
Chapter 454 Rain-covering magical powers!


At this time, the Nascent Soul in Luo Tian's body finally opened his mouth lazily, and spit out a golden bead. The bead was plain, without any light from it, but it was enough to make Luo Tian's eyes straighten.

"Spray peach blossom honey on your face!" Luo Tian howled miserably, "God is playing with me, isn't it just cursing a few words of heaven, how come out of a Yuanshen Jinzhu! This is better than Bai Shijie! That unlucky guy is several times more unlucky than the pervert!"

Yuanshen Jinzhu, as the name suggests, is a perverted thing that surpasses the Yuanshen Silver Bead revealed by Bai Shijie when he crossed the catastrophe by several times.This thing is innately and automatically generated, and it is specially designed to restrain the heavenly punishment and catastrophe during the ascension of the Mahayana period. However, Luo Tian revealed it when he was going through the ninety-nine catastrophes, which means that Luo Tian will have to go through at least three levels when he ascends in the future. catastrophe...

Thinking that he has not even passed the Ninety-Nine Heavenly Tribulation in front of him, Luo Tian wanted to curse in his heart. Others can spend the Ninety-Nine Heavenly Tribulation equally in the three cultivation periods of the Transcending Tribulation Period, but Luo Tian Only the guys who cultivated at the early stage of the Tribulation Crossing Period obviously have to go through all the ninety-nine days of Tribulation now.Luo Tian, ​​a guy who has always been cautious about enemies, can't help but hate the guys from the Tiandao League to the bone, God, my god, I will uproot all the foundations of your fairy world sooner or later!

Triple Heavenly Tribulation, that's even more perverted than Bai Shijie's Double Heavenly Tribulation!Luo Tian looked up at the sky, the sky was almost ravaged by sky thunder, and there was no aura of heaven and earth, and the abnormally abnormal guy who was about to go through the complete nine-nine-day calamity at the beginning of the tribulation period was ready to go all out.

Luo Tian didn't know whether Yuanshen Jinzhu was useful for the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation, but he hoped that it would be useless, otherwise he would have to go back and forth three times for the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation.

Fortunately, Luo Tian finally did not suffer another blow. This time, he successfully passed the seventh floor of the Nine-Nine Heavens Tribulation, leaving only the last two floors.

At this time, the two bright eyes in the sky suddenly moved.

Chi Chi!

This time, nine white thunderbolts suddenly fell from the light eye on the left. The nine white thunderbolts were tens of feet thick and kept making low-pitched buzzing sounds. Shake the primordial spirit, and let the primordial spirit be knocked out of the body at once, as if directly bearing the baptism of the sky thunder.

"This white sky thunder has a powerful soul attack, but it's not enough to defeat me!"

Luo Tian let out a wild roar, pinched his hands, and two clusters of light flew out of his body. The Bodhi Mountain and the black lotus flower above his head shook violently, and immediately turned into two beams of light that plunged into the depths of Luo Tian's primordial spirit.

"Seven Heaven-Splitting Forms, Sixth Form, Universe Shakes!"

With a loud shout, countless bluish-black brilliance burst out from Luo Tian's body, and they were condensed in his hands at once. The next moment, Luo Tian's palms merged, and with the help of the abundant power of wood origin in his body and the suddenly mutated primordial spirit, Instantly condensed a deep purple sword light emitting flames, the sword light flew out from the hand, and immediately collided with nine white thunderbolts that were almost in a straight line.

As if the end of the world, Luo Tian's attack and the impact of nine white thunders made a loud noise that could shatter the world!

After nine consecutive sounds, although Luo Tian's mana was emptied dozens of times in an instant, if these dozens of times were not provided by the power of the wood source with the strongest vitality in the world, no matter how powerful Luo Tian's body and soul were, He will also die cleanly, not even a trace of soul can escape!

Wiping the cold sweat off his forehead casually, Luo Tian was extremely surprised. It wasn't that the eighth layer of sky thunder was too powerful, but that he discovered that the purple lotus sword energy blessed by the Nine Flames Xuan Gong had almost reached the point where it could shatter the void at any time. , this kind of power is the ultimate between heaven and earth, and it made him instantly comprehend the sixth form of the seven forms of splitting the sky. If you support it, it won't be so easy.

Of course, this kind of ease is only for Luo Tian who is only slightly injured.Unexpectedly, with the disappearance of the three miraculous achievements in his body, Luo Tian actually felt a little bit like a misfortune.

The way of heaven, could it be that he still can't escape the way of heaven?

Luo Tian's eyes suddenly sharpened, and as he glanced around, the void around him was constantly broken and reorganized, reorganized and broken, and this cycle continued continuously.At this moment, there is not a trace of law left in his body, and the three miraculous skills suddenly dissipated, which made Luo Tian more aware that none of the laws in this world, including the supreme three thousand ways of law, seems to be suitable for him to practice now.

"Break fate! I want to break the fate of this world, my fate is up to me!"

Luo Tian let out a roar as clear and clear as clouds, his long hair fluttered loosely, layers of dense sword light with flames on his body kept flowing, and finally wandered back and forth from inside and outside Luo Tian's body.

Luo Tian seems to have caught something!


From the depths of the primordial spirit in the body, Bodhi Mountain flew out suddenly, and the Yuhua pond on Bodhi Mountain suddenly boiled, and the Bodhi Holy Tree seemed to have been ravaged by a gust of wind, and the laws of heaven and earth around it rotated rapidly, and began to happen. A little bit of cracking, and finally those vast and incomparable laws of heaven and earth were smashed into the holy bodhi tree at once. The green brilliance directly enveloped the entire Bodhi Mountain, and immediately after that, Bodhi Mountain turned into a small thing like a lotus seed, which instantly pierced through the void and disappeared.


Luo Tian was shocked when he saw this, and cried out extremely resentfully.

Bang bang!

At this time, Luo Tian felt the black lotus under the nascent seat in his body stretch out, and the petals stretched in all directions. In the center of the black lotus, the mysterious place that Angel Luo couldn't see with all his strength, suddenly appeared. A broken three-color disc with endless vicissitudes, the reason why the three-color disc is called broken is because there are three vacant holes on it.

What stunned Luo Tian was that a layer of radiance suddenly appeared on one of the three incomplete openings. After the radiance evaporated, a cyan bead as small as a lotus seed filled it. I saw the Bodhi Mountain shining brightly, and after a while, the upper third of the three-color disc was completely covered by the cyan light. The place seems to be reborn, the broken surface on it disappears without a trace, and there are countless patterns of strange laws intertwined and entangled, as if evolving the birth and death of an era.

For a long time, Luo Tianfu laughed heartily, looking at a black sky thunder crashing down from high in the sky, he proudly stretched out his hands.

"Self-created second type of supernatural power, covering the rain!"

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