
Chapter 455 Strange Domain, Go to the Western Regions!

There was no strange change in Luo Tian's outstretched hands. His hands were still so ordinary, but they were as white and delicate as a baby's skin, without any blemishes.


With a flash of colorful brilliance on his body, Luo Tian teleported directly into the air, his hands still maintaining the posture they had just stretched out, motionless.But Bai Yan'er, who was standing below like a wooden figure, opened her mouth wide, as if she saw a scene that was beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Behind Luo Tian, ​​countless lights and shadows suddenly appeared. These lights and shadows were densely intertwined and merged in one place, like a thousand-handed Avalokitesvara in the Buddhist world, densely packed arms appeared. These arms were either bare-handed, or holding powerful magic weapons. The magic weapons have knives and guns Swords, halberds, axes, hooks, spears, golden bowls, pestles, spears, canopies, musical instruments, etc., are swung in an instant, and these arms composed of light and shadow inspire irregular twisting attacks, which are extremely messy. scattered in the air, almost covering the entire sky.

Bang bang bang!

Luo Tian stood quietly on the spot, and the thousands of lights and shadows behind him stretched out their arms. At this moment, it wasn't him who was attacking, but he was attacking again!Of course, the former is Luo Tian's physical body without any action trajectory, while the latter points directly at Luo Tian's original heart and the depths of his primordial spirit. It has reached an extremely frightening point, directly breaking through the tribulation stage, and then breaking through to the middle stage of the Mahayana stage, the late stage of the Mahayana stage, and the peak of the Mahayana stage!In the end, the unbreakable barrier at the peak of the Mahayana stage was suddenly broken by Luo Tian, ​​and he was forcibly elevated to the realm of a celestial being.

"My God!"

At this moment, even Luo Tian himself couldn't help but be dumbfounded. He just created this second type of supernatural power, which actually caused such a heaven-defying improvement in his soul. It seems like it's not over yet...

In the end, the primordial spirit in Luo Tian's body ascended to the peak of the immortal, and finally directly broke through the barrier of the real immortal!

"It's the effect of the three-color disc!" Luo Tian yelled ecstatically in his heart. The three-color disc only absorbed Bodhi Mountain and repaired a third, which would bring Luo Tiantian a big surprise. If it is completely restored, I'm afraid The entire fairy world can be left to him.

The division of the realm of the fairy world, Luo Tian had already learned a vague outline when he was in the Huntian Palace, and when he successfully handed over the Immortal Condensation Grass to the projection clone of the big man in the fairy world in this world, it became much clearer. When a monk who was recognized by the Xuanhuang Pagoda, he finally understood completely!

The realm of the fairy world is divided into: heavenly immortals, true immortals, flying immortals, mysterious immortals, golden immortals, immortal kings, and immortal kings.With the help of the three-color disc, Luo Tian has now promoted the Yuanshen Realm to the True Immortal Realm, which is really unprecedented!

Once the rain-covering supernatural power was used, the whole space seemed to be blown by a strong wind, and then the strong wind turned into a strong wind, a strong wind, and finally amid the whistling of the wind, the entire space was filled with rain. Ordinary raindrops are quite different. These raindrops are all formed by the energy of heaven and earth, and each raindrop has extremely fierce attack power.

The rain is all over the sky, more than tens of thousands of drops.


It was just a dull soft sound, and the last nine black thunders of the Nine-Nine Heavens Tribulation suddenly disappeared, tempered into nothingness by the endless rain, but before Luo Tian could use his supernatural powers to catch the trajectory of the sky thunders After a good calculation, the flames in the sky suddenly faded, and then disappeared without a trace.


Seeing Luo Tian successfully survived the Ninety-Nine Tribulations from below, Bai Yan'er couldn't help being extremely excited, and her face was overjoyed.

"what is this?!"

Luo Tian didn't hear Bai Yan'er's call at all. At this moment, the power of wood origin in his body was finally absorbed, and the top-grade wood spirit root condensed out. It soared to the peak of the tribulation period.But these are far less deafening than the scene behind!

From Luo Tian's primordial spirit, a strange power that had never been seen before was suddenly extended. This power grew up from being weak at the beginning, and finally formed a strange black area in Luo Tian's body.

clap clap!

Luo Tian walked into the black area full of doubts, feeling down-to-earth, and then Luo Tian looked around.

In front of him seemed to be a sea of ​​thick and heavy black clouds. Above the sea of ​​clouds stood a tall, black mountain. The tip of the iceberg of this mountain was detected.

Suddenly, Luo Tian's eyes froze, his face full of disbelief.

He saw a huge black lotus flower blooming proudly under the black mountain peak. This black lotus flower actually supported the entire black mountain peak. Looking at it, Luo Tian was stunned again. Why is this black lotus flower so familiar?

Black lotus magic weapon!

Luo Tian was stunned for a few breaths, and a flash of light flashed in his mind.The black lotus magic weapon appeared here, but what about the Yuanying and Yuanshen Jinzhu?

Quickly looking inside his body, Luo Tian's face turned pale all of a sudden, Yuanying and Yuanshen Jinzhu disappeared, they were originally staying on the black lotus magic weapon, could it be this strange black mountain...

Thinking of this, the colorful lights on Luo Tian's body flickered again and again, and soon he reached the top of the black mountain. The two spiritual eyes, one purple and one blue, which had evolved sword aura, just swept away, and Luo Tian slapped his forehead feebly, yes , Yuanying and Yuanshen Jinzhu have turned into the strange black mountain in front of them!

"What is this called?"

Luo Tian had a headache for a while, and then his consciousness moved, and he found that the black mountain still obeyed his command just like Yuanying, and he was relieved a lot, but Yuanying was used to seeing it, and the black mountain transformed into Nascent Soul was so strange, and it made Luo Tian What makes Tian extremely entangled is that the fluctuations on this black mountain seem to be a bit weird, and the specific effect will have to be discovered later.

"Yan'er, let's leave this place first." Luo Tian doesn't know what is going on with the newly evolved strange domain in his body for the time being, but he feels that his primordial spirit is still there, so he doesn't bother to think about it for the time being .

"Ah! You!" Bai Yan'er blushed and shouted shyly, "Hurry up and put on your clothes!"

"Oh, what's the fuss, it's not like you haven't seen it before." Luo Tian chuckled, took out a set of clothes from the Naxu ring, and left the place holding Bai Yan'er's hands after putting them on.

As everyone knows, just as Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er got out of the screen, the whole world shook violently, the space kept breaking, and it couldn't heal itself at all.

"Quick, let's get out of this place!"

A burst of colorful rays of light shot out from Luo Tian's body, directly enveloping the two of them completely. Immediately afterwards, the waves and blue clouds protected the two of them all at once, broke through the void, shuttled through the void with difficulty, and finally rushed through the broken Ice Sea Immortal Mansion. It still didn't stop, it rushed out of the bottom of the sea in one breath, and flew directly to the sky above ten thousand feet.


The originally silent sea of ​​ice below suddenly spewed hundreds of feet of water waves within a radius of a thousand miles, smashing through the thick ice layer on the sea surface, then throwing it into the air, and finally fell into the water again, and the water waves rose again , So it lasted for a meal before stopping.

"Terrifying power of heaven and earth." Luo Tian's throat seemed a little dry. Even if he is currently at the peak of the tribulation stage, he might be seriously injured if he resists this kind of power between heaven and earth.

"Sanggong, where are we going next?" Bai Yan'er seemed addicted to playing.

"Go to the Western Regions." Luo Tian scratched Bai Yan'er's little nose amusedly.

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