
Chapter 463 Refining all!

"The Xuanhuang Pagoda is so strong!"

Luo Tian, ​​who was secretly hiding in the void, couldn't help being surprised. No wonder the elder Fang said meaningfully earlier that if you want to kill, you should kill him quickly. It turns out that the winner of the Xuanhuang Pagoda bodyguard has such a heaven-defying defense.

"Hmph! With the protection of the Xuanhuang Pagoda, I can't do anything to you for the time being, but after the Xuanhuang Secret Realm is opened, no matter how many people protect you, I will definitely kill you!" The white-robed youth said angrily with an ugly expression.

"I'll wait for you." Fang Yun replied coldly, "I'm afraid you won't die!"

"Little guy, you haven't been kicked in the head, have you?" The green-robed youth looked at Fang Yun contemptuously, "Now that you have the protection of the Xuanhuang Pagoda, we can't do anything to you. A finger could poke you to death."

"If you have the ability, you will stab me to death right now?" Fang Yun mocked.


Luo Tian almost cramped from laughing, and never noticed that Fang Yun was so good at talking. Could it be that he really followed the old saying, rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry, and dogs jump over walls when they are in a hurry?

"A group of people who only know the prestige of foxes and tigers, I hope you don't die in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm." After Fang Yun finished speaking, the Xuanhuang Pagoda above his head directly sprinkled a lavender light curtain, and then Fang Yun and the Xuanhuang Pagoda disappeared together.Although the other party had no choice but to have Fang Yun who was protected by the Xuanhuang Tower, but Fang Yun couldn't help the two of them, so he had to choose to leave.

Xuanhuang secret realm!Luo Tian knew about this mysterious existence when he became the first winner of the Nine Xuanhuang Pagodas, but at that time he only knew that there was a treasure in the Xuanhuang Mystery Realm that made all second-level monks crazy about it, and he didn't know exactly what it was. clear.

"Bah! Ants!" The green-robed youth spat fiercely, and he had no choice but to swallow his cowardice today.

"Hmph, you think you can do nothing with the Xuanhuang Pagoda's body protection?" The white-robed youth sneered, "Great Zhoutian tearing technique!"

With his hands in a circle, palms condensed by countless laws of heaven and earth appeared behind the young man in white robes. Some of them resembled Luo Tian's supernatural powers of covering rain. They directly tore open the void and attacked Fang Yun from a long distance away.This kind of supernatural power is almost comparable to that of an immortal. If Fang Yun is disturbed by this blow, he will be lost in the turbulent flow of space forever. Only the face can exert its power.


With a soft sound, the palms all over the sky were blocked by a layer of cyan light curtain falling from the sky, and then they were all wiped out.

"who is it!"

The young man in white robe couldn't help shouting angrily.

"You people who want to kill you!" A cyan light and shadow came out of the void, it was Luo Tian's second clone, and every time the second clone took a step forward in the void, the light curtain in the void expanded several times, and in a blink of an eye The two young men in white robes were almost enveloped within it.

"Junior, step back, it's Taiyi Dongxuan divine light!" The white-robed young man couldn't help but shouted with a changed expression. The thickness and power of the Taiyi Dongxuan divine light in front of him was beyond his knowledge. It has already been extinct in the fairy world, how could it appear in the third-order plane of Tianxuan plane.

"Can I retreat?"

In an instant, the retreat of the two of them was blocked by a black mass of light covering the sun and clouds, among which 49 jet-black flying swords flew up and down alternately, completely sealing off the entire space.If the two young men in white robes fled into the void with the idea of ​​escaping from the beginning, even Luo Tian would have a hard time trapping each other. After all, the opponents are two Mahayana monks, and their cultivation is high enough to run rampant across all planes.

However, now that Luo Tian has refined the sword formation, and has the second clone of Taiyi Dongxuan Divine Light, coupled with the pressure from the Immortal Primordial Spirit, the most important thing is that Luo Tian's current physical body is comparable to a low-grade fairy weapon. If the opponent didn't have a fairy treasure in his hand, Luo Tian would be able to easily leapfrog to kill.

"Who are you!" The green-robed young man finally realized that something was wrong, and began to shout loudly. The light flowing from the green robe on his body turned out to be a low-grade defensive fairy weapon. It rolled and flowed above, and was quickly dissolved into nothingness by hundreds of sharp sword qi in the purple lotus sword array.

The young man in white robe seemed to be really angry. He opened his mouth and sprayed out a green light. The green light condensed into a blue bird in the air. Finally, a soft radiance appeared on the blue wings all over his body.


Luo Tian, ​​who had greeted the green-robed youth hundreds of punches one after another, had a look on his face. This ancient cultivator's heritage is really rich, and he can tame a fairy beast like Qingluan as a mount, but this Qingluan in front of him is too weak. It's just a different bird with part of Qingluan's blood.

"Brother, this guy is so strong!" The green-robed youth shouted loudly. He was attacked by Luo Tian in close quarters. No matter how powerful Taoist magic powers he possessed, it was useless to cast powerful Taoism at such a close distance. Shentong will definitely involve himself, and he will also belch when the time comes.

"Junior brother hold on for a moment, I am entangled by this guy's second clone, why is his second clone so strong!" the white-robed youth said in surprise and anger.

Generally speaking, the second avatar is just a means to save life. In case the main body is destroyed by the opponent, the second avatar can also rely on the main body's perception of heaven to re-cultivate, but it is extremely difficult to cultivate to the original body. .

But when they met Luo Tian, ​​both Luo Tian's main body and the second clone had absorbed the power of wood origin, and their cultivation had grown extremely fast, making Luo Tian's second clone almost catch up with the main body's cultivation.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to wait until your senior brother comes to rescue you!"

Luo Tian grinned, and the attack became even more violent. The heavenly laws on the low-grade defensive fairy clothes on the green-robed youth were bombarded less and less by Luo Tian. In the end, Luo Tian took the green-robed young man's body like a demon possessed. A long hole was forcibly opened in the fairy robe, and it took a lot of effort for Luo Tian's body to be comparable to a low-grade fairy now.

"Ah! Yuqing Jiuxuantian!"

The green-robed monk yelled in pain. Most of the magic robes on his body had been destroyed by the opponent, and he couldn't care about anything else at the moment. Flipping his hands was an earth-shattering supernatural power.


A nine-story staircase came down from the void that was originally blocked by Luo Tian. The nine-story staircase was shrouded in light, and countless runes danced endlessly. The green-robed monk broke away from Luo Tian's control and stood directly At the highest point of the nine steps, looking down at Luo Tian condescendingly, there is a faint jade-colored glow in his eyes.

"Break all laws with strength!"

Luo Tian let out a low shout, and his whole body instantly became hundreds of feet tall. He punched out with a wave of his hand, and directly sent the nine steps flying horizontally. The power is fully increased by fifteen times.

The nine steps exploded directly, and the green-robed youth began to burn endless life energy. It seemed that he had cast an extremely astonishing secret technique.


Luo Tian landed several more punches, and the green-robed youth was directly beaten into a meatloaf by Luo Tian, ​​and was quickly sucked in by the black pagoda in his body, becoming the nourishment of the black pagoda.

"Junior brother!" the white-robed young man growled with his eyes tearing apart.

"Scream! You're going to accompany him soon!" Luo Tian strode forward, and the purple lotus sword array shrank even more. He didn't allow any mistakes, and today he will kill and refine these two personalities.

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