
Chapter 482 Is this too direct?

In fact, what Luo Tian didn't know was that it was impossible for him to ascend to the fairy world at this moment.Although his cultivation level was enough to ascend, he forgot that he was still the No.1 winner of Xuanhuang Pagoda, and it was impossible for Xuanhuang Pagoda to suppress the world.

Luo Tian's thoughts this time are really unfounded.

"This, this... Master Teacher, you actually refined the Void Beast?!" Tantai Yun shouted dumbfounded.

"What!" The woman in the black skirt and the man in red next to him nearly bit off their tongues when they heard the words, refining the Void Beast, which has never been heard of such a feat since ancient times!The strength of the Xuanyin Master of the Xuanyin Sect is simply too heaven-defying!

"Luck." Luo Tian smiled faintly, took out twelve drops of void beast essence blood from the Naxu ring, gave one drop each to the woman in black skirt and the man in red, and distributed the remaining ten drops to Tantai Yun and ten people.

"Master... Master Master, is this for us?" Tantai Yun felt that the world was fucking crazy. The number of times he was shocked in his life was not as many as today.

"Yes, if you don't want it, you can give it to Fu Ruohai and the others." Luo Tian said lightly, shrugging.

"Damn it, don't covet my things!" Tantaiyun saw Fu Ruohai's nine people staring straight at the Void Beast's essence and blood in his palm, their eyes were so frenzied, he shouted hastily, and then swallowed the Void The beast essence blood was swallowed into the mouth, and it was actually going to be refined on the spot.

The woman in black dress and the man in red looked at Luo Tian with complex expressions, and said respectfully, "Thank you, Lord!"

"It doesn't matter." Luo Tian waved his hand lightly, "I won't go back on what I promised you, and I won't turn my face and deny anyone just because of a mere drop of monster blood."

The woman in the black dress and the man in red showed gratitude on their faces. The strength of the other party surpassed their own so much that they could kill both of them with a single slap, but the other party still generously took out the blood of the Void Beast to the two of them. The general mind is beyond human reach.

"My lord, I wonder if I can join the Xuanyin Sect?" The man in red carefully put away the Void Beast essence and blood, hesitated for a moment, and said.

"Welcome." Luo Tian said gently, "As long as you join the Xuanyin Sect and do things wholeheartedly for the Xuanyin Sect, your benefits will naturally be indispensable. But if you betray the Sect..."

Luo Tian's tone stopped, and then he said heavily: "These monsters are your role models!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian stretched out his hand and slapped the void, and all the sea monsters that were seduced by the blood of void beasts within hundreds of miles were all shaken into blood mist. A layer of blood-red mist, strange and frightening.

With one palm, Luo Tian easily killed all the monsters in a radius of hundreds of miles with just one palm, and none of them survived!

"Subordinates are willing to go through fire and water for the Xuanyin Sect!" The man in red was about to drop his eyeballs, the tough man in front of him was simply inhuman!He immediately announced his joining the Xuanyin Sect.

"I am also willing to join the Xuanyin Sect!" The woman in the black skirt was completely surrendered to Luo Tian's palm.

"Welcome you two to join the Xuanyin Sect, I don't know how to call you two?" Luo Tian's city is extremely deep, and the generous sending of blood just now was deterred by force. If the two of them still refuse to submit, Luo Tian doesn't mind killing them both. People, some secrets, too many outsiders know is always bad.

"Subordinate Yan Chong, the body is a beast with six eyes and golden eyes." The man in red said respectfully.

"My subordinate Liu Wan belongs to the Blackwater Flood Dragon Clan."

"Oh?" Hearing this, a person immediately appeared in Luo Tian's mind, and he looked at the woman in the black skirt and said, "I wonder if you know the old devil of the Three Absolutes?"

Liu Wan quickly nodded and replied: "San Jue is the boy, I wonder if he has offended the Lord?"

"Don't honor your lord, my lord sounds awkward." Luo Tian waved his hand, "It's fine to call me the head teacher. The Sanjue old devil fought me once, and I have some interest in him. "

"Please be kind to Master Teacher!" Liu Wan said with a face that changed drastically.

"I am not someone who will take revenge, so there is no need to be alarmed." Luo Tian thought for a moment, "You two joined the Xuanyin Sect, and you will serve as protectors of the Xuanyin Sect. Elder Tantai, what do you think?"

"Sir Headmaster, this old man is still refining the blood essence of the Void Beast. You are the headmaster, so naturally you have the final say!" Tantaiyun said with difficulty with a face full of pain.

"Forget it, the 12 of you will refine the blood essence of the void beast together, and I will help you!"



An eighth-level monster that was cruising in a dive suddenly split its body in two, and the inner alchemy and essence were directly grabbed out of the body by an invisible big hand, and then disappeared into the void.

This kind of situation has happened frequently in the entire Tianxinghai South China Sea recently.

"Wa hahaha!"

A burst of laughter rang out, and Tantai Yun showed his figure arrogantly from the void, his face was full of excitement.

"Master Headmaster! Since refining the blood essence of the Void Beast, the subordinates have been able to completely hide their own cultivation, and the subordinates have even entered the fusion stage. Now even monks in the Mahayana stage can fight. ! Master Zhangjiao is indeed brave, invincible, wise and great..."

Pull it down!

The 11 people, including the newcomers Liu Wan and Yan Chong, couldn't help but curl their lips. The Void Beast's essence and blood are powerful. We all know that Tantai's last flattery is obviously far-fetched and nothing new.

"What is Xianggong thinking?" After Bai Yan'er refined the glazed light and the blood essence of the void beast, her cultivation base also skyrocketed, and she had already reached the eleventh level of monster beast Dzogchen cultivation base. Enter the realm of the twelfth-order monster.

Except for Luo Tian who refined the primordial spirit blood of the void beast, the other 13 people refined the blood essence of the void beast. After refining the blood essence of the void beast, they could not only hide their own cultivation and aura, but even hide their body shape. They can walk in the void completely in concealment, and are not restricted by the laws of heaven and earth at all.In this case, once a sneak attack is made, the opponent will be killed without anyone noticing, and it is almost impossible to react.

For example, now a group of 14 people is under the leadership of Luo Tian, ​​and Qiqi hides his aura wretchedly until he only has a cultivation level of the transformation stage.

Among the crowd, except for the six Xuanyin Sect elders who successfully advanced to the Fusion stage, Liu Wan and Yan Chong who advanced to the tenth-level monster realm, even the four Xuanyin Sect disciples who had the lowest cultivation level at the out-of-body stage advanced to Entered the early stage of the transformation of the gods.A group of people began to ascend to heaven because of Luo Tian alone.

"Master Headmaster, there are two strong auras approaching us." Tantai Yun laughed.

"Of course I leave it to you." Luo Tian said lightly.

"Elder Tantai, you have to share one of us this time no matter what." Yan Chong said bitterly. Secretly anxious, after getting along with each other for the past few days, the two of them have almost grasped Luo Tian's temperament, they are merciless to the enemy, but they are very good to their own people.

"Okay, okay." Tantai Yun could understand the mood of the two of them, and quickly agreed.


At this time, two figures flew over from afar, both of them were dressed in green robes, and they landed directly in front of Luotian people.

These two looked extremely young, one was at the late stage of the Transcending Tribulation Stage, and the other was at the early stage of the Mahayana Stage.

"Where are fellow Taoists going?" A green-robed monk smiled softly, looking quite gentle and gentle.

"Hehe, go to the South China Sea Islands." Tantaiyun replied harmlessly, smiling all over his face, looking very amiable.

"Hmph! A group of monks who are not too immature, wasting my saliva!" The young man in green robe suddenly changed his face, and then waved his sleeves, and [-] small green flags flew out from the sleeves, directly throwing the nearby Thousands of feet of space enveloped it.

"Quack, little ones, die!"

Apart from Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er, the 12 people in Tantai Yun couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded. From which plane did these two idiots come? Did they come to the Tianxuan plane to rob?This is too straightforward!

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