
Chapter 471 Enlightenment

"Thank you!"

Luo Tian gratefully sent a voice transmission to the sloppy old Taoist priest. If the sloppy old Taoist priest hadn't carried the Void Spirit Mountain with his great supernatural powers, Luo Tian might not be sure that he would be able to deal with these two monks who came from the Luojia plane. After all, these two monks are both in the early stage of the Mahayana period, and the rank of the Xuling Mountain is probably a half-chip higher than that of the Tianxin Lantern. Luo Tian doesn't think that he can break the defense of the middle-grade fairy weapon with his own body and supernatural powers .Fortunately, there was a sloppy old Taoist priest who caught most of the opponent's attacks.

"Stop talking nonsense, you have to act quickly, otherwise the group of stubborn guys in the Falling Immortal Palace will notice the situation here, and I can't keep you old." The sloppy old Taoist waved his hand, and his brows suddenly became tired Even if he is a master of Feixian level, it would be extremely difficult to carry the Xuling Mountain with a radius of thousands of miles.

Luo Tian nodded, and the Tianxin Lamp was suspended above his head, and a piece of blue brilliance fell down to protect his body.Then Luo Tian drove down the black pagoda above his head, and the black pagoda was suppressed in the void, and countless black light bands scattered out, like long rivers of void swimming in the space, breaking the balance of the law of heaven and earth in an instant , Changed the balance of space, like a giant octopus with countless tentacles, covering Luojia Mountain with a radius of thousands of miles.

"It's so heavy!"

Luo Tian thought, this Luojia Mountain has a radius of thousands of miles, and below it is connected to a spiritual vein in the depths of the Star Sea, which directly penetrates thousands of feet into the seabed. The inner world is a bit too difficult.

"Avoid the light and focus on the heavy!" At the critical moment, the sloppy old Taoist slapped him in the face.

Luo Tian seemed to be poured with cold water from head to toe, and he suddenly came to his senses. Yes, this Luojia Mountain is so vast, and he is a bit too greedy. He only needs to suck out nine out of ten of the essence of Luojia Mountain into his body. The world is enough.

"Laws of Heaven and Earth, listen to my orders, get away!"

Mana surged all over his body, and the space around Luo Tian immediately shattered and healed, and healed and shattered again. In the end, the black pagoda, like a Kunpeng flying into the sky, began to draw the heaven and earth energy from the thousands of feet below Luojia Mountain.

As we all know, the power of heaven and earth is the basis for the survival of creatures in the world. Luo Tian's action is equivalent to permanently destroying the foundation of Luojia Mountain. In the depths of the sea, there are countless monsters attached to the spiritual veins of Luojia Mountain. Regardless of whether it is high-level or low-level, all of them were shocked to death by the black light belt extending from the black pagoda. They turned into countless blood mist and merged into the black light belt, which only increased the power of the black pagoda. The black pagoda is The core of Luotian's internal world - the immortal soul, the power of the black pagoda increased, and the cultivation of Luotian's body also skyrocketed.

Mount Luojia covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles. The area around the ten thousand miles plus the sea area is more than [-] miles. The energy of heaven and earth within this [-] miles is almost wiped out instantly. Countless creatures in the sea area died unexpectedly. The hundreds of thousands of monks on the mountain didn't even have time to resist, and they exploded into blood mist and were sucked into the black pagoda.

"Okay! These powers are enough to double the size of the world in my body, allowing me to advance directly to the middle stage of the Mahayana stage!" Luo Tian shouted. In fact, with the help of the heaven and earth energy he absorbed this time, he might be able to easily break through the sky. But now that the Xuan plane is about to rise, and Luo Tian himself is suppressed by the Xuanhuang Tower, it is impossible to ascend.

It took a full day and night before Luo Tian had just finished extracting the surging energy of heaven and earth.Since then, Luojia Mountain has no qualifications to develop orthodoxy, because the energy of heaven and earth here has been completely lost, and the spirit vein that winds thousands of miles like a long snake in the depths of the sea under Luojia Mountain is now lifeless, like a A dead snake is lying on the bottom of the sea. If there is no change in the world in the future, this spiritual vein will be like an ordinary mountain range, and there will be no future.

After the endless energy of heaven and earth scoured the inner world, Luo Tian's inner world now has a radius of more than a thousand miles, which is twice the size of the six hundred miles before. It's just hurting Tianhe, if Luo Tian didn't cultivate the inner world, I'm afraid that if he continues to do this, he will be punished by the gods. At that time, it will be considered good if the five thunders hit him without a whole body. If it is serious, he may harm his relatives and friends Encountered disaster.

"Fortunately, you have cultivated the inner world, otherwise the old Taoist would not dare to go crazy with you." The sloppy old Taoist sighed and shook his head, "This is not a fairyland, and what you have done has already broken the balance of heaven. The old Taoist advises you to do just that." One time is not an example.”


Luo Tian also nodded with a serious expression. He took all the energy of heaven and earth near Luojia Mountain and attributed it to himself. The laws of heaven and earth in the world in his body had already appeared a little disorder. Fortunately, Luo Tian suppressed it in time, otherwise the accumulated When it reaches a certain level, disasters will surely happen!

"Also." The sloppy old Taoist's eyes flashed brightly, and he swept Luo Tian's body for a long time, "I didn't expect that after you practiced Bai Shijie's Seven Heaven Splitting Styles, and added the Zilian Sword Code passed down by Luo Huachen, You are already capable of exerting fifteen times the attack power, but fifteen times the attack power does not mean that you have fifteen times the combat power. Now that you have cultivated the inner world, it is best to consolidate your own way, Otherwise, it will be even more difficult for you to practice in the future!"

"Is there such a thing?"

"If you don't believe me, you don't need the inner world, just use your current fifteen times the amplitude attack power to attack the old Taoist." The sloppy old Taoist priest said on the ground.

"it is good!"

Luo Tian yelled loudly, and immediately shot with [-] times the amplitude of the attack power, stirring up the wind and clouds at once and hitting the air to explode one after another, and it seemed that the shot was about to hit the sloppy old Taoist priest.


The sloppy old Taoist put one hand deep inside, just turning it lightly and grabbing it, Luo Tian's powerful attack power with fifteen times the amplitude was completely dispelled, without any effect.

"Your Tao has just been opened up and has not been stabilized, which is quite dangerous." The sloppy old Taoist showed a dignified expression, "Besides, you should further temper the laws of heaven and earth to strengthen yourself now, you fifteen times It’s just a show, the old man tried it out just now, and your amplitude attack power is only four or five times the combat power, far less than the fifteen times you said!”

"Let's leave here first." Suddenly, Luo Tian frowned, and the green light around his body burst out, and the blue cloud rolled up, wrapping the two of them directly, breaking through the void and leaving.

A moment after the two left, a ray of light wrapped in a golden thorn ball pierced through the air, and looked at Luojia Mountain, which seemed to be a wasteland, with a surprised expression.


"You go, the old Taoist has something important to do, so leave here." Outside the Yuchi Island in the Tianxinghai, the slovenly old Taoist patted Luo Tian's shoulder lightly, and then left through the air, all the way south.

"While there is still some time, let's thoroughly understand the newly opened way!" Luo Tian thought calmly.

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