
Chapter 449 Snow God Stone, Screen

"look familiar?"

Luo Tian couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and asked suspiciously, "Yan'er, could it be that you have been here before?"

"I definitely haven't been here, I'm sure." Bai Yan'er shook her head slightly, her eyebrows frowned slightly, she contemplated for a moment, and then pinched a strange formula with both hands, and immediately condensed into a crystal snowflake strangely in front of her, the snowflake It rose gently, and finally landed slowly between the eyebrows of the jade statue.

"Back off!"

Suddenly, Luo Tian yelled softly, and directly pulled Bai Yan'er back to Baizhang.

The jade statue only seemed to shake slightly, and immediately recovered to its original state without any strange reaction.

"The remaining buildings around here are also very familiar." Bai Yan'er tugged on Luo Tian's cuff, pointing to many incomplete ancient buildings covered by mud.

"Think slowly, don't rush." ​​Luo Tian smiled lightly. His spiritual consciousness had already covered all areas within a radius of a hundred miles. Has fallen into a kind of change in the way of heaven.

"I remembered!" Several hours later, Bai Yan'er finally had a flash of inspiration in her mind, "When I was very young, I became an inner disciple of Xueyu Island, and when I was young, I entered Xueyu Island by mistake. Somewhere in a forbidden place, I saw a very long corridor, above which are carved the ancient buildings in front of me!"

At this time, what made Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er's faces change suddenly was that a very clear sigh was passed into their ears.

"who is it?"

Luo Tian let out a low cry, showing his divine breath leaf battle armor, and a blue leaf imprint on the center of his brow immediately shot out a misty blue light. This blue light seemed to be manipulated by someone. It kept sweeping around, and finally swept across the broken jade statue At that time, the jade statue began to fall off a layer of dust, and then the jade statue shattered from the outside to the inside, and a crystal-like transparent stone suddenly appeared in the statue, which was covered with strange patterns. The strange patterns are closely connected together, outlining an incomparably complex ancient atmosphere.

"Snow God Stone!"

Bai Yan'er's eyes straightened up immediately. The Snow God Stone is the supreme holy stone of Xueyu Island, one of the four major powers in the Star Sea. It is said that the high-level officials of Xueyu Island once used these Snow God Stones to communicate with the Snow Mother Tianjun in the fairy world. And Xuemother Tianjun is also a strong person in the fairy world, creating the existence of snowy power.It's just that the largest Snow God Stone on Xueyu Island is only the size of a chicken, and the smallest is no more than the size of a soybean. The Snow God Stone in front of him is the size of an ordinary human head, which is really amazing.

"Being able to find this place means that you are from my Xueyu sect, otherwise you will definitely not be able to activate the laws of heaven and earth arranged by me."

The Snow God Stone suddenly shone with bright rays of light, and irregular blizzards shot out from the depths of the radiance. Finally, a calm woman in white clothes walked out from the depths of the blizzard. This woman was wearing a white battle armor and held a Holding a short two-foot-long staff, he is not overbearing, but he naturally has a deterrent aura of being in a high position for a long time.

"Disciples of Xueyu Island pay respects to Xuemu Tianjun!" Bai Yan'er formed a strange hand formula in his hand, which was completed within a few breaths, and it was extremely beautiful.

"Get up, child." The woman in white smiled lightly, and immediately waved the short staff in her hand, and the whole world seemed to be bound by a layer of extremely powerful rules. Such rules are the most powerful force in the world , even Luo Tian thought he couldn't move even a hair. The Snow Mother Heavenly Monarch's use of the power of heaven and earth has really reached an extreme level of perfection. I am afraid that even a strand of hair can kill a third-order plane.

No matter how strong Luo Tian is, he is far inferior to a plane.


Where Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er were standing, a rippling vortex immediately appeared under their feet, sucking them into it and disappearing instantly.

"There's only so much I can do, and it's up to you to see what you do next," Xuemu Tianjun finally murmured, and slowly dissipated into a cloud of smoke.


"This is where?"

When Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er could see things, another scene had already appeared in front of them.It's just that the scene in front of me is not bad, on the contrary, it has an extremely elegant atmosphere, with exotic flowers and plants everywhere, as if born in a fairyland.

"It's just an illusion, come and hide it from me!"

For a long time, a drop of blood essence flew out of each of Luo Tian's eyes, and the two-color brilliance of purple and blue burst out instantly, dividing the entire space into two halves. the real scene.

This is a large hall, a hall paved with countless bluestones that can be compared to spiritual weapons. The bluestones on the ground can't help emitting layers of blue halos. Luo Tian can see through these bluestones from the fairy world with just one glance, because the bluestones contained in them A trace of fairy aura is too pure, these Luotians have already felt it on Bodhi Mountain.The hall is relatively empty, with only three straw futons, a screen, and a row of stone platforms, with a few jade bricks placed on it, and there is nothing on the jade bricks. It seems that other monks have entered here long ago, otherwise The magic weapon on the jade brick should not have been touched.

There is a gray stone platform on both sides of the screen, and on the gray stone platform is a milky white slender jade bottle, with willow branches inserted in one jade bottle, and lotus flowers inserted in the other jade bottle.

"Could it be that thing?"

When Bai Yan'er stood quietly in front of the two jade bottles, she wondered in her heart, could this be one of the 36 treasures on the body of Xuemu Tianjun before her ascension, the Yin-Yang Wuji bottle!

Luo Tian walked to the screen with mountains, rivers, trees, sun, moon and stars carved on it, and watched it quietly. After watching for a long time, he did not notice any abnormalities in the screen. In the end, Luo Tian decided to borrow the Bodhi Mountain Come to finalize.

As a result, as soon as Bodhi Mountain was used, one of the countless three thousand avenues directly hit the screen by itself. The screen was full of light, and the Bianling Avenue quickly retracted into the Bodhi Mountain as if it had encountered something terrible.

"This is?"

Luo Tian felt that after the screen in front of him was completely broken, a very familiar aura rushed towards him. The reason why this aura was familiar was because of Luo Tian's instinctive feeling. In fact, this aura was quite fierce!


The next moment, countless white giant waves emerged above the entire screen. These huge waves appeared from all directions, as if countless long rivers of vicissitudes were constantly surging on the screen.

"Yin Yang Promise Bottle, order it for me!"

Bai Yan'er's voice rang out at some point, she drank lightly all her life, and the countless long rivers above the screen couldn't help but become more surging, and the astonishing rumbling aura was almost like a river hanging upside down.

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