
Chapter 486 Killing the Buddha


There was a light tremor in the void, like water ripples that could not stop refracting and rippling, and finally an old monk with nine ring scars on his head came out slowly. halo.

"What a powerful old monk, he has already proved the cause and effect and escaped from the common world, and achieved the position of little arhat!"

The position of Little Arhat is at the same level as the position of Celestial Immortal, and it belongs to the existence that can ascend instantly.

Luo Tian and the Lord of the Totem Plane, who was included in the Tianxin Lantern, looked in disbelief, staring blankly at the old monk in front of him. Everyone in the Buddhist Sect, it is rare to see him in the Tianxuan Plane. It is because the Buddhist sect is said to have been extinct long before the ancient times, whether it was in the fairy world or in the second- and third-tier planes.The Buddhist sect on the Tianxuan plane was just a Buddhist classic that a down-and-out monk obtained from a ruins of a cave by accident. As a result, the Buddhist sect developed faster and faster, and finally attracted many forces in the Tianxinghai to take action one after another and completely wiped it out. up.

However, at that time, the highest cultivation base of the Buddhist sect was only at the fusion stage, and even if the strength of the entire sect was assembled, it could not compare to the old monk in front of him.

"The two benefactors both have evil spirits formed, it is better to go with the old monk, and get rid of this whole body of karmic sins." The old monk said by choosing the Buddha's name.

"Fuck your mother!"

Luo Tian hadn't opened his mouth to yell, the Lord of the Totem Plane who was trapped in the wick of the Tianxin Lamp was not happy, and cursed, "You bunch of benevolent, righteous and moral stinking donkeys are dead and bald. Huaduhua, Duhua your grandma! Don’t know how to rely on self-cultivation, spend all day here and there, do you think everyone is a fool and idiot? You have been sent to be the cannon fodder for death! Pooh! Lao Tzu I would rather be refined than be transformed by you!"

"Haha, this statement is justified. For you, I will protect your primordial spirit!" Luo Tian laughed loudly, and the world in his body opened up, covering dozens of miles around at once. The physical body, supernatural powers and laws of heaven and earth of the venerable above were all absorbed by the black pagoda at once, and even the two immortal artifacts on his body were shattered one after another, turning into the power of heaven and earth to replenish into the black pagoda.

"The inner world! No wonder I'm no match for you!" the Totem Plane Venerable couldn't help shouting.

"Give you the position of the first-floor pavilion master of the black pagoda that suppresses luck for the world inside me!" Behind Luo Tian, ​​the wireless glow was shining, and he stretched out his hand, and the lord of the totem plane suddenly entered the eighteen-story black pagoda The first floor, become the master of the pavilion!

"Why should the benefactor slaughter innocent people?" The old monk sighed, clasped his hands together, and the wheel-sized Buddha's light behind him diffused infinite brilliance, and began to resist the suppressing power of Luotian's black pagoda.

"Fuck your grandma! I'm not dead yet, old bald donkey, what are you cursing me for!" The voice of the Totem Plane Venerable came from the first floor of the black pagoda. , not the slightest favor.

"I will call you a totem in the future." Luo Tian twitched his fingers, and the black pagoda that suppressed the void emitted countless black silk-like rays of light, and began to sweep towards the old monk. For some reason, this old monk gave Luo Tian an extremely mysterious wave. a feeling of.Just like the old monk Baye who met in the Silver Shark Clan back then, but the old monk at that time only cultivated the body of an arhat, and was far from the level of proving the fruit of a small arhat.

"The benefactor has murderous intentions towards the poor monk, what a kindness!" The old monk looked at Luo Tian with his downcast face, "The sea of ​​bitterness is endless! The benefactor must put down the butcher's knife!"

The old monk shouted loudly, like a slap in the face, and like a slap in the face, as if a kingdom of Buddhas had been directly opened up in the void, with countless surging Buddha lights, necklaces, demon pestles and umbrella covers, among them were golden flowers Warm clouds, bursts of fairy music.

"All things are born to support people, and people have nothing to repay the sky. Old monk, you are no exception. When it comes to killing, you are also in it!"

The black pagoda trembled in the air, and Luo Tian stretched out his finger to the old monk, "There is no limit to the sea of ​​suffering, how do you turn back? Where do you go to turn back? The journey of cultivating immortals is a journey of the weak and the strong, and there are countless bones piled up under your feet. Why don't you go to save the dead? People? Ridiculous, really ridiculous!"

"Cause and non-effect, as always..."

The old monk silently recited an obscure scripture, and the Buddha light of the wheel behind him continued to spread and spread, as if it was about to completely assimilate the space suppressed by Luo Tian!

"Want to assimilate me, idiot's dream!"

Luo Tian sneered and said, the Tianxin Lantern and the Dahuang Immortal Sword were sacrificed directly.

"The Immortal Sword Slashes the Sky!"

"Heaven locks the sky!"

Once the two immortal treasures, the Great Wilderness Immortal Sword and the Heavenly Heart Lantern, were sacrificed, the space assimilated by the Buddha's light was immediately torn apart, and the changes became chaotic.

"Dragon elephant roams!"

The old monk opened his mouth and spat out, two copper rings flew out from the Buddha's light behind him, immediately broke through the blockage of the void, and fell towards Luotian.

"You really have a relationship with the old monk Bayeux!"

Luo Tian's face turned cold, and he stretched out his hand to strike the sky-cracking seven moves, displaying six times the combat power, and knocked the dragon elephant ring crooked all at once.In the end, it was directly suppressed by the black pagoda, and then it was taken in.

"The old monk Beiye instigated the Nine Heaven Realm to launch a war against the Profound Sky Plane. He is really the chief culprit of harming mankind. Such a demon with countless bloody hands is also worthy of becoming a Buddha?"

"How many mortals have been slaughtered by the Nine Heavens in the Profound Sky Plane?"

"How many wives and families were destroyed?"

"You benevolent executioners!"

Luo Tian let out a long cry, and tears flowed down his cheeks from his eyes. The dragon elephant ring in the black pagoda suddenly shattered into powder, and was sucked into it by the black pagoda to refine it.


The old monk stretched out his hand and grasped it back, grabbed the Buddha's light directly, and quickly condensed it into a milky white bead, "The poor monk used the Dinghai Shentong to prove the karma of the little Arhat. Today, the Dinghai Shentong has captured you and suppressed it for thousands of years!"

"Ding Guangzhu, Ding!"

In the next moment, Luo Tian felt the space around his body solidify, and it was difficult for him to even move.

"Seven Heaven-Splitting Styles! Reincarnation, wheel running!"

Luo Tian let out a wild roar, communicated with the black pagoda, and directly fired six times the combat power, cracking the solidified space around him, and finally smashed into nothingness. A wheel above his head slowly appeared, locking on the old monk from afar.

"Running Wheel Promise, open it for me!"

Luo Tian pushed with both hands, and the wheel above his head whizzed away through the void in an instant, the speed was so fast that it was hard to react.

"Ding Guangzhu, Ding!"

"Damn it!"

Luo Tian laughed wildly like thunder, "Turning the clouds! Covering the rain! The sword energy pierces the heavens!"

The three supernatural powers were fired one after another, and the surrounding space collapsed. At the same time, the small world of space condensed behind the old monk suddenly exploded. Among them, countless grass and tree elves in the Buddha's kingdom lost their vitality all at once. The golden flowers floating in the sky, the canopy, the wreaths, the rays of the sun and other visions also withered one after another.

The old monk vomited blood.


Luo Tian grabbed it with his big hand, and the old monk, together with the Buddha's kingdom and visions behind him, were collected by Luo Tian in the black pagoda. Countless domineering forces emerged from the black pagoda to slowly refine the old monk.

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