
Chapter 468 The Shocked Scruffy Old Man!

Who is this person, what a strong cultivation base!

Luo Tian's complexion changed drastically, and he was extremely shocked. It was obvious that the person who shot secretly just now had reached the point where he couldn't follow his words, and even made the black pagoda in Luo Tian's body tremble uncontrollably. This kind of power, at least It can only be possessed by super masters of Feixian level.But having said that, how could a super expert at the Feixian level stay in the Tianxuan plane and not ascend?You must know that a monk at the level of Feixian can be considered a master in the fairy world.

"Hehe, it's been so long since we last saw the little guy, and he has grown to such an extent!"

Luo Tian was about to hide in the magic weapon of the black lotus, but he felt a coercion of heaven and earth coming directly, completely suppressing him from the inside out, and the surrounding space was sealed and airtight. Surging, each one is as thick as a child's arm.

Luo Tian surreptitiously exerted all his strength to twist, and was shocked to find that at this moment, he didn't even have the qualifications to move a vellus hair!

"What a rough law of heaven and earth! What a tyrannical cultivation!"

Thoughts turned sharply in his mind, Luo Tian thought of hundreds of ways in the blink of an eye, but he immediately denied them one by one. Judging by the current situation, he might not even have a chance to hide in the space of the black lotus.However, with the opponent's tyrannical cultivation base, he would kill him before he came up, and the situation has not yet reached the end of the mountain, so there is still room for change.


There was a flower in front of Luo Tian, ​​and he unexpectedly entered another world involuntarily. This world is endless, full of mountains and rivers, as if a landscape ink painting with extremely high brushstrokes is in front of him.

At this time, the black pagoda in Luo Tian's inner world moved, and it suddenly flew above Luo Tian's head, and when it came up, it was about to forcefully suppress this inexplicable world.

"This world is actually the inner world!"

Landslides and landslides, rivers flow backwards, and the landscape world in front of him collapsed and destroyed on a large scale under the suppression of the black pagoda, and the thick laws of heaven and earth in the opponent's internal world suddenly broke down.

"Little brat, don't hurry up and stop!"

The scene in front of him changed again, Luo Tian looked in front of him with a slightly dizzy head, and the scene in front of him finally returned to clarity from blur.

"It's you!"

Luo Tian turned pale with shock. He guessed countless people and the super expert who directly stripped the qualifications of the Nine Heavens Plane this time without guessing a word, turned out to be him!

The sloppy old Taoist priest I haven't seen for a long time!

"Damn it, old bastard, give me back the Wudusuo Immortal Sword!" Luo Tian immediately yelled and scolded without any consideration, this old fellow hated him so much that he ran away when he snatched the Wudusuo Immortal Sword No, I didn't even say hello.

The sloppy old Taoist also had a dumbfounded expression. That expression was as innocent as possible. After a long time, the sloppy old Taoist sighed heavily: "You little fellow is simply inhuman! It's just a Mahayana cultivation base, just practice Out of the inner world, and the inner world is still so domineering, it is unreasonable to mess up the old Daoist's inner world!"

"Give me back the fairy artifact!" Luo Tian gritted his teeth and said.

"Come on, come here, let me touch the old Taoist first, how did you become such a monster?" The sloppy old Taoist looked anxious.

"Get out!" Luo Tiancai cursed directly regardless of whether the other party was a Feixian expert.

"Huh? Little guy, don't forget that I am a fairy!" The sloppy old Taoist's face was serious, and he really had a bit of a fairy air.

"You Immortal!" If it weren't for being unable to break through the pressure of the opponent's law of heaven and earth, Luo Tian would have fought desperately with the old Taoist.

"Full of foul language, your grandfather's, hurry up and tell the old Taoist, how did you cultivate the world inside your body?" the sloppy old Taoist shouted anxiously.

"Accompany me to take a trip to Luojia Mountain, this matter can still be considered." Luo Tianyun said lightly.

"Go, go quickly! The old Taoist has long since disliked those bastards in Luojia Mountain!" The sloppy old Taoist said anxiously.

"Go to hell! You don't have to accept the law of heaven and earth, I can't even move."

"... "


"Little bastard, you lied to my old man!"

Deep in the clouds, five thousand miles away from Luojia Mountain, the sloppy old Taoist priest jumped up and down and shouted, his tattered and dark Taoist robe was violently thrown up in the howling wind, occasionally revealing his dry The old skin, like folds, piled up layer by layer.

With a helpless expression, Luo Tian glanced at the sloppy old Taoist priest, hesitant to speak, the old god turned his head away and made up his mind to ignore this old guy.

"You mean that when you crossed the catastrophe, you cultivated the immortal soul in your body and achieved the world in your body. This is simply an anecdote from the Arabian Nights. I have lived for tens of thousands of years, not to mention seeing it, and I have never even heard of it. "

"Old miscellaneous hair, you slipped your tongue." Luo Tian hesitated for a moment, then opened his mouth with a trace of surprise on his face, "I didn't expect, I really didn't expect that you have lived for tens of thousands of years, you are simply an old antique who never dies ah."

"It doesn't matter to you." The sloppy old Taoist waved his hand, "Why don't you say that you are the reincarnation of a fairy, and you have achieved the inner world during the tribulation period. How come you are not killed by lightning!"

"God won't accept me, I can't help it." Luo Tian spread his hands, wondering why, "Old miscellaneous hair, please keep your voice down, we are going to destroy Luojia Mountain, and Luojia Mountain found out that you are so noisy. There will be no surprise effect."

"Bah! A sneak attack is a sneak attack, and you're talking so high-soundingly, don't expect the old way to make a move later." The sloppy old Taoist said proudly.

Luo Tian chuckled, I'm afraid I won't even be able to drink soup if you want to do it.He abducted the sloppy old Taoist priest to come here just to frighten the group of monks in Luojia Mountain, and he had to rely on himself to make a real move.

Finally, Luo Tian stopped at a place more than a thousand miles away from Luojia Mountain, thought carefully, and looked at the old Taoist priest, "Old miscellaneous hair, are you going to dive with me or go by yourself?"

The sloppy old Taoist said proudly: "Do you think the old Taoist is someone who wants to borrow your hand... Ah! This is Langhua Qingyun, your grandfather's, where did you get it?"

"Don't say it, don't say it." Just as Luo Tian stretched out the blue cloud, the old Taoist sneaked into the blue cloud, which really made people speechless.

"Tsk tsk, not bad, really good." The old Taoist explored his hand and took a sliver of spiritual energy from the Langhua Qingyun, and held it in his palm to observe carefully, "As expected of the Langhua Qingyun, it is much better than the old-fashioned Qingyun. My lucky star!"

Luo Tian had a headache for a while, and then stared at the sloppy old Taoist with a vigilant look, "Old miscellaneous hair, let me tell you, don't think about this Langhua Qingyun, it is a gift from others, if you are not afraid of being hunted down, don't touch anything." idea."

"Hmph!" the sloppy old Taoist grumbled, and went to the side to observe and study.

The mana in Luo Tian's body was running at full strength, and in just a short moment, he directly reached the high altitude above Luojia Mountain, and then slapped several palms on Luojia Mountain without hesitation.

Countless huge palms with a radius of tens of miles fell from the sky, and slapped fiercely towards the prohibition circle of the mountain gate on the outskirts of Luojia Mountain.

Boom boom boom!

"An enemy is coming!"

"Hurry up and report to the high-level sect, there is a strong enemy coming!"

"Ah! The people here are so powerful, the prohibition circle outside the mountain gate is about to be breached!"

Down below, there was a commotion at the outer gate of Luojia Mountain.

"Your grandfather's!" The sloppy old Taoist turned around and looked at Luo Tian, ​​when he saw an extremely incredible scene.

Luo Tian actually directly sacrificed the black pagoda in the inner world, covering an area with a radius of ten thousand miles. This method clearly intends to refine the entire Taoism of Luojia Mountain!

The sloppy old Taoist priest has seen the bold and the unscrupulous, but this time he was really shocked by Luo Tian's attack!And it was shocked twice in one day!

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