
Chapter 493 Status!

Luo Tian followed Master Qiankun around a quiet place full of forbidden formations on Wuwang Island for a long time, and finally passed through a small emerald green lake behind a sea of ​​bamboos, and the two entered an elegant in the gazebo.

"Teleportation Array?"

Luo Tian smiled lightly as if he had realized something.

"Come up."

Master Qiankun didn't say much, and took the lead in stepping onto the teleportation formation.

As Luo Tian expected, at the end of the teleportation array was another teleportation array.

After repeating this for several times, Luo Tian clearly remembered that the two of them teleported nine times in a row before arriving in front of a palace suspended in the air.

The two stepped into the palace, the huge palace was empty, only a huge jade mirror carved and tempered from cold jade was abruptly placed in the center of the palace.

"It's good to watch."

When Luo Tian was silent, Master Qiankun stretched out his hand and shot out a white brilliance, and countless scenes appeared on the jade mirror, which kept interlacing and changing, and finally changed into an extremely silent picture.

On the screen, as far as the eye can see, is a huge mountain range full of jade peaks. Looking down from the jade mirror, there are six people sitting on the jade mountain peaks in a sequence, faintly seeming to be connected. It became a wonderful formation.

Endless clouds and mists rolled in, and this huge mountain range looked like a sharp and shocking sword!

"This is?" Luo Tian asked puzzled.

"This is the sword mound, the sword mound of the Luo family hidden somewhere in the void by Taiyi Fuxitu." Master Qiankun replied softly, "Once this sword mound enters, unless the Luo family suffers an unprecedented catastrophe, otherwise, The sword god of the Luo family in the sword mound cannot be born."

Luo Tian watched carefully for a while again, and the images in the jade mirror changed like a revolving lantern. Every time it changed, a sword god in the sword mound would appear, but the sword god seemed to sense that someone was watching, and shot out a sword from his eyes. Mang, seeing through the endless void, looked towards the two Luo Tian standing in front of the jade mirror.


Luo Tian's pupils shrank suddenly, just a moment ago he felt the six sword gods of the Luo family in the sword mound, as if their way of cultivation surpassed the ordinary way, and they seemed to have escaped from the scope of the Purple Lotus Sword Code and reached a new level. realm!

"There are thousands of roads, and every road is under the long river of fate, and it is impossible to figure it out." Master Qiankun said a word without thinking, "It's just that they haven't reached the realm of creating Tao out of thin air, maybe soon, they will I can return to the Luo family."

"Why?" Luo Tian frowned slightly, as if aware of something unusual.

"Because you, the seventh generation of sword gods, have reached such a state, they don't need to stay in the sword mound anymore." Master Qiankun blinked playfully, "Of course, these are the old ancestors of the Luo family. It was arranged by Hua Chen, so now there is one more force behind you, the Loose Cultivator Alliance."

"Isn't it?" Luo Tian's complexion changed slightly, he gritted his teeth, "I didn't expect to be tricked by the ancestor in the end, how many cards does he have secretly arranged?"

"Not much more." Master Qiankun spread his hands and said sincerely, "Everyone knows that the Loose Cultivator Alliance is very powerful, but few people know that the Loose Cultivator Alliance was created by Luo Huachen."

"Don't, don't, don't!" Luo Tian quickly waved his hand, "Don't expect me to take over the Loose Cultivation Alliance from your hometown, your ancestors are too bad-hearted, and if I want to take over, there must be another move waiting for me, so let's stop here !"

"Did you say that about your ancestors?" Master Qiankun resisted the urge to kick Fei Luotian, and scolded with a smile.

"Anyway, there are quite a few people who have been framed by our ancestors." Luo Tiankuang rolled his eyes, "Senior, let's go back now. After staying for a long time, I have the idea of ​​falling into the trap set by your joint efforts..."


Master Qiankun finally kicked Luo Tian away.


On this day, when Luo Tianfei left Wuwang Island, he was about to manipulate Langhua Qingyun to break through the void and fly directly to the South China Sea Islands.

"Xiaotian, stop!"

On Wuwang Island, three beams of light flew out in a hurry, and stopped in front of Luo Tian at once.

"Senior, what else is there?" Luo Tian stretched his eyebrows, then nodded behind Master Qiankun, and said with a smile: "Brother Su, Elder Hai, we meet again."

Now it was Master Qiankun's turn to be taken aback for a moment, and said, "Do you know each other?"

Su Butian was dressed in a yellow robe, holding a folding fan in his hand, with a noble imposing manner, and immediately said with a wry smile: "Senior, Xiaotian is my sister-in-law, do you think you know him?"


At this moment, Master Qiankun was so shocked that he couldn't be more shocked. He twisted his mouth for a long time before he opened his mouth and said, "That little girl's husband-in-law is Luo Tian? It's strange, that little girl always has eyes above her head." ..."

"Senior, am I so like a toad eating swan meat?" Luo Tian shouted with black lines all over his face.

"A little bit." Master Qiankun nodded seriously, "It's strange, I made a divination for this little girl earlier, and the divination showed that it was a shocking sword intent, and it actually landed on you."

"I won't talk anymore. If you talk again, you will be pissed to death by your old man. If it's okay, I'll leave first. See you in the future!"

After speaking, Luo Tian turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait, sister-in-law!" Su Butian hurriedly said, "This time, before the opening of Xuanhuang Secret Realm, you and I will go to Chenzhou of Beihe Kingdom, why rush there?"

"Chenzhou?" Luo Tian was startled, "I said uncle, you mean I'm going to Chenzhou too?"

"You are on the list." Su Butian directly took out a jade tablet and threw it to Luo Tian, ​​"See for yourself."

Luo Tian's spiritual sense glanced at the jade tablet of the record, and he understood the matter. This jade card was jointly issued by Fang Lao and Mrs. Tianhu Baoxiang. On the mysterious plane, there are people with heads and faces.At the same time, the Xuanhuo Forbidden Land represented by Mr. Fang and the Huntian Palace represented by Mrs. Tianhu Baoxiang are both powerful forces in the Profound Sky Plane that can control the situation.

"What's the meaning of Mr. Fang?" Luo Tian didn't say much, thinking about the reason in his heart.

"Sister-in-law, don't need to worry too much. This time, it's just my local forces in the Tianxuan plane discussing actions in the Xuanhuang secret realm." Su Butian seemed to see Luo Tian's doubts, and explained in advance.

"The actions in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm need to be discussed? As long as the enemies are all killed, it's really troublesome!" Luo Tian muttered, hearing Master Qiankun, Hailao and Su Butian were about to collapse. Could it be that this kid is killing God Tianjun reincarnation?

"There is no need to discuss this matter now, let's talk about it when we arrive." Master Qiankun wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, thinking secretly in his heart. This time, the Xuanhuo Forbidden Land and the Huntian Palace have included this murderous kid on the list. Lucky or unlucky?With his current strength, I'm afraid it would be difficult for Fang Lao of Xuanhuo Forbidden Land and the two palace masters of Huntian Palace to suppress him alone?

It's a big deal!

However, Master Qiankun thought about it for a second, Luo Tian's strength at this time is enough to qualify for his current status!

ps: There are more things to do on weekends, at least one more update.

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