
Chapter 448 Frozen Sea Immortal Mansion

Luo Tian was miserable, depressed, and annoyed.

Originally, he thought that the common saying that three women were enough to support hundreds of ducks was simply nonsense, but now that he experienced it personally, he firmly believed that such a statement was simply nonsense and nonsense. , How can three women be equivalent to hundreds of ducks?It is obviously equivalent to thousands of ducks.What's more, there are more than three women around Luo Tian now.

It doesn't matter if there are more women, Luo Tian thinks he can handle it, but none of these women are fuel-efficient lamps.Even Luo Qinghe, who has the best temper and the gentlest, can't be dealt with by Luo Tian now, let alone such tough existences as Bai Yan'er and Su Muqing.

One head and two big.

Luo Tian was very angry, so during this period of time all the monks who had malicious intentions in the territory of the Great Wu Kingdom were killed. Luo Tian didn't take any action, but he just took his apprentices to practice under the pretense, and directly killed many monks.

It really is a good way to divert disasters to the east.

"Luo Tian!"

On this day, Luo Tian sneaked out of the imperial capital of the Great Wu Kingdom, and when he was about to go to the northern region of Tianxuan Continent, he was captured on the spot by Bai Yaner, who had been staring at the side for a long time.

"Hey, Yan'er." Luo Tian looked around for a long time, then walked over with a flattering smile, grabbed Bai Yan'er's hand, and kept rubbing it.

"Hmph!" Bai Yan'er broke free a few times with a shy expression on her face, Luo Tian was holding on too tightly, so she had to give up struggling.

"Aren't you angry?" Luo Tian stretched his neck again, maybe there are still a few people hiding beside him.

"My sisters are all practicing in seclusion, so I don't have time to spare." Bai Yan'er's complexion was like a red cloth, and the dead man started to move again, necrotic.

"Then why don't you practice?" Luo Tian regretted it as soon as he said it, and wanted to slap himself. Isn't this courting death?


Bai Yan'er hung on Luo Tian's body like a koala, and it took a long time before she said, "Master, it's been a long time since I've practiced the Immortal Fusion Technique with him..."

"If you want to practice, you must practice!" Luo Tian Dayi said awe-inspiringly, with a dignified face.


Surrounded by Qing Yun, Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er directly broke through the air and disappeared in place.

"Little Lang Hoof!"

In a certain courtyard of the Luo family, Su Muqing spat.


Two days later, a cyan rainbow light flew from high above the northern region of the Profound Sky Continent. The rainbow light just circled slightly, and landed directly on a mountain ridge lying among the mountains like black jade.


"Huh?" Luo Tian, ​​who was pale, looked haggard, as if he had fought a battle with someone.In fact, Luo Tian fought with others. He was tossed by Bai Yaner, a long-standing resentful woman, for a whole day and night. If he hadn't practiced the Five Elements Transfer, his physical body was extremely tyrannical, and most people would have died by now. up.It seems that the old saying is true, there are only exhausted cows, but there is no plowed land.

"I want a baby." Bai Yan'er said resentfully.

"Yes, yes, I haven't been idle these few days." Luo Tian wanted to cry without tears.

Bai Yan'er stretched out her Qianqiansu hand to pinch the soft flesh of Luo Tian's waist, and then spun it over and over again, grinning her teeth and grinning her teeth in pain, which hurt Luo Tian who didn't dare to resist.

"I want more now!" Bai Yan'er threw Luo Tian to the ground like a little devil, and then the two of them were surrounded by a hazy layer of smoke for hundreds of feet.

After a long time, someone's miserable cry came from the smoke.

In fact, Luo Tian didn't blame Bai Yan'er for wanting to have a child so urgently, the catastrophe was approaching, and no one knew what would happen in the future, especially Luo Tian was selected by Xuanhuang Tower.Bai Yan'er is a hope for herself and a hope for Luo Tian.

After a long time, Luo Tian was lying on the blue clouds in the air like a master, and next to him was Bai Yan'er who had no clothes covering her body. At this time, Bai Yan'er was radiant, like a cute kitten snuggling beside Luo Tian .

"Master, what is your purpose in coming to the Northern Territory this time?"

"What purpose can I have? Now I'm dragging my family and my family. It's not easy. I have to find some treasures from heaven and earth so that I can successfully step into the period of crossing the catastrophe. Otherwise, I'm not sure that I can do it Come back alive."

"Is it so easy to get the treasures of heaven and earth?" Bai Yan'er's upright twin peaks exuded a layer of white jade-like brilliance, and she kept rubbing against Luo Tian's arms, making Luo Tian's stomach feel hot again.

"Look at the chance. There is no chance to create an opportunity. The worst is to grab it. I am reluctant to die for you!"



"I was moved, so I want more!"


Half a month later, Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er had almost reached the northern pole of the Profound Sky Continent.

"Open it for me!"

Luo Tian stood high in the air and let out a low shout, shooting out countless astonishing sword auras from his hands. These sword auras quickly scattered from the air, directly blasting the white ice layer below into an unfathomable deep pit, countless water jets gushes up.

"Master, leave it to me." Bai Yan'er smiled coquettishly, turning into a white light and shooting it directly under the ice layer.

Luo Tian hugged Bai Yan'er even faster, and said with a soft smile: "Yan'er, fight against brothers, fight against husband and wife soldiers, let's go, there is an ancient cave buried under this sea water, I don't know if it was captured by someone Collect."

With the magical powers of Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er, they quickly descended three thousand feet below the sea. The sea here is deep and cold. Although there are very few creatures in the sea, there is a heart-pounding suction.

Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er stood on a purple lotus and fell towards the bottom of the sea. They soon reached the bottom of the sea, but found that there was an abandoned ancient cave under the sea, and they couldn't help but frowned.

"This breath is definitely not wrong." Bai Yan'er is a monster of the sea clan, so she is naturally very sensitive to the sea water.

Two rays of light, one purple and one blue, shot straight out of Luo Tian's eyes, as if he could see through the void in an instant, and said after a while: "This ancient cave is abandoned, but there seems to be a strange place in the depths of the cave."

Moments later, Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er stood in front of a broken jade statue, "Here it is, the aura fluctuating here is the strongest, could it be this jade statue?"

"Huh? Mr. Gong, this jade statue seems familiar."

ps: The computer is finally ready, and there are updates, but it should be a bit late. The number of words in this chapter is very sincere, quack.

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