
Chapter 470 One old man resists the mountain, one young man ascends to the sky

"Just now?" The sloppy old Taoist curled his lips, "Based on my cultivation as an old Taoist, I only have one middle-grade fairy weapon, the Five Poison Lock Immortal Sword, in my hand. Even in the fairy world, high-grade fairy weapons are rarely seen .”

"Damn it, the Wudusuo Immortal Sword is mine!" Luo Tian's face darkened, it's over, this old bastard seems to be determined to keep the Wudusuo Immortal Sword for himself, this stinky shameless person.

"Don't play the trick of buying and selling with the old Taoist, it won't work." The sloppy old Taoist waved his hand, "This plane's middle-grade fairy artifact can't exceed one hand, of course, a heaven-defying treasure like the Xuanhuang Tower can't Including, you kid wants to surpass the old way, and the poor way suggests that you should collect all the nine pieces of the Naihe Golden Bridge. There is a trace of incredible strange power on this fairy treasure, which is not restricted by the rules of the fairy world. You can bring it to the fairy world of."

"Then if I ascend in the future, wouldn't I have to leave the house without leaving the house?" Luo Tian asked with a slight change of expression.

"It's almost like this." The sloppy old Taoist glanced at Luo Tian meaningfully, "I don't know how to say you are good, you kid has already cultivated the inner world, but you care about the fairy treasure, the most important thing for a monk is You don't understand such a simple truth?"

"That's not true." Luo Tian laughed dryly, scratched his head and said, "The fairyland is too dangerous, and there are a few fairy treasures to protect yourself from danger."

"Get out!" The sloppy old Taoist laughed and cursed, and kicked Luo Tian, ​​"Someone came out of Luojia Mountain again, hurry up and kill them, old Taoist, I still have important things to do."


"Aren't you?" Soon, the sloppy old Taoist kept his eyes open and opened his mouth wide enough to stuff a goose egg in.

I saw Luo Tian turned his hands over, and took out the only magic weapon left in the Naxu Jie except the Great Desolation Immortal Sword, which was the strange ancient bronze lamp.

"Heavenly Heart Lantern!" The sloppy old Taoist shouted frantically, "Why do you still have this rare treasure on your body? This is a middle-grade fairy artifact! I have searched all over the Tianxuan plane, but I can't find this fairy treasure. How did it get here? In your hand?"

"It's not enough to have a deep fortune." Luo Tian was still a little proud in his heart. When he got this ancient bronze lamp, he knew that this treasure was not a mortal thing, but he didn't expect it to be a middle-grade fairy weapon.

Breathing out lightly, Luo Tian held the Tianxin Lantern in front of his chest, a bean-sized flame suddenly appeared on the Tianxin Lantern, and immediately there were blue rainbows in front of Luo Tian, ​​sweeping down violently, with a radius of [-] below. The Luojia Mountain cultivator in the film was immediately involved, then refined, and finally became the most quintessential vitality and was absorbed into the black pagoda.

Luo Tian's family has a great career, but almost all the magic weapons on his body were distributed to several apprentices and Huang Hao and others. Now the only offensive treasures on his body are the Great Wilderness Immortal Sword and the Tianxin Lantern. Unexpectedly, the Tianxin Lantern turned out to be a middle-grade fairy device.

"Ah! You actually slaughtered so many disciples of my Mount Luojia, the old man wants you to pay with blood!"

"Kill this dog!"

"There are two envoys on guard, this beast is nothing to be afraid of!"


In the blink of an eye, three more brilliant golden lights galloped out from the depths of Luojia Mountain, rushing towards them with monstrous golden lights.

"what is this!"

The three old men had just landed outside the gate of Luojia Mountain when they saw a black pagoda in the sky. This black pagoda exuded an endless and majestic aura and enveloped the entire Luojia Mountain sect.

"Hmph!" Luo Tian snorted coldly, "I tell you all to come and see me quickly!"

"This is the old man!" The leader of the old man in yellow shouted in a deep voice, "I don't know why Luojiashan and fellow Taoists have such a deep hatred, but you actually slaughtered thousands of disciples of my Luojiashan by bullying?!"

"Where is Zhou Qing?" Luo Tian's eyes flashed murderous intent, Su Qing was his mother's boudoir name.

"Oh, fellow daoist came here for the little girl?" The old man in yellow looked slightly calm, and said proudly, "The little girl is a genius who has just ascended to the fairyland with less than 800 years of cultivation time!"

Hearing the words, Luo Tian burst out the evil fire without saying a word. With a flicker of the Tianxin Lantern in his hand, countless blue flames gushed out, enveloping his grandfather and the other two people below. The whole body of Naihe Jinqiao was plundered together.

"Ah! What kind of magic weapon is this, but the golden bridge has lost its effect!"

"Sect Master, please help the two envoys!"

At this moment, in the flame of the blue wick of the Tianxin Lantern, which was the size of a pigeon egg, three figures rushed around in horror, but it was useless.

"Because you are the grandfather I have never met, I will save your life. You have hindered my parents for so many years, so I will abolish your cultivation and retire in peace." Luo Tian's face flashed with anger, and he pointed , the flame in the wick turned around, and all the cultivation base and primordial spirit of the old man in yellow were refined. Luo Tian waved his hand and shot out a sword aura, which contained a spirit pill, "This spirit pill is enough to protect you A hundred years of life, good for yourself."

"I don't know who it is!" The old man in yellow laughed maniacally, "It turns out that you are a bastard. At that time, that rebellious girl Zhou Qing sneaked out of Luojia Mountain and fell in love with a mediocre Luo Yuntu. Later, if the old man hadn't found it himself The rebellious woman who came to the door begged for mercy, the old man has destroyed your Luo family long ago, how can there be such a scoundrel like you showing off your power today!"

"I will never change my nature." Luo Tian said expressionlessly, the sword energy entered the body of the old man in yellow, that is, his grandfather, and directly locked any of his energy mechanisms, even if he couldn't move a single thought, everything was in turmoil. Under Luo Tian's control.

"Live this hundred years well." Luo Tian stretched out his hand and led the latter directly into the inner world. As for the other two elders of Luojia Mountain, they naturally lost the meaning of continuing to survive, so they directly refined and added to the body. In the black pagoda.

"Who dares to be presumptuous!"

Suddenly, a shout resounded in the sky, and two figures in colorful clothes suddenly appeared in the cloud and mist. The middle-aged man in the lead was holding a black jade mountain in his hand. The jade mountain only emitted a misty black brilliance, blocking the The endless flame of the Tianxin Lantern.

"It's another middle-grade fairy artifact. Luojiashan is finally willing to take out the 'Zhenshan Treasure' Xulingshan, which he snatched from Xuanyin Sect and took it as his own." The sloppy old Taoist said with contempt on his face, He spat fiercely, as if he was extremely disdainful of Luo Jiashan's actions.

"Old miscellaneous hair, help me block these two jumping clowns, and help me completely refine Luojia Mountain!" Luo Tianniang has already ascended to the fairy world, and grandpa has been abolished. Without Luo Tian's relatives, Luo Tian could finally act recklessly.

"So what you want." The sloppy old Taoist's eyes were as warm as jade, and he exuded a tyrannical aura.

"Void Spirit Mountain, go!"

The two super masters who descended from the Luojia plane finally took action. The two of them worked together to control the Void Spirit Mountain. The Void Spirit Mountain swelled against the wind in the air, and in an instant it rose to a size of thousands of miles. It cast a vast dark shadow, which looked extremely terrifying.

It seems that this has reached the limit of the two urging the Void Spirit Mountain.

Who can withstand a thousand-mile mountain?

The sloppy old Taoist flew out the next moment, and he was under the Xuling Mountain in an instant. His whole body also swelled rapidly. In the end, he didn't know how high he had reached, and he used his back to resist the Xuling Mountain!

"Seven Heaven-Splitting Styles!"

Luo Tian immediately shot fifteen times the amplitude of the attack power, and the blue flames on the Tianxin Lantern were like several black dragons circling, and directly hit the two super masters who descended from Luo Jia's plane, instantly killing the two The body-protecting precious light was scattered, and the horrified two people were killed in the second blow, and they were directly refined and replenished into the black pagoda.

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