
Chapter 464 The Flower God Plane and the Flower Fairy Reappear

"It's not that easy to refine me!"

The white-robed youth roared loudly, and countless strange flowers of various colors appeared behind him, each of which displayed an incomparable color, and slowly opened up, the charming brilliance seemed to make people fall in love at a glance. in.

"Great Zhoutian tearing technique!"

"Yuqing Cave Heaven Dafa!"

"The sea of ​​flowers is boundless!"

"His grandma!" Luo Tian roared even louder, "You bastard, you keep saying that you ascended to the ancient cultivator world from the Tianxuan plane, now the tail of the fox is exposed! The traitor of Hua Shendao! "

"What! You're not fascinated by the illusion?" The white-robed youth looked shocked.

In an instant, Luo Tian had a flash of inspiration, as if he had grasped many inexplicable and unknowable factors in the Profound Sky Plane, and these factors were slowly combined together, as if there was a glimmer of light in the vague secrets of heaven.

"Die!" The young man in white robe displayed his comprehended supernatural powers and rushed towards Luo Tianfei in the next moment.

Luo Tian was united with spirit and spirit, as if he didn't see the white-robed youth, the black pagoda in his body gave birth to countless powers, and began to refine the green-robed youth he had just absorbed.Countless streaks of light emanated from the black pagoda, refining all the magic weapons on the green-robed youth, and even the celestial robe and the nine-story steps were honed into nourishment and absorbed into the black pagoda. The elixir is also inevitably refined.

"You will regret opposing my Yuqing Palace!" When the soul of the green-robed young man was finally refined, such a sentence came.

Luotian Eight Winds refined everything about the young man in green robe, his expression was unshakable. He felt that the black pagoda in his body and the magic weapon of black lotus seemed to be closely connected together. It can almost be refined into a low-grade fairy weapon.

"It really is a bottomless pit!"

There was a flash of light in Luo Tian's eyes, and the purple lotus sword formation accelerated its contraction, compressing the space including the white-robed youth to hundreds of feet at once, and it was still shrinking bit by bit. All the sword formations showed signs of instability.

"What! You ants are actually refining magic weapons when you are fighting me?!" The white-robed youth is a holy monk in the late Mahayana period after all, and he is only one step away from ascending to the fairy world. When it melted, he sensed a trace of breath, and couldn't help but smoke from the seven orifices.

"you know too much."

Luo Tian glanced coldly at the young man in white robe. At this moment, the young man in white robe was drawn by the continuous sword force of the purple lotus sword array. Luo Tian was a hundred feet in front of him, but he was just out of reach. Can't get close.

"Yuqing Destruction Technique!"

"The God of Flowers Fascinates the Sky!"

The young man in white robe furiously used two incredible supernatural powers. Now that his identity is known to Luo Tian, ​​his heart is filled with endless murderous intent.You must know that his identity has always been top-secret information, and must not be known by outsiders.

The two powerful supernatural powers were released at the same time, and Luo Tian's purple lotus sword formation was immediately forced hundreds of feet away. At that moment, the void around the young man in white robe was distorted, and the space collapsed and collapsed layer by layer. When the void healed, various flowers appeared in the space, and these flowers finally condensed into a huge human face. Seven or eight streaks of hundreds of feet long erupted from the human face, almost killing Luo Tian. The space blockade that had been painstakingly arranged was broken, and the naked light swept out, and the next moment it fell towards Luo Tian.

The divine light in Luo Tian's eyes shot out like a sword. At this moment, he finally refined the green-robed youth completely. The supernatural powers and the laws of heaven and earth realized by the green-robed youth were also captured by the black pagoda.

Absorbed cleanly.

"Is it enough to jump around? It's my turn."

Luo Tian smiled faintly, and typed out the magic formula in his hand like a butterfly wearing a flower. Fortunately, the second avatar had Taiyi Dongxuan Shenguang body protection, otherwise the white-robed youth went crazy just now, I am afraid that the second avatar would at least be seriously injured.

Luo Tian in front controlled the purple lotus sword formation, and the second avatar Taiyi Dongxuan Divine Light in the rear swayed wantonly, and the white-robed youth was immediately caught in a dilemma between front and back attack.

Suddenly, the white-robed youth no longer cared about hiding his strength, and his body burned instantly, and it seemed that he was also burning his lifespan.A bright spot in the middle of the eyebrows suddenly formed, and finally turned into an extremely fast light that was shot directly, and what was wrapped in the light was a magic weapon that Luo Tian had never seen before.

A flower basket, a flower basket shining with strange colors!

As soon as the flower basket appeared, countless arcs of light radiated out, and Luo Tian's eyes were stabbed. The strange light of the sword in the eyes seemed to be restrained, and it shattered directly in front of Luo Tian. With a sudden hit, the void behind him immediately shattered, and the whole person was directly embedded in the void, as if embedded in an extremely hard rock.

puff puff!

Luo Tian felt the endless force of space tearing from all directions, cutting his skin into pieces, and couldn't help but spurt out two mouthfuls of blood.

"Ants, you really pissed me off, die! The flower god is coming!" the white-robed youth managed to recover from his decline, and roared ferociously.

At this moment, Bai Yan'er and Huang Hao, who were brought into the inner world by Luo Tian, ​​were in a state of violent shaking. With their cultivation base of an eleventh-level monster and their cultivation base of an early fusion stage, the world would almost collapse in this world. Even the idea of ​​​​resistance can't be born in such a situation, it is really terrible!

In the air, the strange flower basket that made Luo Tian vomit blood under that blow slowly turned, and the face behind the white-robed youth swung upwards and fell directly above the flower basket. The human face made of flowers suddenly changed into a voluptuous figure.

"Flowers wishful!"

Luo Tian struggled out of the void, and communicated with the power of the wood origin in the inner world to repair the physical body. The physical body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, looking uncertainly at the figure who stretched out a plain white jade hand to grab the flower basket .

Hua Ruyi, the flower goblin encountered in the Star Sea, is the descendant of the ancient flower god.Combining all the things he had seen before, Luo Tian understood it all at once, "What a steal, flower fairy, I didn't expect it to be you!"

"Giggle, long time no see." A smile appeared on the flower fairy's goddess-like face, but the smile at the moment was full of murderous intent, "I don't know if people should call you Han Yihao or Luo Tianhao ?”

"Master Huashen, this person already knows my identity, and he must not be spared!" The white-robed youth changed his previous arrogance and said respectfully.

"I'm doing things, it's not your turn to tell me what to do." Hua Ruyi's face turned cold, a strange light flashed in her eyes, and the young man in white robe shot out a bloody arrow.

"I didn't expect it to be normal." Hua Ruyi's face was soft, "I wanted to accept you as a pawn in this plane, but now it seems that I can't keep you."

"At the beginning, I begged Master Qiankun to take action, but I couldn't figure out your origin. You really hid it deeply enough!" Luo Tian said with a livid face.

"Master Qiankun? What is he, he can figure out the origin of me!" A trace of disdain flashed on Hua Ruyi's face, and then her face softened again, "Luo Tian, ​​I will erase all your primordial consciousness , and then control your body, don't resist, the exquisite flower basket in my hand is a low-grade top-level fairy weapon, you can't stop it."

"If you can't stop it, you have to stop it!"

Luo Tian's consciousness was shocked, and the Great Wilderness Immortal Sword appeared in his hand, driving all his mana to slash out. He knew that this time was the biggest crisis he had faced since his debut, and if he couldn't get through it, he might die.

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