
Chapter 485 Have You Seen Enough?


The two monks from the Totem Plane that Yi Jiafei flew out turned out to be a Celestial Immortal and a peak Mahayana cultivator. It seems that it took so long for the Totem Plane to come to the Profound Sky Plane this time. It has been brewing for a long time.

While speaking, the monk at the peak of the Mahayana stage who was born in the totem plane strode forward, with a thunderous laugh, he passed through the void in an instant, and landed directly in front of Luo Tian.While traveling through the void, countless illusory lights and shadows appeared behind the body of this monk at the peak of the Mahayana stage, constantly changing, one moment was a giant ape, another moment was a fierce tiger, and even the appearance of dragon and phoenix light shadows, changing in an instant There are several ghosts of monsters.

"The totem plane is always in a situation where you can't get high or low in the second-order plane. It's because you rely too much on external forces. Today I will show you that it is far from enough to rely on external forces to cultivate against the sky. It will always be successful." No climate!"

Luo Tian's long smile was like thunder, and his eyes instantly saw through the various changes of the monk in the void, and blasted countless purple lotus flowers condensed with sword energy towards his real body.

"It's a bit of a way." Another totem face descending monk who was always standing on the spot with his hands behind his back looked on coldly and said lightly.

clap clap clap!

All of a sudden, countless purple lotus flowers shot out, flying around in the void, and unexpectedly condensed into a sword array. Just as the sword array was formed, 49 jet-black flying swords suddenly fell from the sky, and they actually killed the monk. The void where the body is located is completely locked.

"Tips for carving insects."

Suddenly, a gray giant ape as tall as a mountain appeared from the void, opened its giant palms several feet in size, and forcibly grabbed at the sword formation composed of 49 jet-black flying swords.

"The giant ape roars to the sky!"

Luo Tian was so furious that he had already unleashed the purple lotus sword formation. As soon as the sword formation was released, together with the sword formation formed by the sword energy, the two sword formations burst out with astonishing power.As soon as the palm of the gray giant ape grasped the sword qi and sword array inside, the palm was pierced instantly, and the palm of the gray giant ape turned into nothingness in the blink of an eye.

"Limb regeneration!"

The monk roared loudly again, and the severed arm of the gray giant ape that had been made into nothingness by the sword energy gave birth to a good palm again.

After repeating this several times, the gray giant ape finally couldn't bear it anymore, and finally returned to nothingness.But immediately, the cultivator was horrified to find that the sword array composed of 49 jet-black flying swords had turned into a small cage, and it kept shrinking. If it continued like this, after a while, he would Refined into fly ash by the sword array.

In the distance, the young monk standing quietly didn't have the slightest intention to help. His cultivation base had reached the late stage of the Celestial Immortal, and the fight between Luo Tian and Luo Tian had long been within his calculations, and he couldn't get out of his control.

"Ah! You forced me to do this. If you can die under my strongest attack, you must have died in peace!" The monk yelled, and a drop of black blood essence flew out from between his brows. The blood essence exploded directly, turning into a misty black mask that enveloped the cultivator, and there were extremely strange roaring and roaring sounds.


The next moment, the cultivator showed his true body. At this moment, he can no longer be called a human being, but a living monster with fine scales all over his body, a snake head and a snake body, and three thorns growing on his slender tail. Hessian bone spurs.

"If you don't want to be a human, you have to be that monster, why bother?"

Luo Tian shook his head and sighed softly, pinched the magic formula with his big hand, and countless purple and black real flames burst out from the sword array formed by 49 black flame bamboos, and the flames surged, directly covering the area in front of him. On the monk who turned into a black snake.

Chi chi A burst of black smoke came out, and the black snake gave off a stench. The obsidian sky fire on the black flame bamboo was supposed to restrain demons and ghosts, and the black snake had a heavy hand.


"Ah! Master save me!"

Luo Tian was too lazy to entangle with him, so he pushed the Black Flame Bamboo to the extreme all at once, directly refined the Black Underworld Profound Snake into the most quintessential vitality in the world, and collected it into the world within his body.

The celestial being watching from the side seemed indifferent from the beginning to the end, watching Luo Tianmie kill the Black Underworld Snake, his expression did not change a bit.

"Young man, if you swear a blood oath to be loyal to me, I will spare your life today." The young monk looked calm.

"Allegiance to the fart!"

Luo Tian couldn't help sneering, "Could it be that you think you can escape my sword formation?"

"Hehe, how dare a mere Black Flame Bamboo Sword Formation, which can barely be called a semi-immortal treasure, dare to speak up?" The young monk smiled slightly, "Alright, let me show you the immortal artifacts displayed by a real immortal. How powerful and inviolable!"

While speaking, a blue battle armor automatically emerged from the young monk's body, protecting him from head to toe. break space.


The young monk took a step forward, and in an instant he walked into the purple lotus sword formation by himself.

Sure enough, the next moment, layers of blue brilliance burst out from the battle armor on the young monk's body. These brilliance gradually evolved into phantoms of monsters, dancing around the young monk, and the obsidian skyfire and purple lotus on the sword array As soon as the sword energy touched it, it was dissipated like boiling soup and snow.Even these phantoms of monsters can swallow a small part of Obsidian Skyfire and Purple Lotus Sword Qi, which is really a powerful fairy treasure.

"Inheriting the Immortal Artifact?"

Luo Tian's expression remained unchanged, a transparent flame protruded from his fingers, and instantly fell into the purple lotus sword array.

"Subduing Demon Ganghuo!" The face of the young monk finally changed color slightly, and he scooped up the void with his hand, and a long red whip appeared in his hand, densely packed with runes and laws of heaven and earth, and it was A fairy artifact.

"There are quite a lot of immortal artifacts, and you have inherited immortal artifacts on your body. Could it be that you are the lord of the totem plane?" Luo Tian said calmly.

clap clap!

The red long whip fairy weapon in the young monk's hand hit out at random, and the entire purple lotus sword array was immediately filled with red whip shadows, and the purple lotus sword array fell apart in an instant, and even a few flying swords had already cracked Many textures.

The young monk looked at Luo Tian playfully, "Oh, you can guess the identity of me based on a scaly claw? Where did you come from?"

"It's useless to tell you. I don't have the habit of sharing answers with a dead person." Luo Tian watched the young monk getting closer and closer to him, and couldn't help but sigh inwardly. He really didn't know how to live or die. He had two low-grade immortal weapons. I thought I was invincible.

"You!" The young monk turned cold, but immediately he was shocked by Luo Tian's audacity.

Luo Tian rushed out with his bare hands, trying to resist the immortal weapon with his flesh and blood!

Grasping the red long whip in the young monk's hand, Luo Tian exerted force on his palm, and the runes and the laws of heaven and earth on it couldn't help but shattered a lot. His physical body is now comparable to a low-grade peak fairy weapon, and this red whip is no more than a low-grade fairy weapon. It is an ordinary product, it may be effective against the Purple Lotus Sword Formation, but it is far from the physical body that Luo Tian has always been proud of.

"Your body is so hard!" The young monk really changed his face, and he was about to show his hole card.


Luo Tian squeezed the red long whip down, and then opened his hand, the Tianxin Lamp flew out, and a cloud of blue flames spewed out from above, covering the young monk directly.

"A middle-grade fairy weapon! How is that possible!" the young monk roared unwillingly, and played out countless magic formulas at random.

"Struggling is futile!" Luo Tian sneered, and then looked somewhere in the void, "I haven't seen enough of the good show after watching it for so long? Come out!"

Immediately, the Great Wilderness Immortal Sword shot out from Luo Tian's body, slashing towards the void like light and electricity.

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