
Chapter 465 The power of the twin towers, cheated?

"Hehe, the Luo family's number one fairy treasure, the Great Wilderness Sword, I never thought that Luo Huachen, who is soft and stubborn, would pass it on to you." Hua Ru thought that Luo Tian had sacrificed the Great Wilderness Sword, and smiled coquettishly, and the flower basket in her hand went to you. In the previous delivery, a phantom of the flower basket magnified countless times emerged from the flower basket. This exquisite flower basket was originally claimed to be ranked in the top ten of all second-order plane magic weapons, so it naturally possessed great power. This blow was like a mountain. Ruhai is in prison, making people unable to hide.

The next moment, the Great Wilderness Immortal Sword uttered a mournful sword cry, and was suppressed uncontrollably. The phantom from the Linglong Flower Basket tightly suppressed the Great Wilderness Immortal Sword within the phantom.

Luo Tian, ​​who was connected with the Great Wilderness Sword, also felt the humiliation and unwillingness of the Great Wilderness Sword. Dazzling pictures appeared in front of him like a revolving lantern. It was all the scenes from Luo Tian's crossing to the Tianxuan plane, and the scenes were played back. up.

"Hmph! Under the coercion of the treasure of the exquisite flower basket, no monk below the heavenly level can resist, and will eventually get lost in the illusion and die. But dying in the illusion is considered cheap, kid!" Bai The young man in robe couldn't help but thought to himself, fortunately, the projected avatar of Lord Flower God brought this treasure down this time, otherwise he might die of hatred.

"Reincarnation, Six Paths, Evolution..."

Luo Tian seemed to be in a daze, even the second clone stopped, floating quietly in mid-air without moving.

"I see!"

Suddenly, Luo Tian opened his eyes, swords swept out of his eyes, and the aura around him continued to rise.

"Mahayana stage?" Hua Ruyi looked indifferently at Luo Tian who broke through to the Mahayana stage in an instant, "Under the Linglong flower basket, Mahayana stage monks are also ants!"

"is it?"

Luo Tian had a faint smile on his face, "Then let me show you the methods of ants."

"Seven Heaven-Splitting Movements: Wheel-running supernatural powers!"

Luo Tian divided his hands, and the empty door on his body was wide open. Looking carefully, the gesticulations performed by each of his hands were completely different. In a short while, he typed out thousands of gesticulations, and finally his hands were like the horns of antelopes. Hit hard into the sky.

With this blow, the entire sky and earth changed color, the wind billowed and thunder roared, as if the entire void had fallen into an era of ancient chaos and undivided heaven and earth, countless laws of heaven and earth condensed and automatically merged into nutrients for increasing power.Under this blow, the Mahayana cultivator would probably be killed by a single blow, without even a trace of soul escaping.

"Bai Shijie's Sky Splitting Seven Styles!" Hua Ruyi's complexion finally changed slightly.

"Impossible!" The white-robed youth couldn't help shouting, "How could he use such an astonishingly powerful move!"

"Tricks? The most powerful thing is you!" Luo Tian coldly glanced at the white-robed young man, "You have been making noise for a long time, and my ears can't be quiet all the time, so I can't spare you!"


Different from the magical power of turning the wheel, this time Luo Tian's left and right hands respectively used the magical powers of turning clouds and covering rain, and directly rolled up the white-robed youth.

"Lord Flower God, save me!" The majestic monk in the late Mahayana stage didn't have any self-esteem at the moment, and the white-robed youth wailed like a bereaved dog.


At this time, Luo Tian's magical power of turning the wheel pierced through the light curtain projected by the exquisite flower basket in Hua Ruyi's hand, and with a movement of consciousness, the Great Wilder Immortal Sword immediately turned into a stream of light and flew directly back into Luo Tian's body.

"Do you think that if you have entered the Mahayana stage, there is nothing I can do to get you?" Hua Ruyi smiled, and Tankou lightly said, "In the end, there will still be no change."

"Flower Fairy, you think too highly of yourself!" Luo Tian laughed loudly, "I can't do anything to you, but take a look at what this is?"


A purple-red pagoda appeared directly above Luo Tian's head, and Hua Ruyi's powerful coercion disappeared immediately.

"Xuanhuang Pagoda!" Hua Ruyi's complexion changed drastically, "You are actually the winner of Xuanhuang Pagoda!"


At this time, Luo Tian let out a soft shout, and the young man in white robe finally exploded into a cloud of blood mist under the pincer attack of the two supernatural powers of turning the cloud and covering the rain. The blood-red ball, and then the second clone flew back into Luo Tian's body during Hua Ruyi's moment of surprise.

"So much energy!"

Luo Tian swallowed it in front of Hua Ruyi, and the fist-sized blood cells directly entered Luo Tian's inner world, scattered all at once, and were completely absorbed by the black pagoda in the inner world.


The black pagoda absorbed so much energy and the laws of heaven and earth, and broke through the shackles of the spirit treasure at once, and forcibly advanced to the level of a low-grade fairy weapon.

"Flower Fairy, I'll see how you kill me! You look good, so let's stay!" Luo Tian laughed loudly, "You are barely qualified to be my concubine."

Hua Ruyi's expression remained unchanged, her mouth pouted, and she glanced at Luo Tian resentfully, "My friend, is she only suitable to be a concubine?"

Luo Tian laughed teasingly and said: "Master Huashen is a concubine, isn't it too high for you?"


"Okay, it's time, it's time to send you on your way!" Luo Tian finally showed his sharp claws, the world in his body opened up, and the black pagoda flew out of it.

"The world inside the body! This is unique to Feixian! How could you have it?!" Hua Ruyi almost didn't even pop her eyes, not to mention that she is just a projection clone now, even her body is far from reaching Luo Luo. At the level of the sky, a world is born in the body.

"Suppress me!"

Luo Tian shouted loudly, the laws of heaven and earth gushed out from the words, and there were also endless and melancholy avenues winding around the black pagoda.

The black pagoda completely suppressed the surrounding space all at once, and all the spaces were blocked. At this moment, the entire space was suppressed by the newly promoted black pagoda, and not even a mosquito could escape.

Hua Ruyi finally had a big change in her appearance. Even after beating her to death, she never expected that Luo Tian, ​​who she always thought would be safe to die, was not only the winner of the Xuanhuang Pagoda, but also cultivated the inner world, which completely overturned her previous cognition.

"Exquisite Cave!"

Holding an exquisite flower basket, Hua Ruyi kept walking in the space blocked by the suppression of the black pagoda. Every step she took was hundreds of miles away, trying to find the flaws in Luo Tian's inner world.The exquisite flower basket in his hand emitted layers of misty colorful rays of light, resisting the momentum suppressed by the black pagoda.At this moment, it seems that Hua Ruyi is about to transform into a world, a world that cannot be suppressed.

"Want to refine the Linglong flower basket to break the space barrier?" Luo Tian smiled coldly, stretched out his hand and pointed to the depths of the void, Hua Ruyi's body trembled, and the glow on the Linglong flower basket seemed to be suppressed by an extremely domineering force.

Luo Tian now knows that some special immortal treasures can be refined in the body by the master to attract the catastrophe in advance. The hole card arranged by birth.However, this kind of special fairy treasure that can be refined into the body has always been very rare.

Hua Ruyi, who couldn't stop walking in the void, stopped her body suddenly, turned around suddenly, her eyes were full of sarcasm.

"Luo Tian, ​​you've been fooled!"

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