
Chapter 481 Achievement of the Flying Immortal!

what's the situation? !

Luo Tian was stunned for a blink of an eye, and the slightly transparent pale golden amber surged up, like boiling oil, exuding an extremely terrifying temperature in an instant.

"What a high temperature!" Luo Tian was about to withdraw his hands, it was too scary, he was almost burnt and injured by the appalling temperature emanating from the light golden amber before he came into contact with it, let alone the Tianxuan position This third-order plane, even the second-order plane, will never have it!

This is already the temperature of the fairy fire!

In the next moment, Luo Tian almost burst into tears.

I wanted to say something at first, but the Fumo Ganghuo on the surface of the body seemed to be on the bar with the pale golden amber. The two were tightly intertwined and closely connected, and it was impossible to force them to separate by force. Besides, Luo Tian It doesn't have that strength either.

"You're leaving!"

Beads of sweat dripped down Luo Tian's forehead. Fu Moganghuo was completely out of control this time, which was beyond his expectation. This kind of situation had never happened before, which made people extremely depressed.


Luo Tian's pupils shrank, and he realized that the Fumo Ganghuo had actually grown a little bit bigger, as if it was going to eat away the pale golden amber flame bit by bit.

"So fierce!"

Luo Tian's eyes were widened, and as Fumoganghuo devoured the pale golden amber flame little by little, Luo Tian felt that the world in his body began to recover quickly.

Is that all right?Luo Tian was overjoyed, and immediately threw all the loss out of the blue sky, meditating in his heart to devour, hurry up and devour more...

While Luo Tian was thinking about it, something strange appeared in the first space above his head.

In the first layer of space, a smooth stone pillar protruded from somewhere on the mountain wall, and a trace of smoke suddenly rose from it. It disappeared little by little, and finally completely disappeared into the air, extremely weird!

After the meal, all the protruding stone pillars dissipated into the air, and the trend of dissipation continued to expand, and began to slowly spread to other places on the mountain wall, as if there was an invisible force that could easily erase everything.

"So strong, so strong!"

At this moment, Luo Tian's whole body was trembling slightly with excitement. With the Fumo Ganghuo powerfully operating six times his combat power, the refining speed has been accelerated a lot, but only [-]% of the pale golden color has been refined. Amber Flame, Luo Tian felt that he was about to break through to the late Mahayana stage.

"If it's all refined, I'm afraid I can directly become a late Mahayana cultivation base! At that time, no one in this plane will be my opponent except the sloppy old Taoist priest, even a monk of the same rank. You don't need to use six times the combat power to kill with one punch!"


After absorbing the light golden amber flame, Luo Tian's physical body also received great benefits. The bones that had been broken in many places seemed to be glued together by a sticky film, and they all recovered in a short time, even the bones Harder than before!Luo Tian is undergoing an astonishing transformation from the inside to the outside at this moment. This kind of transformation has brought many benefits, and the blood has also undergone tremendous changes. It is full of surging heaven and earth energy, and it boils instantly , the bright red blood is also mixed with a lot of lavender, which is the essential transformation of the physical body. Now if a drop of Luo Tian's blood is given to a monk in the foundation establishment stage, he may be able to break through to the alchemy stage in an instant. His physical body is comparable to Immortal artifact, almost half of the mana in the body has been condensed into immortal power. This time, the quality of the physical body has improved again, and this time it can at least reach the peak level of a low-grade immortal artifact!

The scars on the body surface healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally Luo Tian's body surface shed a layer of skin, almost like being reborn!That skin seemed to exude a vast and unstoppable brilliance like white jade.

"What is this pale golden amber that is wrapped in the essence and blood of the Void Beast's primordial spirit? It has such heaven-defying benefits!"

Luo Tian was also secretly surprised at this moment. In a short while, all the injuries in his body healed, and the physical body and the world inside his body continued to improve, but the pale golden amber flame was now [-]% refined by Fumo Ganghuo, and the last [-]% I don't know how far Luo Tian can go.

"Stop, stop!"

Luo Tian couldn't help roaring in his heart, seeing that the light golden amber flame was about to be completely absorbed by Luo Tian, ​​the refining speed of Fumo Ganghuo not only didn't slow down, but got faster and faster.

With a chirping sound, when Luo Tian was unprepared, the disobedient Fumo Ganghuo even refined the essence and blood of the Void Beast into it.

"This is a big game!" Luo Tian sighed weakly, and immediately the world in Luo Tian's body changed, the light of the black pagoda became more refined, and Luo Tian felt that there seemed to be something hidden in the black pagoda. A trace of something unclear.


"Master Headmaster, how can you still not come out?" Tantai Yun was coping with the boundless impact of monsters, and these monsters approached Tantai Yun fearlessly like chicken blood.

"I'm so anxious, there seem to be more and more monsters!" Fu Ruohai is sitting on the black stone throne at the moment, and his face is also full of sadness. I almost want to vomit blood.


At this time, what shocked the ten people of Tantai Yun was that the tall island transformed by the void beast suddenly collapsed, countless mountains, rocks and trees flew high from the tall island, and the scene was extremely amazing.

"This is?!"

Tantaiyun's ten people couldn't help opening their mouths, and finally Tantaiyun was the first to react, "Damn it, Master Headmaster is still inside, you first resist the tide of monsters, the old man is going to protect Master Headmaster!"

"no need."

Suddenly, the tall island rolled up.That's right, the tall island is rolling!

Countless rocks and trees fell from the sky and landed on the sea one after another, splashing countless monstrous waves.In the end, the tall island turned into a tall black shadow tens of thousands of feet tall, with a strange head, like a dragon, not a dragon, and a bird, not a bird. Its huge body was covered with scales. With a kick in the void, eight huge wings behind him appeared immediately.

"Void Beast!"

"It's resurrected? The old man just heard the voice of Master Headmaster!"

"Yes, it's me."

The huge and terrifying Void Beast spoke, "I have already refined the inner alchemy of the Void Beast and a drop of primordial spirit blood. At this moment, the Void Beast can be regarded as a clone of this seat!"


In a blink of an eye, the gigantic Void Beast shrank to a size of ten feet, and finally flew into Luo Tian's inner world. At the same time, the bewildered man in red and the woman in black skirt appeared in the air, looking around. Looking around, I can't figure out what is going on.

Luo Tian's face was calm, but his heart was ecstatic. He never thought that the light golden amber refined was actually the essence condensed by the inner alchemy of the void beast. He only learned about this after completely refining the drop of primordial spirit blood. What makes him happy is that his cultivation has jumped from the middle stage of the Mahayana stage to the early stage of the Celestial Immortal, and directly passed the late stage of the Mahayana stage. Now as long as he is willing, he can go to the fairyland through the Ascension Heart Demon Tribulation at any time.

It's just that Luo Tian finally relied on the black pagoda of the inner world to deceive the secrets, forcibly suppressed his cultivation, and controlled his cultivation to the Mahayana stage.Soaring up now is definitely an unwise thing to do.

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