
Chapter 446 The Dharma Protector

It's just that at this point, Luo Tian can't figure out why the magic weapon of the black lotus is so magical, and he can't control this treasure with ease. He just knows that this treasure has opened three heavenly domains. Zhongdu has countless colorful sky thunders.The first sky domain is cyan sky thunder, the second sky domain is yellow sky thunder, and the third sky domain is red sky thunder. These sky thunders can only be controlled within the black lotus space, if they can break through the black lotus space Restraining and manipulating, presumably Luo Tian's strength should be at least higher.

"Brother Tian, ​​there seems to be something wrong outside." Luo Qinghe said shyly, looking at Luo Tian affectionately with her eyes. After Luo Tian finished her training, she naturally ended her training.

"Don't call me Tiandi, when we get back to our wedding, we will call you Mr. Xianggong, haha!" Luo Tian laughed loudly, and immediately his consciousness came out of Bodhi Mountain, and a sneer flashed across his face, "It's just some monsters who don't open their eyes. Beasts and monks, court death!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian waved his big hand, and the entire Bodhi Mountain moved immediately, and then the change became smaller and smaller, and finally fell directly into the center of Luo Tian's eyebrows, and Luo Tian and Luo Qinghe even walked slowly from the Bodhi Mountain get out.


With just one look from Luo Tian, ​​the space was violently distorted, and the monsters and monks who were staring at him in front of them were directly knocked thousands of feet away by a strong force.

After seeing Luo Qinghe, the hostility in Luo Tian's heart decreased a lot, otherwise these monster monks would be killed by Luo Tian if they met face to face.

"Let's go."

The waves and blue clouds flashed out of thin air, wrapping the two of them through the space and going straight away.

In less than half an hour, Luo Tian brought Luo Qinghe back to the Luo family in the Great Wu Kingdom. At this moment, the beam of light leading to the Qingli Small Immortal Realm from the Luo family has disappeared, and it seems that the monk team of the Great Wu Kingdom has already left. went.


When Luo Tianfei flew to the sky above the Great Wu Kingdom, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind. He actually used the supreme supernatural power directly, and forcibly captured the aura of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, five elements, heaven and earth, and directly arranged the entire emperor of the Great Wu Kingdom into a strange formation Among them, this strange formation also had some origins in ancient times. It was called the Great Five Elements Qiankun Formation. Once the five elements' auras were activated, they would complement each other, which was extremely powerful.

clap clap!

In just a quarter of an hour, Luo Tian directly drove a jade tablet into the Luo family mansion. From Luo Tian's point of view, it was naturally the safety of the members of the Luo family and the safety of the friends and disciples around him that made him feel more vulnerable. care.

Forcibly pulling away the aura of heaven and earth to set up an ancient formation, and finally brought the punishment of the heavens. I saw that the sky quickly changed its color, countless dark clouds layered on top of each other, and thunder, light, and fire came densely. In the depths of the sky, there seemed to be A nimble figure is flashing.

"The Heavenly Dao League is really like a tarsal maggot." Luo Tian stood in front of Luo Qinghe with his hands behind his back, looking up at the sky, with strange lights flickering in his eyes.

"Brother Tian, ​​the Tiandao League is said to be very powerful, so don't provoke them for the time being." Luo Qinghe frowned slightly, and said slowly.

"If people don't offend me, I won't offend others." Luo Tian snorted.

"Violating the way of heaven is an unforgivable crime!" A terrifying roar came from the depths of the clouds, and immediately countless golden lights diffused from the sky. Like an electric snake moving around.

"Just a mere guardian of the Heavenly Dao League, dare to speak out loudly, get out of here quickly, or I will kill you!" Luo Tian knew something about the situation of the Heavenly Dao League, and he also knew that the guardian god of the Heavenly Dao League had a very high status in the Heavenly Dao League , the cultivation base is also extremely high, and it is not easy to kill.


The big man in golden armor shouted angrily, pointed the spear in his hand down, and countless golden blades shot out, densely packed, it seemed that there were at least tens of thousands of them.

"Even if the Great Five Elements Universe Formation is powerful, it can't stop me!"

The next moment, a cold light flashed in Luo Tian's eyes, and he pointed out with his hand that countless purple lotus flowers spread all over the sky of the Great Wu Empire, devouring all the golden blade lights from the other party, and immediately the purple lotus flowers turned into purple long handles. The sword quickly rolled up.

"Turn the clouds!"

Bang, just as the man in the golden armor was about to move further, he suddenly felt that the space around him began to change, and he fell into an absolute space. The golden spear in his hand stabbed out like a phantom, and the space around him was instantly annihilated. Countless, quickly collapsed.

"It's not that powerful either!" The golden-armored man couldn't help but sneered, although he was flustered by the cloud-turning supernatural power, but he was unharmed.

"Seven Heaven-Splitting Styles!"

Luo Tian shouted again, and the space law in the entire cloud-turning supernatural power was stirred up immediately, and the strength increased at least ten times in an instant, directly smashing the tip of the spear in the hand of the golden-armored man.

"This..." The pupils of the golden-armored man shrank suddenly, "This is..."


A cloud of blood mist exploded in the magical power of turning the clouds, and immediately a golden light escaped from the vortex of the clouds with difficulty, and fled directly outward.

"Want to go?"

Luo Tian laughed, and a sword light in his hand slashed out from the air. This sword light slashed on the golden light from a very long distance. Dissipated.

"The Guardian God General of the Heavenly Dao League looks like paper." Luo Qinghe couldn't help curling her lips when she saw that Luo Tian had killed the other party so easily.

"Don't underestimate the guardian gods of the Heavenly Dao League. There are no more than ten guardian gods in the Tiandao League, and all of them are at the stage of transforming gods at least, and they have practiced the supreme secret method of the fairy world. I can only do it now. Killing a clone of the guardian god general made his cultivation level fall to a level, and his body is still unknown. The Tiandao League really has the capital of arrogance, and a god general is so powerful. I don’t know that the legendary five great Ke Qing’s four elders are so strong, and they don’t know what cultivation the three commanders are, the catastrophe of heaven and earth is coming, I hope the Heavenly Dao Alliance will have a general understanding, otherwise the Tianxuan plane will be doomed!”

"When will the catastrophe come?" Luo Qinghe couldn't help asking.

"It's hard to say, it will be more than ten years soon, and it will be less than 30 years at the slowest." Luo Tian's expression changed, and he remembered the tortoise shell given by Master Qiankun. No matter how difficult it is to use, Luo Tian still figured out some secrets, that is, he can vaguely perceive the moment when the catastrophe is coming.

Now there are nine Xuanhuang Pagodas guarding the Tianxuan plane, two of which have already been born, and there are still seven that have not yet been born. Luo Tian uses the Xuanhuang Pagoda to calculate, and it is difficult to calculate the secret. A certain important person in the world was blinded. Of course, if Luo Tian's cultivation base breaks through to the tribulation stage, he may be able to use the Xuanhuang Pagoda to forcibly break through the space barrier to see through some hazy secrets.

ps: The leader forgot to upload it for me yesterday, and I have been unable to upload it today, and the website is also uncertain. This chapter was posted by someone else. If it cannot be updated, it means that I cannot log in.

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