
Chapter 483 Get out!

"Quick fight."

Luo Tian frowned, already murderous. This group of high-ranking guys came to snatch the treasures in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm. It was already shameless. I didn't expect that there were some bastards and scum who were doing the despicable business of killing people and stealing goods.

You must know that these high-level planes come, Luotian currently knows the Dark Snake Emperor, but the Dark Snake Emperor is a family of monsters and beasts, and his cultivation in the fusion stage is enough to compare with human monks in the tribulation stage.The Profound Sky Plane doesn’t have enough aura in the first place, so these guys came here to absorb a huge amount of energy from heaven and earth to restore their cultivation, not to mention slaughtering low-level cultivators on the Profound Sky Plane, it’s really intolerable !

"Where are people? To play sneak attacks, I am the strong one in the Ximing plane!"

"Xi Ming Zhen Jing, break the air strike killing technique!"

"Ah! What kind of Taoism is this, it can attack my primordial spirit!"

Yan Chong and Liu Wan, together, attacked one of the green-robed monks without hesitation. Both of them were high-level monsters, and they refined the blood essence of void beasts. Every time you take a shot, you will gain something.

"My God! Two tenth-order monsters, save me!"

"Save me! I'm surrounded by ten guys who specialize in primordial spirits. Damn it, the air strike killing technique has no effect on them. What's going on?!"

In fact, the founder of Xuanyin sect is really a great master of a generation. The Xuanyin Taishang Daojing created by combining ancient witchcraft is really an earth-shattering magical power. , in the second-tier and third-tier planes, it is really one of the most tyrannical methods. The monks in the Ximing plane also attack the opponent's primordial spirit from a distance, but compared to the Xuanyin Sect, this group of primordial spirits attack more perverted guys. It's just a big witch.

In just a cup of tea, Tantaiyun's 12 people solved the two descendant monks from the Ximing plane.

Tantaiyun's ten people divided up all the spoils.Liu Wan and Yan Chong were at a loss for what to do with a Naxu Commandment and the monk Yuanshen.

"Just accept it." Luo Tian knew their thoughts clearly, "Whoever gets the loot from the Xuanyin Sect can keep it for himself, and there is no need to turn it in."

In fact, now that Luo Tian, ​​who has cultivated the inner world and reached the level of a celestial being, has two celestial treasures in his hands, he naturally despises the things of these second-level monks, especially this monk from the Ximing plane. He was so poor that he was dying, otherwise he wouldn't have come out to rob.


At the moment when Luo Tian massacred high-ranking monks, the South China Sea Islands were also swept by a heavy news.

"The Yi family has finally come to the totem plane powerhouse!"

"What! The Yi family also has an envoy from the second-order plane? Then there will be a good show between the Yang family and the Yi family."

"Haha, seeing their two dogs biting dogs, let's reap the benefits of the fisherman!"

The Yi family descended from the messenger of the totem plane, and soon spread throughout the entire South China Sea Islands. Among them, there were those who were happy, some who were anxious, and those who were waiting to see the two tigers fight. Many immortal cultivating families have their own thoughts, and no one is going to touch the bad luck at this moment.

The Yi family and the Yang family, the Tianshui plane and the totem plane, there will definitely be intense friction this time!

"How? I wonder if your Yang family has thought it through?"

In the hall of the Yang family, an old man in brown clothes was sitting with a leisurely expression, his words were domineering, as if everything was under his control.


The Patriarch of the Yang family, Yang Xinwu, was about to get angry, but he thought that the current situation would not offend the envoy from the Earth Spirit Mountain in front of him.

"Your Excellency is from the powerful Earth Spirit plane, but this time the Xuanhuang Secret Realm will be opened and the Tianshui plane will be given up [-]%, isn't it a bit inappropriate?" Yang Xinwu tried his best to speak in a polite and polite tone. Had to bow his head.

"Huh! Your Tianshui plane is only a small plane. You have already made a lot of money last time the Xuanhuang secret realm was opened. You still have to think about it. We are [-]% sure. Others don't know, but this seat knows. Your Yang family's Tianshui level The two envoys who came to us were injured by this seat. If you don’t cooperate with our earth spirit plane, then you go to fight with the totem plane. Although the totem plane is the most powerful among many second-order planes Upper middle, but don’t blame me for not reminding you that the Totem Plane is the thigh of the Snow God Plane, and when the time comes in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm..."

The brown-clothed old man didn't say what he said later, but as long as a normal person with a brain can guess, the Tianshui plane may be in an embarrassing situation at that time, and it may not be possible to be destroyed by others.

"Your earth spirit plane is sending our Tianshui plane to be pawns and cannon fodder to die!" At this time, two ugly women in palace costumes came out from the back hall of Yang's house, and the laws of heaven and earth rolling around them were dim and powerless. , It seems that he is seriously injured.

"So what?" the brown-clothed old man said softly, "Your Tianshui plane was not protected by Luo Huachen back then, and it wouldn't be your turn to make a fortune when the Xuanhuang Secret Realm was opened last time. Now Luo Huachen has already ascended to the fairyland, and now Who else will protect you?"

"We have always been followers of the Luo family. If the Luo family exists for a day, the Tianshui plane will not bow to anyone!"

"Luo family? Ridiculous!" The brown-clothed old man sneered, "Luo family has Luo Huachen sitting in command, no plane dares to offend your Tianshui plane, but Luo Huachen has already ascended to the fairy world, not to mention the decline of the Luo family now, Even if the Luo family doesn't decline, who can take it out?"

"Is it?"

At this time, as soon as the faint voice resounded throughout the Yang family, the restrictive magic circle outside the Yang family immediately broke open, and there was no wind in the hall of the Yang family, and a group of people walked out of it.

"Spray and Blue Clouds!"

The pupils of the brown-clothed old man shrank. These people were not young, but he knew that in the Profound Sky Plane, apart from the four ancient Dao Lineages and some mysterious Taoisms left over from the ancient times, there were no more than five waves and blue clouds in the Profound Sky Plane. All the forces that own the waves are extremely difficult to deal with.

"Just now you said that the Luo family doesn't have anyone who can do it?"

There were a total of 14 people who came, and they were the Luotian people who rushed to the South China Sea Islands in time.

Luo Tian was dressed in Tsing Yi, with a purple sword glow in his left eye and a cyan sword glow in his right eye, which kept flashing, almost gestating into a space world. This pair of eyes was enough to obliterate all monks below the fusion stage.


Luo Tian only let out a part of his breath, and the iron wood grand master's chair that the brown-clothed old man from the earth spirit plane was sitting on suddenly shattered into powder.

"It's just a late-stage Mahayana cultivation, and you're starting to show off your power?" Luo Tian smiled faintly, and waved two subtle powers of woody origin into the bodies of two palace-dressed women on the Tianshui plane.

"Fellow Daoist?" The two ladies in palace costumes immediately felt that their injuries were recovering very quickly, and they were shocked, and finally they were relieved that they were friends rather than enemies.

"I am the head teacher of Xuanyin Sect!" Luo Tian did not answer, but Tantai Yun said in a relaxed tone from behind, "He is also the head of the Luo family you just mentioned!"

Xuanyin religion!

Luo family!

How could these two irrelevant forces get entangled together?

"Even if you are a member of the Luo family, you don't need to be so domineering, right?" The old man in brown clothes said with a flickering face, as if he was investigating Luo Tian's real cultivation.


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