
Chapter 474

At this moment, after nearly a hundred years of development, Cathode Island has reached a considerable scale, and the entire Xuanyin Sect presents a scene of prosperity. There are more than [-] congregants. Measured according to the rules of the Immortal Cultivation World on the Tianxuan plane, the Xuanyin Sect is barely enough to be a top-notch sect, but its overall strength still needs to be improved.

The islands around Cathode Island have been set up by Bai Shijie to gather Yuan, which can continuously absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth and provide it to the disciples of Xuanyin Sect to practice.As the core hall of Xuanyin Sect, Cathode Island was decorated solemnly and elegantly by Tantaiyun's people. On the main hall in the middle, there were three large characters "Jiyin Temple" written in flying and phoenix dances.

At this moment, in the Jiyin Hall, Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er sat on the top of the main hall, while Tan Taiyun, Fu Ruohai and others sat down one after another according to their seniority.

"My lord, what do you think of the three characters of Jiyin Temple?" Ye Shaoyuan spoke first, with a hint of complacency in his words.

Tan Taiyun, Fu Ruohai and the others all pursed their lips.

Luo Tian could naturally see some signs of it, and said with a faint smile: "Elder Ye's handwriting is naturally fine, and the three big characters of Jiyin Temple are really domineering and awe-inspiring, worthy of the name of my Xuanyin sect, my lord Quite satisfied."

Ye Shaoyuan immediately straightened his chest, hummed, and his face was full of arrogance, watching several powerful figures of the Xuanyin sect in the hall wanted to take off their shoes and throw them hard in his face.

"However." Luo Tian's tone changed, "Look at what this good Xuanyin Sect main hall has made for you? We monks practice against the way of heaven, and you have made the Jiyin Temple so magnificent and beautiful Huan, is this for fun?"

Ye Shaoyuan immediately felt as if he had swallowed a duck egg, and his proud expression froze on his face immediately.

Tan Taiyun and Fu Ruohai all snickered.

"Okay, I will only say this once, so don't bring it up again. Remember, the Xuanyin Sect was able to stand at the pinnacle of the Tianxuan plane because of the innate unyielding will of the Xuanyin Sect. High achievements. In the future, you still have to work hard to teach the disciples below, and improving your own strength is the fundamental."

"What the teacher said is very true!"

At this moment, everyone in Xuanyinjiao looked at this young headmaster with admiration.

The next day, Luo Tian, ​​who had a rest overnight, summoned all the elders of the Xuanyin Sect again, and ordered them to summon all the disciples of the Xuanyin Sect to Yinyin Island.

Something big is about to happen!

This is the unanimous thought in the minds of all the elders of the Xuanyin Sect.

Sure enough, three days later, when all the disciples under the Xuanyin Sect came to Cathode Island, Luo Tian set up a prohibition circle, and then even sacrificed the black pagoda guarding the inner world, floating brightly above Cathode Island, Endless coercion came from it, and it actually locked the space of the entire Cathode Island.

"Xuanyin Sect was originally a super big sect, and now it is developing rapidly. Over the past hundred years, you have absorbed many foreign monks to join, among them there are mixed fish and dragons, and maybe there are traitors from other forces. Today I will act as the head teacher. Power, pull out these cancerous tumors for the Xuanyin Sect!"

Luo Tian shouted with a majestic expression, and immediately waved his big hand towards the sky, countless black waves of light surged out from the black pagoda, like countless streams falling down from the sky, covering the entire cathode island Inside.

Now that Luo Tian has been enlightened for half a year, he has a new understanding of the laws of heaven and earth, and his combat power has increased by six times. It is already effortless to cast such a huge area of ​​Taoism.You must know that Cathode Island has a range of thousands of miles, and the mana required to completely cover it is astronomical.

Luo Tian's Immortal Primordial Spirit can now reach the level of the mid-stage True Immortal, and the identification of the Primordial Spirit is extremely powerful. After just scanning for a while, many traitors from other forces have been detected. There is no doubt that it fell into Luo Tian's hands. Here, the only way to wait for the end of these traitors is to refine them into essence and replenish them into the black pagoda.

Luo Tian took it so seriously that even the elders of the Xuanyin Sect used their spiritual sense to search and scan without discrimination. Fortunately, many elders of the Xuanyin Sect were as determined as a mountain. Luo Tian was quite satisfied. If even the senior elders of the Xuanyin Sect had evil intentions, then the Xuanyin Sect would not be too far away from being destroyed.

In two hours, in only two hours, Luo Tian completed the investigation of more than [-] people from the Xuanyin Sect.

Among the dense crowd of disciples, some disciples of the Xuanyin Sect burst into blood mist suddenly, and were then absorbed into those stream-like black waves of light.

"There are more than two thousand people, but there are more than a hundred traitors from other forces." Luo Tian sneered, the demon god-like coercion came out from his body, scaring the faces of the elders who were covered with cold sweat on their foreheads. .

"If the Xuanyin sect wants to grow stronger, the first thing is to focus on the unity and unity of the disciples in the sect. I hope all the elders can strictly control it in the future!" Luo Tian snorted coldly.


All the elders responded quickly, each of them was shocked and angry. Unexpectedly, more than a hundred people took advantage of troubled waters to join the Xuanyin Sect. Normally, it was fine, but in extraordinary times, the role that these more than a hundred people could play would be extraordinary. , and even the Xuanyin Sect fell again because of this.

No matter how angry the elders of the Xuanyin Sect were, Luo Tian slapped him with a stick, and naturally gave him a sweet date. This is the real way to control people.

"Ten days, I'll give you ten days to see your own perceptions!" Luo Tian waved his sleeves, and countless green beams of light burst out from the black pagoda, covering everyone in the Xuanyin Sect including the elders. Inside, each beam of light corresponds to a person, without any difference.


All the elders showed bitterness.

"This seat is not punishing you, but a great fortune for you!" Luo Tian snorted coldly, "Within ten days, it depends on how far you can improve. After ten days, this seat will return to heaven." Xuan Dalu, ten of you will follow me."

"Thank you, Master Headmaster!"

Everyone roared loudly with joy beyond words, this is too fierce, and at the same time improving the cultivation level of more than [-] people, the head teacher is indeed a master of Taoism!

In fact, Luo Tian didn't spend anything himself, he just took out most of the power of wood origin left in the inner world, the Xuanyin Sect is also the strength of his direct descendant, and also the most loyal force in his hands. After being promoted, Luo Tian has the capital to truly be proud of the Profound Sky Plane.

"The family is big and the business is big, it's miserable." Someone with four top-grade spiritual roots howled ghostly, and then entered the second day of the Black Lotus Space, took out most of the spirit stones and handed them over to Tantai Yun After distributing it, anyway, there are spirit liquid pools and the special attributes of the second day domain, so the spirit stones are naturally produced continuously.What made Luo Tian depressed was that he didn't know if these spirit stones would still come in handy after ascending to the fairy world.

More than [-] members of the fanatical Xuanyin sect started ten days of crazy cultivation. With the power of wood origin and endless spiritual stones, how far can they improve?

Not a single one of them didn't want to follow Luo Tian. Such a master with great powers, a fool would not want to follow. Following the master is equivalent to having the possibility of infinite improvement!

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