
Chapter 472 It's Fate!

Little did he know that when Luo Tian went to Yuchi Island, he was in vain. On the entire Yuchi Island, only Daqian Daqian practiced here day and night. Mrs. Wen and Wu Ren and Wu Yi brothers had something to go out.As a result, Luo Tian was miserable for a few days. The real Daqian hadn't seen Luo Tian for a long time, and he was very happy to see Luo Tian. The sky is spinning.

Of course, if Bai Yan'er who received Luo Tian's sound transmission charm hadn't arrived on the fourth day, Daqian Daqian would not have let Luo Tian go so easily.

After resting for a day, reaching the state of Luotian, cultivation is not very effective. The Mahayana stage monks mainly start to understand the laws of heaven and earth. The more laws of heaven and earth they comprehend, the stronger they will become in the future. big.

As a result, Luo Tian became the first poor guy in the history of the Profound Sky Plane who had reached the middle stage of Mahayana and was still struggling to retreat.


During Luo Tian's retreat, the situation on the Profound Sky Continent was changing, but it was really lively.Especially the Luo family has become the center of the vortex of the storm. Not to mention the Great Wu Kingdom, even most of the Profound Sky Continent knows that the Luo family has produced a peerless genius, Luo Tian, ​​who has cultivated to the fusion stage in more than 100 years. Saint monk status.

In fact, if they knew that Luo Tian, ​​who had only been away from the Luo family for a few months, had entered the Mahayana stage, the jaws of the entire Profound Sky Continent would drop in shock.

The arrival of the second-order plane has long been a secret. Most of the monks in the Profound Sky Continent know about it, and some second-order planes have descended on the Profound Sky Continent these days, and they don't know where they went.But for the cultivators of the Tianxuan plane, this is undoubtedly a disaster and a catastrophe.

As a result, those who follow the trend flock to the Luo family in the Great Wu Kingdom, planning to find a big tree that can shelter from the wind and rain in the catastrophe that will soon come.

But what makes everyone a little speechless is that the whole country of Great Wu has already formed a tight blockade. The monks who have not cultivated to the alchemy stage, let alone entering the country of Great Wu, even if they have just approached the border of the country of Great Wu, will be blocked by a group of people. The strange force bounced back, unable to move on.

The whole country of Great Wu was united as one, and even set up a prohibition formation on the border of the entire country!

However, there are still quite a few cultivators above the alchemy stage in the entire Tianxuan Continent, and they can still easily enter the Great Wu Kingdom.But what made them dumbfounded next was that the emperor of the Great Wu Kingdom was shrouded in several extremely powerful prohibition circles, without a special pass token, let alone a monk in the alchemy stage, even Yuan Yuan who did not have a high-level magic weapon to protect him. Infant monks who trespassed would also be seriously injured.

This is a strong prohibition formation arranged by Luo Tian to comprehend the way of heaven and earth and cultivate at the integration stage. The operation of this prohibition formation implicitly contains the trajectory of the movement of heaven and earth. The guy who loves madly added a lot of unique restraint formations, which made the power of the restraint formations that defended the entire imperial capital of the Great Wu Kingdom even more powerful and almost invulnerable.

"Master, the restriction formation outside the imperial capital of the Great Wu Kingdom is getting more and more powerful. Just now, the three senior brothers approached quietly, and were almost seriously injured by the rebound force on the restriction formation." Outside the imperial capital of the Great Wu Kingdom, a man with a sad face The middle-aged monk respectfully complained to an old man sitting on a bluestone.

The old man also looked embarrassed, and after thinking for a long time, he said: "Let's wait, a few days ago, the Qingbo faction, the first sect in my Jinmi country, was forced to break into the Great Wu Emperor's capital, and it didn't take long for the Qingbo faction to be owned. Human corpses were thrown out, and there are countless generations of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the imperial capital of the Great Wu Kingdom, it is not easy to go to the gate of Luo's house!"

After finishing speaking, the old man let out a long sigh, which lasted for a long time.

Situations like this happen innumerably every day near the imperial capital of the Great Wu Kingdom, and now almost all of the hundreds of miles around the Imperial Capital of the Great Wu Kingdom are occupied by monks from various countries on the Tianxuan Continent. Of course, most of these monks come from small and medium sects. Da Pai and Super Da Pai don't need to lower their profile to curry favor with the Luo family.Moreover, the super-big faction on the Profound Sky Continent is also 'surrounded' by a dense army of monks.

Today, the specifics of the Tianxinghai are still unknown, anyway, the super sects in the Profound Sky Continent are all 'unable to shrink back'.Nowadays, there are many monks who came from the second-order plane in the Profound Sky Continent. For these monks, the super big faction of the Profound Sky Continent will wait and see what happens, and will not take the initiative to show favor, and will not offend these monks.After all, it is true that the monks on the Profound Sky Continent ascended to the ancient world of cultivation, but what about ascending to the immortal world in the future?The power holders of these super-big factions are all old foxes who have become elites. They don't understand this truth. They don't want to be friends, but they try not to be enemies. This is their most basic bottom line.

Human beings are really incredible and strange animals. Before these second-order planes come, let alone the monks of the alchemy stage, even the monks of the foundation-building stage of the qi refining stage, they are all arrogant when they walk on their one-acre three-point land. Ang, all of them are good players who pretend to be ghosts and exploit the hard-earned money of the common people, but now they are looking for powerful shade shelters like stray dogs.It is indeed 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi.

In the capital of the Great Wu Empire, the sky above the Luo family was peaceful and peaceful. The servants entering and leaving the Luo family's main gate and side door were surrounded by the Great Wu army guards, and purchasing daily necessities became an extremely troublesome matter.


A pleasant bird song came, and immediately an oriole bird with yellow feathers slammed into the territory of Luo Mansion, but it seemed to be controlled by some restraining circle for a moment, and it raised its wings in panic. , The next moment, this poor oriole bird exploded into a small cloud of blood mist as if it had been cut by countless invisible knives.

"Whoever trespasses on Luo's house will be killed without mercy!"

Somewhere in the courtyard of the Luo family, there was a loud shout like thunder, and immediately a mountain peak gleaming with lightning and fire fell from the sky and landed directly on a certain place outside the Luo mansion. Only a few screams were heard, and the three monks He was seriously injured and thrown away by Huang Hao, who was now sitting in the Luo Mansion.

Obviously, Huang Hao was merciful.If this fell into the hands of Monk Mingyue and Fatty Wang, these monks would have died long ago.

"Senior, please inform the Patriarch of the Luo family that the old man had an old relationship with him back then, and he still hopes to be accommodating!" At this time, a half-white old man came out from the corner outside Luo's mansion, bowed and said, His forehead was covered with beads of sweat. He didn't expect the young man in front of him to have such a high level of cultivation, and the coercion on his body made him unable to resist, as if the other party could kill him with just one thought.

Huang Hao was expressionless, and said in a cold voice: "Now that the head of the Luo family is not here, please come back! If you make some small moves, don't blame the Luo family for being ruthless!"

"Why!" At this time, an old man in black with a sharp mouth and monkey cheek poked his head out from a distance, and incited, "Luo Huachen, the ancestor of the Luo family, is the pride of my Profound Sky Continent. With such narrow-mindedness, I will look down on the Luo family!"

"You can look up to or look down on you." Huang Hao stood in the air with his hands behind his back, his face turned cold, "Now you know how to talk about the ancestors of the Luo family? Do you know that you are close? You are all high-ranking on weekdays, and you never disdain to be with the Luo family. Yes, please pick up your arrogance and pride, and get out of here! Now that the catastrophe is coming, you know that you are afraid, and I, the Patriarch of the Luo family, have only one word to tell you, if you live, you are lucky; if you die, you are fate!"

After finishing speaking, Huang Hao lightly slapped his palm across the air. Before the old man in black who was hiding in the dark and inciting everyone had no time to scream, he exploded into a cloud of blood, and countless pieces of meat flew down from the air.

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