
Chapter 484: Immortal Tu!


The brown-clothed old man in the earth spirit plane couldn't help laughing up to the sky, tears were about to flow from the laughter, "I didn't hear it wrong, did I? Tell me to get lost? You are a young man of the Luo family, but you are too crazy, my lord Today, I will teach Luo Huachen a lesson for you!"

After finishing speaking, a looming earth-yellow hill appeared behind the brown-clothed old man. The hill was divided into two parts, and then divided into four parts. In the end, it transformed into more and more. Behind him, a space of one hundred thousand mountains seemed to be condensed, carrying endless majesty. When it comes, Luo Tian will be suppressed.


There was a mocking smile on the corner of Luo Tian's mouth, "Teach me instead of the ancestor of the Luo family? You don't have the qualifications yet!"

Everyone in the Yang family, including the two ladies in palace costumes who came from the Tianshui level, all changed their faces. If this kind of power is hit on the ground, I am afraid that the entire Yang family will be turned into ruins.

Bai Yan'er, Tan Taiyun and other 12 people couldn't help but shake their heads lightly, self-inflicted, this old guy is really tired of his life.

Luo Tian didn't retreat but advanced, took a step forward, came up with a punch from the air, and this punch blasted, the boundless strength and supreme sword intent contained in it were wrapped in the fist at once, even passed the old man in brown clothes, and punched It hit the illusory light and shadow of the Hundred Thousand Mountains behind the brown-clothed old man.

The next moment, the phantom of the Hundred Thousand Mountains behind the brown-clothed old man was shattered by Luo Tian's punch, and it was directly torn apart.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! This seat has driven the immortal power in my body to condense the laws of heaven and earth, but you broke it with a punch?!" The brown-clothed old man's complexion changed wildly, and he couldn't help roaring angrily.


Luo Tian said lightly, and slapped the old man with his backhand, ignoring the protective light of the old man in brown clothes, smashing the light at once, and then slapped the old man in brown clothes on the face, blasting him out of the void.

The brown-clothed old man felt as if his body was hit by a big mountain, and then directly shattered countless Yang family's restraining formations, and was directly blasted out of the South China Sea Islands.

"If the earth spirit plane is stubborn, I will hit the door and destroy your orthodoxy!"

The brown-clothed old man's complexion was extremely ugly, and a gentle word that added fuel to the fire came from his ears, his lungs were about to explode, his face changed several times, and finally he left through the air with hatred.He never figured out, when did the declining Luo family produce such a stunning and stunning genius?

"Thank you, the Patriarch of the Luo family!" The two women in palace costumes on the Tianshui plane were still in shock, but they also said with a blessing, and even changed their names by the way.

Yang Xinwu, the head of the Yang family, knelt down on one knee with an even more excited expression, "Yang Xinwu, the ninth generation head of the Yang family, has met the head of the family! Welcome to the head of the family!"

The Yang family in Nanhai had sworn to become the subordinate force of the Luo family when they were the second-generation patriarch. At that time, the Patriarch of the Luo family was still the earth-shattering Luo Huachen, but now he is Luo Tian, ​​the seventh-generation sword god of the Luo family. Patriarch above.

"Patriarch Yang doesn't need to be too polite." Luo Tian stepped forward quickly, supporting Yang Xinwu with both hands. Compared with those big and small forces who tried their best to attach themselves to the towering tree of the Luo family, the Yang family is indeed a solid Luo family. Followers, these are clearly recorded in the notes of the head of the Luo family, so there is no need to verify them.

Yang Xinwu's face was full of pride. Although the Yang family has always been the subordinate forces and followers of the Luo family, to put it bluntly, they are subordinates of the Luo family. of glory.

As for the plane of Tianshui, Luo Tian has also heard about it. At the beginning, Luo Huachen, the ancestor of the Luo family, was a person who was unparalleled in the world, attracting countless beauties. It is said that one of the women who never gave up on Luo Huachen was born The Yang family later ascended to the Tianshui plane, and there is such a layer of origin in it, otherwise Luo Huachen would not have asked the Luo family to take care of the Yang family in Nanhai in the Patriarch's Notes.

"The Luo family and the Tianshui plane have always been allies. The master Luo saved the Yang family from danger this time. I am here to thank the master Luo on behalf of my senior sister." The two women in palace costumes were nourished by Luo Tian's power , the strength has been restored to seven or eighty-eight, and I can't help but thank you at this moment.

And a certain person was communicating with Bai Yan'er through sound transmission at the moment, his waist was twisted into various shapes, and his face was miserable.

"Dead man, your Luo family is a romantic family!" Bai Yan'er said coquettishly with jealousy.

"No, nothing." Luo Tian quickly explained.

Tan Taiyun and the others turned their faces away in a very shameless manner, their shoulders kept shrugging up and down, and they couldn't stop laughing.Liu Wan and Yan Chong also stared at the sky and their faces twitched, and it seemed that they couldn't bear it anymore.

"Oh, the Luo family, the Yang family and the Tianshui plane have always been allies, and some trivial matters are not worth mentioning." Luo Tian laughed dryly and said.

At this moment, Qiu Shui's eyes of the two women in palace costumes were all aiming at Luo Tian. They were all cultivated in the late stage of the tribulation period. Usually, they saw a lot of beautiful men, but Luo Tian was extremely handsome and his cultivation was extremely high. He really had never seen the handsome man before, and after Luo Tian took a few glances, his heart was pounding wildly. He didn't even have the appearance of a holy monk in the Tribulation Stage, they were just two shy girls.

"Cough cough!" Luo Tian coughed a few times, turned his head to look at Tantai Yun, "Elder Tantai, please go to the Yi family and call the owner of the Yi family."

"Yes!" The creases on Tantai Yunxiao's face bloomed like chrysanthemums.

Without hesitation, Luo Tian kicked Old Freak Tantai's ass and gave him a ride for free.

"Patriarch, is this?" Yang Xinwu frowned slightly.

"The South China Sea Islands are about to be integrated." Luo Tian said softly.


After waiting for a while, the entire South China Sea Islands seemed to be quickly enveloped by a powerful aura.

Luo Tian's complexion suddenly changed slightly, and he said in a low voice: "Yi Jia, you really want to die!"


The next moment, the colorful brilliance on Luo Tian's body flashed, and the whole person disappeared in place, flashing above the South China Sea Islands. Luo Tian quickly identified the direction of Tai Yun's unique mysterious aura, and moved to the sky above Yi's house.

At this moment, Tantai Yunzheng's mouth was full of blood, and he sacrificed Xuling Mountain to resist the attack of a mountain of illusory monsters in the air, and it seemed that he was about to be unable to hold on.


With a flip of Luo Tian's palm, most of the huge illusory monster above the Xuling Mountain collapsed in an instant.

"He Fangxiao came here to die!"

A faint flowery voice came from the Yi family below, and immediately the huge illusory monster in the air was transformed into a huge strange rune. The rune just flipped its subordinates, and several monsters that Luo Tian had never seen appeared in the air again. totem.

"Totem plane, if you dare to hurt my subordinates, you will not be spared today!" Luo Tian dropped his left hand, "Fan Yun!"

The monster totem that rushed over from the void was immediately trapped in the space of the cloud-turning supernatural power, and was finally refined into the essence of heaven and earth energy. In Tantaiyun's body, he recovered from his injuries.

"Bold!" The Yi family shouted violently, and immediately two rays of light flew out, landing on the sky in the blink of an eye.

The light of the sword flashed in Luo Tian's eyes, "Hey, no wonder it's so rampant, the Totem Plane sent a genuine angel with a lot of money to hurt my disciples, and today I'll kill you, and I'll charge some interest!"

Luo Tian took one step forward, and he was about to slaughter the immortal!

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