivation speed is a hundred times higher than that of the outside world!

In the third heaven of the Black Lotus Space, Luo Tian and Luo Qinghe only stayed for more than ten days. With the support of endless heaven and earth vitality, Luo Tian recovered his cultivation in the mid-stage of integration, but Luo Tian was not satisfied. Instead, it launched an impact towards the late stage of the integration period.

Luo Qinghe's cultivation also increased significantly after being drawn away from the bomb-like Dao Heart, and she directly broke through to the late stage of the Transformation Stage in the Third Heaven Realm.But at this moment, she was looking at Luo Tian who was heading towards the late stage of integration with concern.


Luo Tian only felt a sharp pain in Yuanshen, and couldn't help crying out in pain. The endless vitality of heaven and earth in his body filled his body. After reaching the fusion period, it is too difficult to cultivate further. And now Luo Tian even wants to break through the cultivation of the second clone to the fusion stage, his ambition is really great.

After another half a month, Luo Tian let out a long cry, and finally successfully broke through to the late stage of the fusion stage, even, only one step away was enough to break through to the tribulation stage.The period of crossing the catastrophe is a bottleneck for holy monks. Whether they can survive the ninety-nine days of catastrophe and achieve Mahayana cultivation depends on whether the period of crossing the catastrophe can be passed safely.

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