
Chapter 475

During the time when Xuanyin Sect was cultivating crazily, Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er intensively researched the Immortal City Fusion Art. Among them, six times the combat power, I am afraid that even a sloppy old Taoist priest can no longer help Luo Tian. After all, in the Tianxuan plane, no matter how strong you are, no matter how powerful your comprehension of the laws of heaven and earth is, you can only use it to your full potential. With the strength of the late stage of the Mahayana period, even the peak of the Mahayana stage cannot display its full strength. After all, at that point, as long as the magic power exceeds the tolerance of the plane, it will be forced to ascend to the fairyland in an instant.

This is also the fundamental reason why Luo Tian is unscrupulous in the Profound Sky Plane.Since they are all Mahayana cultivation bases, he is not afraid of anyone!Even if the Golden Immortal descends, he is not afraid, not to mention letting the only first-order plane in the fairy world descend to the third-order plane, the Tianxuan plane, the price to be paid is extremely high, and it may not be successful.

At this moment, under the cover of Luo Tian's spiritual consciousness, the ten thousand li area centered on Cathode Island cannot escape Luo Tian's extreme sense. Even if a mosquito flies by, Luo Tian can clearly catch it. This is cultivation. One of the benefits of being out of the inner world, once Luo Tian is included in the inner world, the monks who have not cultivated out of the inner world will only end in physical and spiritual annihilation.And like the sloppy old Taoist priest who has cultivated the inner world, the power of the inner world is powerful, but the essence is not as good as Luo Tian's inner world, and Luo Tian can't do anything about it.

"Xuan Yin teaches these bastards to attack with a bit of my charm, and there is not a single monk who has surpassed the alchemy stage within ten thousand miles." Luo Tian exclaimed.

"It's just a big devil leading a group of little devils." Bai Yan'er said with her lips curled.

"A good man does not live long, but a scourge lasts for thousands of years. The ancients did not deceive me!" Luo Tian sighed, his face suddenly changed, his eyes looked directly through the void, and looked at the sky above Cathode Island.

The black pagoda steadily suppressed the entire Cathode Island in the sky, and swayed countless powers of wood origin. All the disciples of the Xuanyin Sect below benefited greatly. They even broke through the original realm, and most of them reached the shock level of [-] The degree of catastrophe.Not to mention old monsters like Tantaiyun who were already deeply cultivated.

"Isn't it?"

Luo Tian screamed strangely with his eyes straight, "In just three days, nearly a thousand people have survived forty-nine days."

"Hehe." Bai Yan'er covered her mouth and chuckled, "The Xuanyin Sect, who has a great family and a great career, is brave and invincible. You can't get through this storm."

"Can't make it through? Is it possible?" Luo Tian had a faint smile on his face, full of incomparable confidence, as if everything in the world was under his control.


A burst of mysterious light shot out from the black pagoda, directly turning into thousands of black sword qi, and instantly swept away to the sky. Nine Heavens Tribulation has 36 thunderbolts per person, and 36 thunderbolts for a thousand people, all of which are blocked by the black pagoda driven by Luo Tian.

"It's really hard work, these little bastards!" Luo Tian let out a long breath, and then his complexion changed slightly again, "Nearly one hundred sixty-nine heavenly calamities? Nearly a hundred people have broken through to the Nascent Soul Stage? Grandma's a leg!"

There are 54 Heavenly Tribulations in the Six Nine Heavenly Tribulations, and there are [-] more powerful Heavenly Thunders for nearly a hundred people.

"It's a lot of work for those who are able to teach Luo University." Bai Yan'er laughed coquettishly and infinitely, and her voice like a silver bell spread far, far away...


Ten days later, Luo Tian selected six elders and four disciples and finally set off.

The six elders, including Tantai Yun, were promoted to the god transformation stage under the power of Mu Benyuan. Of course, these six elders also went through a fierce battle.And those four out-of-body disciples with excellent aptitude who stood out in this baptism of the power of the wood source are like thousands of troops crossing a single-plank bridge, killing a bloody path.

Of course, there must be a highly respected elder sitting in the Jiyin Hall to direct the overall situation. Finally, after the resolution of all the elders, Ye Shaoyuan, the unlucky guy, was left to sit in the Jiyin Hall.

"Woooo, you bastards, my old Ye is really blind and pouring my heart out to you!"

Watching Luo Tian and his party of 12 leave in the air, Ye Shaoyuan yelled and cursed with tears in his eyes. The more he cursed, the worse it sounded. His miserable howling could be heard throughout Cathode Island.

Above the sky, countless clouds are divided into two sides.

"Hey, Master Headmaster is mighty!" Among the ten people, Tantai Yun and Luo Tian are the most familiar, and this guy licked his face and greeted him, which was a big disappointment.

The face of the person who was covering Bai Yan'er's body turned black, "If you want to flatter me again, immediately go back to Cathode Island to sit in command, and bring Ye Shaoyuan back!"

"Master Headmaster Mingjian, this old man is clearly telling the truth, why would he be suspected of flattering?" Tantai Yun couldn't help complaining, the expressions of the nine people behind him twitched, damn it, this guy is obviously a fart, Xuan Yin Except for Ye Shaoyuan, you are the best flatterer in the whole class, and you have taken away our chance!

"Elder Tantai, if you have nothing important to discuss, I'm going to lose my temper." Luo Tian said with a sinister smile on his face.

Tan Taiyun was shocked directly, and said quickly and anxiously, "Yes, why not! The old man is about to report, isn't this being conquered by the master's godlike power!"

The eyes of the nine people in the back were darkened, and they almost fainted. Is there a mistake, so they can also flatter?

"Master Headmaster, a few months ago, Venerable Qiankun came to visit and handed over this messenger jade tablet to this old man, saying that he would hand it over to you!" Tan Taiyun respectfully took out a messenger jade tablet and handed it over.

Luo Tian finally swept away the summons jade token, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

Here it is, at last!Tan Taiyun's whole body trembled with excitement, every time Master Headmaster showed this expression, it meant that Master Headmaster was beginning to be shady, that's great!

"The first battle of your comeback is coming."

Luo Tian looked into the distance with both eyes, another monk descended from the ancient world of cultivation, and an old acquaintance of the Yaozu, very good.

After a stick of incense.

On a certain uninhabited island, countless black flames descended directly, and a somewhat embarrassed figure flew into the sky from the island, roaring with boundless anger, "Which blind guy dares to offend the emperor?"

"Master Dark Snake Emperor, long time no see, you have absorbed countless incense karma from my Xuanyin Sect over the years, should you spit it out?"

Twelve figures instantly appeared in the void, Luo Tian took the lead and smiled lightly.

The Dark Snake Emperor groaned for a moment, and then his face turned ferocious, "So it's you, the boy who ruined my big business!"

"To shut up!"

The ten people headed by Tan Taiyun shouted in unison, "Master Tianwei, how can you allow your words to be profane!"

"The six elders made a quick decision. The Dark Snake Emperor has reached the late stage of the fusion stage and is about to enter the stage of crossing the catastrophe. This is a great supplement." Luo Tian casually ordered.

"As ordered!"

The six elders, headed by Tan Taiyun, surrounded him in a hurry, and the Yuanshen Attack Technique and Xuanyin Fire Lotus in Xuanyin Taishang Daojing kept greeting the Dark Snake Emperor.


Even though the Dark Snake Emperor had already reached the late stage of the fusion stage, and his cultivation was a level higher than the six Xuanyin Sect elders, he couldn't help but get flustered.You must know that the Xuanyin Sect can kill opponents by leapfrogging, and among them, Tantai Yun is in the late stage of the transformation stage, but he can kill the Dark Snake Emperor alone. If the Dark Snake Emperor does not have a broken soul defense Lingbao, I'm afraid the six elders will obliterate Lingbao once they meet each other.

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