
Chapter 453 Avenue 3, simplified!

When Luo Tian roared unyieldingly against the catastrophe, the light eye in the sky seemed to tremble imperceptibly, and then, the light eye split into two, changed into two, and slowly separated, just looking at it from below Going forward, it is extremely difficult to see that the two small eyes, which are less than a foot apart, have split into two from the first one.

Boom card!Boom card!

With Luo Tian's current strength, with all his cards out of the way, he should be able to easily win against the monks at the beginning of the Mahayana period, but it will be a bit difficult for the monks in the middle of the Mahayana period, because he has not yet fully refined the best wood spirit. root out.

"Before refining the top-quality wood spirit root, you can resist the seventh-level catastrophe. After you have completely refined the top-quality wood spirit root, you don't know how strong it will be!" Luo Tian couldn't help being excited, but immediately He froze.

"Grandma, what a leg! The power of this catastrophe seems a bit too great!"

Seeing Luo Tian jumping around and cursing like a rascal, Bai Yaner was also dumbfounded, how did this happen?


There was a loud noise, and the next moment Luo Tian was directly thrown out by the sky thunder, and rolled in the air continuously, which was somewhat more violent and much more violent than a donkey rolling.


Bai Yan'er saw that Luo Tian was hit by the seventh purple sky thunder of the seventh heavenly tribulation, her whole body was scorched black, and her clothes turned into pieces and fluttered around, like dexterous butterflies fluttering around. It's like a poor beggar being punched by a group of people.

Green smoke was rising from his body, Luo Tian was really angry from the bottom of his heart, now he had almost no clothes to cover his body, Luo Tianna had a lot of spare clothes in his false precepts, but under the majestic might of Heavenly Tribulation, wearing a pair of clothes Clothes and wearing several pieces of clothing have only one end, and that is to become a naked white pig.

"Fuck his sister! Fight!"

Luo Tian's eyes were like knives like swords, and the two brilliance of one purple and one blue turned into swords. He stood naked under the sky thunder with his hands behind his hands, no matter how he looked, he looked like a fool, a crazy fool.

And Bai Yan'er, who can be ranked among the top ten beauties in Tianxinghai, looks like a nympho, her eyes are obsessively looking at someone who is covered in black and black, her eyes are rippling, and she is almost excited to pounce on her. up.

If there were other people at the scene, I am afraid that even if they were not so shocked, they would still be nauseated.An exhibitionist, what's there to admire?Where is the half point of heroism?

The eighth thunder of the seventh heavenly tribulation fell with precision!

Luo Tian was dancing in the air naked. At this moment, he had sucked all the eighteen emerald stone pillars into Bodhi Mountain. His body was filled with the unparalleled power of wood origin, which made Luo Tian feel that his whole body had inexhaustible strength, as if One punch can break this tough space.

With a little flexion, Luo Tian's fingertips shot straight into the sky, turning into a huge purple alchemy, extremely coquettish.

"not good!"

At this moment, Luo Tian's complexion suddenly changed, and he quickly activated the black lotus magic weapon in his body. The black lotus magic weapon immediately shot up into the sky and protected Luo Tian's head. , everything is normal except that the primordial spirit has been strengthened a lot.It's just that there was a conflict between the three miraculous skills that remained in Luo Tian's body. The Xuanyin Taishang Dao Sutra, the Mahadura Sutra, and the Nine Flames Xuan Gong seemed to be agitated at the same time, which was not a good omen.

"Be honest with me!" Luo Tian said calmly, and immediately mobilized the Supreme Primordial Spirit to start suppressing, but the three extraordinary skills that were usually ready to move now turned into a mana and collided around Luo Tian's body. This kind of pain is simply unbearable. If Luo Tian's physical body had not reached an incredible height, these three pulling forces would have been completely annihilated long ago.


Luo Tian mobilized a little calming law from Bodhi Mountain, and the three sudden rioting forces finally slowed down, but there was no sign of stopping.

At this time, Luo Tian's Nascent Soul trembled awe-inspiringly, and the mini black lotus and mini Bodhi mountain held in both hands flew out respectively, and suppressed the three restless forces.

"Don't!" Luo Tian turned pale with shock, at the moment when he was going through the catastrophe, he didn't expect that there would be a rebellion in the nest, it really broke people.But Luo Tian couldn't control the miniature black lotus and Bodhi Mountain at all. These two treasures fell on the three forces at once. The three forces shook and began to break apart inch by inch, and finally turned into strands of energy along the way. Luo Tian couldn't help wandering around in his body.

Among them, the power of Xuanyin Taishang Daojing is directly transformed into countless primordial spirits and directly injected into the Nascent Soul.The Mahaduer Sutra turned into streams of essence and dispersed throughout Luo Tian's body, continuously increasing the hardness of Luo Tian's physical body, and immediately glowed a radiant body from the inside out.The Nine Flames Xuan Gong is even more direct, directly transforming into streams of sword energy all over the acupuncture points all over Luo Tian's body. The three thousand acupuncture points that were originally developed by the power of the wood source changed all of a sudden. Take a closer look. It turns out that each of these three thousand orifice points contains an extremely delicate and pure sword energy, just like a miniature flame flying sword.

"It's a waste of time!" Luo Tian sighed stunned. He had finally cultivated to the point where he was almost mastered. These three miraculous skills that were almost fused were smashed into pieces. Discovery is not nearly as depressing as it is.

"The Dao is three thousand, and the way of heaven has no trace. If you want to really reach the long river on the other side, you have to simplify it. Killing chickens to get eggs is really vulgar!"

Suddenly, there was an angry cry from Luo Tian Yuanshen.

"Old Ancestor, why don't we play like this?" Luo Tian was slightly taken aback, and then said with a mournful face, "I won't play anymore, you give me back the three kinds of miraculous skills."

"Hehe, stop dreaming." Luo Tian knew that he hadn't figured out when Luo Huachen, the incomprehensible ancestor, did something in his body, and he fully understood it in a moment. This mutation must be caused by the ancestor. Intervening in it led to the current situation.

"You kid, take advantage of the two treasures in your hands that can resist for a while, and quickly strengthen your cultivation is the most important thing." Luo Huachen's teasing voice came out again, "The Zilian Sword Code is in your hands, and finally broke through. A new situation, the old man is very pleased, I will go!"

"Don't go, old man!" Luo Tian howled to the sky filled with righteous indignation, but unfortunately his voice was quickly drowned out by the thunder exploding above his head, "You are bullying people! Old ancestor, you wait! Ahh...I must go to the fairy world to clean you up..."

Soon, Luo Tian finally resigned himself to his fate after exploring the inside of his spiritual sense. At this moment, the only methods he can use are the mutated Zilian Sword Code and the Seven Heaven-Cracking Styles. In this way, it was destroyed by the inhuman ancestors.

Luo Tian regretted that the scene was green, and immediately something happened that made him regret even more.

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