
Chapter 473 Returning to the Xuanyin Sect

The Tianxuan Continent is under turmoil, and the Tianxinghai is ready to go. At this moment, the heartless Luo Tian finally left the closed door after half a year...


Luo Tian stepped out of Yuchi Island hundreds of miles away, and impatiently threw a punch at the sea below. This punch really implied the running track of the laws of heaven and earth. It looked extremely gentle and weak, as if it was just a casual blow. wave.

Oh oh oh!

Suddenly, a strange wind rang out from the sea, and a vortex with a radius of tens of miles suddenly formed. Luo Tian punched down the sea area of ​​tens of miles, and the entire sea level sank hundreds of feet abruptly.

Luo Tian threw two punches again.

The water that sank a hundred feet lowered again, the water sank a hundred feet with the first punch, three hundred feet with the second punch, and six hundred feet with the last punch.

There is no wind on the sea, three feet of waves, and the sound of the wind howling.

Luo Tian stood in the air, with his hands behind his back, thinking slowly, "After so long in retreat, I have finally fully transformed the amplitude attack power into combat power. Six times the combat power is not bad. Presumably, as the cultivation base improves, the combat power will also increase. growth."


With a flash of colorful brilliance on his body, Luo Tian flashed back to Yuchi Island.

The deep seawater pit that had sunk six hundred feet back suddenly poured back, and went straight up hundreds of feet into the sky, like a gorgeous fountain gushing wantonly in the air.

"Boy Luo, you have passed the test. Come, come, we two will not be drunk and will not return!" As soon as we arrived on Yuchi Island, Daqian Daqian, who was prepared, greeted him with a smile, "The old man will also be drunk in a few days." Back to the Qianyuanzong to preside over the overall situation, I am afraid it will take hundreds or even thousands of years to recover from the catastrophe in the Tianxuan plane."

"What do you mean by this senior?" Luo Tian was slightly startled and asked in puzzlement.

"You don't know?" Master Daqian glanced at Luo Tian suspiciously, "It's not a secret anyway, so I'll tell you about it. There will be such a catastrophe every 3000 years in the Profound Sky Plane, no The few second-order planes have descended one after another. Apart from the fact that they descended to the Tianxuan plane by their own means, it is not a big loss. The biggest loss is the Tianxuan plane. If there is not the Xuanhuang Pagoda guarding the entire Tianxuan plane, these The guy who comes from the second-order plane probably won’t come a few times, and the entire Tianxuan plane will lose all aura and become an abandoned land."

"Could it be that whenever there are high-level monks descending from the Tianxuan plane, the aura will become thinner?" Luo Tian said in a daze, "Senior, how many times have such high-level planes descended?"

"That's right, each plane has its own rules and restrictions. Every time a high-level cultivator descends from the Profound Sky Continent, his aura will be emptied. Otherwise, the Profound Sky Plane would have long been the second-order plane. You are the best. Such high-level planes have descended on a large scale, according to the ancient records of my Qianyuanzong, I am afraid that including this time, there have been more than ten times."

"This group of vampires don't care about the life and death of the Tianxuan plane for the Xuanhuang secret realm!" Luo Tian said bitterly, and slowly clenched his palms.

"Oh, you also know the Xuanhuang Secret Realm?" The astonishment on Daqian Daqian's face was fleeting, "Boy Luo, there are good things in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm that make the great figures in the fairy world jealous!"

"Huh? What good stuff?"

"The Xuanhuang Secret Realm will be opened every time in a mysterious place in the south of the Tianxuan Plane, and this is not the point. The point is that there is a natural treasure in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, and the big shots in the fairy world are also eager to get it. Otherwise, you think those high-level people I’m full and have nothing to do to come to the Tianxuan plane? It’s not that after these guys get the treasure, they can ascend to the fairy world to pay tribute to the big figures in the fairy world in exchange for benefits. The ascended monks who own this kind of treasure will go to the fairy world and ascend to the sky in one step.”

"What treasure?" Luo Tian's heart twitched. The treasure that even the great figures in the fairy world coveted was a big news.

"This old man doesn't know. I haven't been in the Mysterious Yellow Realm yet. If you have time, you should ask the Second Immortal of Aurora."

Aurora Two Immortals, aren't they the brothers Wu Ren and Wu Yi.

"Drink and drink, senior, we're going to drink to the fullest this time!" Luo Tian laughed loudly, seeing Daqian Daqian's expression of unwillingness to say more, he had to change the subject.

"You kid is happy!"


A few days later, a man and a woman came from Cathode Island in Tianxinghai. This man and woman were Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er. Standing together, they looked like a golden couple, a perfect match.

"Senior Bai Shijie is really interesting."

Luo Tian sensed the several layers of prohibition circles outside the Cathode Island, and couldn't help but praise him sincerely.

"It's a good thing you figured it out, and let a super expert who is about to ascend to arrange these for you!" Bai Yan'er couldn't help but rolled her eyes and said.

"Use it rationally, use it reasonably." Luo Tian blushed and laughed dryly.

"Is there anyone still out of breath? If so, get out of here!" The next moment, Luo Tian shouted domineeringly, causing the entire sky of Cathode Island to resound.A holy monk who has cultivated in the middle of the Mahayana period is enough to walk sideways even in the second-order plane.

"An enemy is coming!"

"Copy guy, a fat sheep is coming!"

"The voice seems familiar?"


Now under the leadership of Tantai Yun, the Xuanyin Sect has almost wiped out all the forces of tens of thousands of miles around. Luo Tian is very satisfied with Tantai Yun's decisiveness.No, Luo Tian just let out a howl, and the Xuanyin Sect poured out dozens of Nascent Soul stage monks.

The leaders are the old acquaintances Tan Taiyun and Ye Shaoyun, the elders of the Xuanyin lineage and the elders of Fengmai. To Luo Tian's surprise, Fu Ruohai, the patriarch of the Taiyin Sect, and Fu Qingchen, the head of the Taiyin Sect, were also in the lead. Stand beside Tantai Yun.

"It's promising, you guys!"

When Tantaiyun saw that it was Luo Tian, ​​he didn't rush forward to salute, but he roared at the back, "You bastards actually treat Master Headmaster as an enemy, it really chills me, chilling, see you soon After Master Teacher, Master Teacher will definitely lead us to kill the entire Star Sea this time, Xuanyin Sect will come out of the world again, Master Teacher is brave and invincible!"

"I have met Master Zhangjiao, Master Zhangjiao is brave and invincible!" The fanatical followers of Xuanyin Sect yelled wildly.

Luo Tian was immediately shocked by what these shameless guys did.

"Elder Tantai, it seems that your cultivation base has grown very fast." Luo Tian looked at Tantai Yun with a half-smile and said, this old guy is full of bad intentions and has no good intentions.

Tan Taiyun quickly straightened his face, and said respectfully: "My lord, don't let the old man down. The old man's current cultivation base depends on his cultivation and promotion. His lord is brave and invincible..."

"Sanggong, your Xuanyin Sect is quite fun." Bai Yan'er covered her mouth and chuckled.

"This must be Mrs. Head Teacher. Madam is peerless in appearance and temperament. Only such a magnificent figure as Madam can be worthy of Master Head Teacher!" Fu Ruohai hurriedly stepped forward, pushing Ye Shaoyuan away abruptly. , the first to flatter.


Ye Shaoyuan who didn't have time to flatter him cursed bitterly.

"Stop, stop." Luo Tian waved his hand, and cursed with a smile, "I've been away from Xuanyin Sect for so long, and your flattering skills have improved so much, it's true that no one can match you in the entire Tianxuan plane !"

"My lord is strategizing!" It was another flattering slogan.

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