
Chapter 469 High Grade Immortal Artifact?

The slovenly old Taoist yelled, his small body kept shaking, "Are you crazy? The entire Luojia Mountain has a radius of ten thousand miles, and you want to refine it all. I am an old Taoist, but I can barely do it now." , your internal body world is obviously just taking shape, you are too greedy!"

Luo Tian's complexion was as firm as a demon god, his body was as motionless as a mountain, but the light of the sword in his eyes shot out of thin air, sweeping back and forth across the entire Luojia Mountain at once. At this moment, the prohibition circle around the gate of Luojia Mountain was almost smashed by Luo Tian. Luo Tian forcibly extracted a lot of spiritual energy from the ground, and the restraining circle was completely destroyed in an instant, and could no longer function.

Without the powerful prohibition circle defense, countless terrified disciples outside Luojia Mountain saw countless huge palms falling from the sky at once. Without any resistance, he was slapped to death by the huge palm, forcibly refined, which added a lot of power to the huge palm, and the huge palm fell directly, smashing countless grasses, trees, mountains and rocks below, and fell into the ground several feet deep.


"Quickly ask the elders of the inner sect for help, a powerful enemy is attacking!"

"Ah! Brother, give me a hand..."

A lot of Luojia Mountain monks gathered below. After Luo Tian forcibly broke through the prohibition circle protecting the mountain gate, they encountered a very pitiful end. As long as they were slapped by Luo Tian's huge palm, all of them would lose their souls. , Even if the magic weapon was sacrificed in an emergency, the magic weapon could not resist and shattered one after another.It's like, they are just poor turtles in a urn, Luo Tian can completely control their life and death, telling them to die in the third watch, he will never delay until the fifth watch!

"A sin!"

The sloppy old Taoist priest saw that Luo Tian was ruthless and killed hundreds of Luojiashan monks in a blink of an eye. He couldn't help but sigh secretly. .

In fact, when Luo Tian was thousands of miles away from Luojia Mountain, Luo Tian's heart was already filled with strong killing intent.On his body was a natal jade token that his father Luo Yuntu solemnly handed over to him. It was left by his mother who had never met, and it was the natal jade token of Luo Tian's own mother.In fact, at the beginning Luo Yunqi said that he would tell him everything about his mother when Luo Tian reached the realm of a royal powerhouse, but when Luo Tian reached the realm of a royal powerhouse, Luo Yunqi changed his mind again. Under Tian's threats and lures, he finally couldn't help but reveal some news. Luo Tian's biological mother came from a mysterious overseas force full of Styx flowers. Sha Sheng, just learned that there is only one place in Tianxinghai where there are many Styx flowers, and that is Luojia Mountain, which is rarely visited by people.It was just because of his low strength at that time and other delays, Luo Tian couldn't go to Mount Luojia in the end.Now that Luo Tian's cultivation has reached the stage of Mahayana, naturally he must first go to Luojia Mountain to bring his mother back to fulfill his filial piety.But when Luo Tian and the sloppy old Taoist priest arrived thousands of miles away from Luojia Mountain, Luo Tian suddenly found out with great anger that his mother's natal jade tablet was shattered.

There are only two situations when the natal jade card breaks, one is that the host of the natal jade card is completely destroyed; the other is that the host of the natal jade card breaks through the air and ascends.

These two situations, no matter which one, Luo Tian was extremely unwilling to see, so Luo Tian started killing as soon as he arrived at Luojia Mountain, without even saying hello, his mother was gone, and even with Luojiashan is so polite!

kill kill kill!God damn Luojia Mountain!

Luo Tian released the black pagoda in the inner world, directly covering the Luojia Mountain, which covers an area of ​​thousands of miles. This time he was really angry, and planned to kill Luojia Mountain!

"He Fangxiao is young, dare to offend Luojia Mountain, not afraid of disturbing the two adults who descended from the upper world?" An angry shout came from the depths of Luojia Mountain, and immediately a brilliant golden light shot from the depths of Luojia Mountain, With endless rolling golden cloud light, the light is so dazzling that countless Luojia Mountain monks below cannot see.

"The elder is mighty!"

"The elder is as powerful as the sky!"

The Luojia Mountain monk below, no matter whether he could see it or not, Faluo flattered and clapped wildly.

"How about Jinqiao!" Luo Tian's expression changed, "This is really the benefit of offering it to your door!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian reached out and grabbed it, a dragon claw condensed in the void, and arrived at the Luojia Mountain Elder in a flash from the air, the air exploded five times in succession, and five long swords emerged from the dragon claw With sharp claws, it grabbed onto the Naihe Golden Bridge with a bang.

"Hmph! But the Golden Bridge is something you can covet, but reincarnation, there are thousands of voids!" The elder of Luojia Mountain sneered, "One thought, one thought, one thought will become an eternal kingdom!"

"Eternal your uncle!"

Before Luo Tian could make a move, the sloppy old Taoist screamed, "Little bastard, the old Taoist will help you watch out for the fish that slipped through the net, and make sure that no one will be left alive! The little bastards of Luojia Mountain even want to annihilate the old Taoist together, I'm so pissed off!"

Before Luo Tian could figure it out, he realized that countless golden lights suddenly flashed on the Naihe Golden Bridge. Wherever the golden light swept over, the void would be immediately refined into nothingness. The Naihe Golden Bridge is indeed a terrifying magic weapon.

It's just that the old Taoist made a little fuss?Luo Tian frowned slightly, and thought calmly, you are also a majestic flying fairy, why are you so afraid of a top-quality spiritual treasure?


The sloppy old Taoist slapped Luo Tian on the head at this time, "What are you thinking about! But the Golden Bridge is a very famous fairy treasure in ancient times. It has fallen to the level of Lingbao, otherwise, if the nine pieces are intact, even the old Taoist I will run away when I see it."

"It won't be so powerful, right?" Luo Tian had an unbelievable expression, "A high-grade fairy weapon has such amazing power?"

"The hair is long but the knowledge is short!" The slovenly old Taoist rolled his eyes, grabbed the void, and directly took the Naihe Golden Bridge into his hand, and lightly wiped it with his palm, the golden light on the Naihe Golden Bridge suddenly dissipated. Naihe Jinqiao's soul connection was permanently cut off, and one of the nine sections of Naihe Jinqiao in front of him had officially changed hands.

"Impossible! Pfft!" The elder of Mount Luojia had an unbelievable look on his face, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Get out!" The sloppy old Taoist stared, and the Luojiashan elder continued to spit blood, and the spit was endless. If this continues, he may eventually spit blood and die.

Luo Tian was really speechless. He was well-informed, but he had never seen a monk who squirted blood to death, especially a monk who was in the stage of integration.

"Little bastard, try to destroy this piece of the Naihe Golden Bridge?" The sloppy old Taoist backhand threw the fragment of the Naihe Golden Bridge, which had shrunk to only one foot in size, to Luo Tian.

Luo Tian sank his hand, secretly surprised, this is only one of the nine fragments of the Naihe Golden Bridge, it actually weighs tens of thousands of catties, it is really appalling.

Using both hands hard, countless sword lights shot out from Luo Tian's body, which gathered on the palms of his hands. Luo Tian slapped hard on the fragment of the Naihe Golden Bridge, but there was not even a trace left on the Naihe Golden Bridge.

Luo Tian withdrew his hands in pain, and shouted: "Old miscellaneous hair, how can it be so hard?"

Luo Tian's current physical body is comparable to a low-grade fairy weapon, and he can't even leave a trace. However, if the golden bridge is intact, he may be seriously injured by the breath alone.

Is the top-grade fairy weapon so terrifying?

ps: I ran for a day under the [-]-degree sun during the day, and vomited with seven or eight buddies having dinner at night.I coded a chapter just after I came back, and I feel dizzy and uncomfortable. I only have a chapter today, sorry.

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