
Chapter 494 5 Qi Chaoyuan

Su Butian and Hai Lao looked at Master Qiankun's frowning face along the way, and they were both at a loss. Finally, under Su Butian's continuous questioning, Master Qiankun finally told them all about Luo Tian's actions in recent years. The relationship between the two of them is not outsiders, at least closer than their relationship with Luo Tian.


After Su Butian and Hailao heard the news that Master Qiankun said, they were all shocked. They looked towards the flying waves and Qingyun in great shock, and smiled wryly.

This guy really dares to attack!

Today, most of the young monks of the younger generation on the Tianxuan plane have accepted the inheritance of their respective forces, their mana cultivation base has increased rapidly, and countless geniuses have been born. Compared with Luo Tian, ​​the peerless genius who came out of Daotong is much inferior in terms of strength and character.

Take Su Butian himself as an example, he was born in Yuxian Palace, he is already bold enough to run amok, but compared with the lawless Luo Tian, ​​he thinks he is far inferior.

Hai Lao quickly regained his composure, looked at Luo Tian appreciatively, and said indifferently: "The Tianxuan plane ranks among the best among the third-order planes, but has been oppressed by those second-order planes. I think Luo Tian Well done, these second-tier ranks who have coveted my treasures from the Profound Sky Plane have been prestige for a long time, and the cultivators on the Profound Sky Plane have gradually lost their blood and backbone!"

Master Qiankun forced a dry smile on his face, and did not speak. Although blood and integrity are extremely important, but without sufficient strength, it is useless to die.

"Elder Hai is right, even the one who knows me is Elder Hai!"

In the blue clouds outside, someone howled enthusiastically and unrestrainedly.


Beihe Country, Chenzhou.

Ever since it was rumored that Chenzhou had a cave mansion left by the ancient god Zhou Nian, many monks and foolish people came here after hearing the news, but the foolish people were fine, and at best they ended up with nothing.But those low-level monks are much more miserable. Before they came, they were just lucky enough to hit the big luck. Unfortunately, they didn't hit the big luck, but bumped into the more and more middle-level and high-level monks in Beihe Country. Of course, for ordinary low-level monks, monks at the alchemy stage are considered high-level monks.Many people have never seen a great monk in their life, and the holy monk is even more rumored.

These poor low-level monks originally came for the treasures of the immortals of Beihe Kingdom, but when they arrived, they found that any monk who stood up could easily crush themselves to death, just like crushing ants, so they were naturally extremely sad. Feeling discouraged for a while, he started to play around in Beihe country, which made the business of Beihe country skyrocket in a short period of time.

As the saying goes, the greater the ability, the bigger the stage.

These low-ranking monks who were lucky all day long would never understand the minds of those high-ranking monks. They just wishful thinking that those high-ranking monks are so free and easy when they call the wind and rain and order thousands of troops.As everyone knows, after those senior monks, there are big monks, holy monks.There are immortals above the holy monks.If this world wants to reach the true apex, there are still countless difficult roads to go.

"My lord, please, please don't take my wife away!" On the broad street, a young man in commoner clothes knelt on the ground with tears on his face, hugging a short, fat, greasy-faced dude tightly. Numerous domestic servants punched and kicked the thigh, and the fists rained down on the civilian youth everywhere.

There was no one around to extend a helping hand, those poor people were naturally not qualified, and those rich and powerful people must have known the identity of the short and fat dude, so they didn't help.As for those low-level monks who were still complaining about themselves just now, it was the first time that they felt extremely proud in their hearts. Yes, they are naturally the lowest existence in the world of cultivating immortals, but in the secular world, they are still high above them. The dignitaries, the wealthy businessmen and the wealthy did not dare to take action against them, but respectfully addressed them as "Master Shangxian".

At this time, four figures walked out slowly from the end of the street, led by two handsome young men, one in green clothes and one in yellow clothes, each followed by an old man.

It was Luo Tian and Su Butian.

"In this world, no matter how powerful the dynasties and countries are, they can only be forged with the support of the common people. But once these people reach high positions, they will forget all the past, and they will become these people who oppress the common people. It can be seen that some people in the world still deserve to die."

Luo Tian was smiling all over his face, as happy as a high school champion hugging a beautiful girl and returning home with double happiness, but there was no smile in those eyes.

Su Butian shook his head slowly, he had never seen such a miserable scene, he was born as the favored son of heaven, the favored son of heaven, he has always been aloof.

"Prosperity, the people are suffering; death, the people are suffering." Luo Tian said as he walked, "The people who suffer are always the common people. What did the common people do wrong? Even though there is a taste of mourning their misfortune and anger, these dudes are born to be superior to others. Is it?"

"No one upholds this justice, I'll come!"

Luo Tian quickly took a step forward and flicked his sleeves. The impatience-faced pudgy dandy and the domestic servants who helped him were all crushed by an invisible force, while the boy in civilian clothes who was beaten was Unscathed.

"You monks who think you are superior, look on so coldly, do you think you won't pay the price for your indifference?" Luo Tian sneered, "Today, I will let you know that there is love in heaven, and love in the great way!"

The next moment, Luo Tian's voice was like rolling thunder, and quickly spread out around him. This invisible sound wave power was extremely powerful, and it only hurt monks and not ordinary people. Soon, monks who were more than a hundred miles away from Luotian sprayed together With a mouthful of blood, the primordial spirit in his body suffered unprecedented damage, and his cultivation level was directly knocked down to a level.

"Hey, who is this person? Just a loud shout deprived the old man of the Nascent Soul Stage, which he cultivated through hard work, and brought him back to the Core Formation stage. The law of heaven is unfair!"

"Ah! Brother Wang, why did we fall back to the foundation building stage? What's going on?!"

Then, a breath-taking shout came from the sky.

"There is love in the way of heaven, and there is love in the way!"

"Sister-in-law!" Seeing Luo Tian standing still in a daze, with a trace of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, Su Butian's aura increased instead of diminishing, as if he was about to go mad, so he quickly reached out and grabbed Luo Tian.

"Be careful step by step!"

When Hai Lao was about to make a move, Luo Tian's aura suddenly disappeared without a trace, just like an ordinary mortal without half a wave of energy.

"Congratulations boy Luo, I didn't expect this trip to give you an epiphany, and your cultivation level has greatly increased!" Master Qiankun clapped his palms and laughed, "Your primordial will has reached the state of returning to the original and returning to the original five qi, and the distance is condensed. The law is only one step away!"

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