
Chapter 495 I Know...

As soon as Master Qiankun finished speaking, Su Butian and Hailao were like sifting chaff, and they kept swaying on the spot.

"Senior...Senior!" Su Butian stammered and asked, "Did I hear you right just now? My sister-in-law has reached the will of the primordial spirit with the five energies and the primordial spirit, isn't that a realm unique to Xuanxian? How could he..."

"Alas." Master Qiankun sighed heavily, and immediately cast the sound-proof restraint, "Boy Luo is a complete monster, but after more than a hundred years of cultivation, his cultivation has reached the realm of the middle stage of a true immortal, and the primordial spirit The will is even stronger enough to be comparable to Xuanxian, and people are more angry than people!"

Su Butian and Hai Lao couldn't help but looked at each other, and smiled wryly. It took only more than a hundred years to reach the current situation. If this is said, it will be enough to scare people to death.

"Fellow Daoist Qiankun, now I know why you looked the way you did when you came here, and I feel the same way!" Hai Lao looked up at the sky, and everything in front of him completely overturned all his previous cognitions, even if he was a young man from the Falling Immortal Palace The most powerful peerless genius of a generation is now only a celestial being, and he has cultivated for thousands of years to reach this level, but compared with Luo Tian, ​​he is nothing.

"Let's encourage each other, I hope this kid won't make any bigger mistakes." Master Qiankun said helplessly.

"Hey, hey, can you guys stop treating me like a big devil?" Luo Tian rolled his eyes beside him, "It's as if I don't exist."

"Let's go, it's almost time."


Sure enough, the Xuanhuo Forbidden Land and the Huntian Palace, the two most powerful forces in the Tianxuan Plane, joined hands to convene local powerhouses, and held a meeting in the whirlpool of Chenzhou.


Along the way, the four of Luo Tian met many strong men who came hand in hand, and each brought their disciples to see the world and open their eyes.

"Take care of your family." Luo Tian was amazed.

"Hehe, it's normal." Su Butian said calmly, "The Xuanhuang Secret Realm opens every 3000 years. This kind of grand event is very rare. Many high-level monks never have this opportunity in their entire lives. This is the real summit of the strong."

"I don't think it may be." Luo Tian retorted, "Your ancient Four Great Dao Lineages sent you and Hai Lao here, and none of your real old antiques from Meteor Immortal Palace came."

"I..." Su Butian laughed dryly when he heard the words, cursed inwardly, and secretly vowed that he would add fuel to his sister when he went back, and tell her to take good care of him!

"It's good to send a representative over here." Seeing that Su Butian was deflated, Mr. Hai hurried out to smooth things over.

"Yellow Emperor Chariot!"

At this time, Luo Tian's pupils shrank suddenly, and he recognized a chariot coming from afar. This Yellow Emperor's chariot is the fourth most powerful magic weapon on the list of rare treasures. It is said that this magic weapon has gone through endless years. Didn't expect it to appear here.

Master Qiankun, Su Butian and Hai Lao smiled at each other without saying a word.

The Yellow Emperor's chariot came driving in the clouds, with an incomparably mighty aura of superiority revealed from above, surrounded by countless golden fairy flowers, and the ones pulling the chariot in front turned out to be three green luan.

Qingluan is a high-level monster among the birds and beasts, second only to Phoenix and Suzaku. It is said that it has part of the blood of Phoenix and is extremely powerful.

Suddenly three Qingluan appeared.

"Hey, sister-in-law, I bet you can't afford to provoke the people on the Yellow Emperor's chariot!" Su Butian said with a smirk on his face.

Luo Tian glanced at this unreliable uncle, and said flatly: "It's good if others don't come to provoke me. If they do, they will be killed! Of course, dear uncle, you should put away your as soon as possible." Sow dissension, or I will let Mu Qing take care of you when you go back!"

"Oh, just say it casually, just say it casually." Su Butian smiled awkwardly, scratched his head and walked away, that younger sister was even more difficult to deal with than Luo Tian.

"Let's go."

Just when the four of Luo Tian were about to gallop towards the depths of the Chenzhou vortex, the Yellow Emperor's chariot landed in front of them all of a sudden, blocking the way of the four of them.

Luo Tian frowned slightly, did he come to find fault?

The faces of Su Butian and the others remained unchanged, with a faint smile on their faces.

"Please get out of the way, fellow daoists in front, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless." Luo Tian rubbed his palm lightly, and said indifferently, there was an indescribable chilling meaning in his words.

"Oh, what if I don't let it?"

The next moment, Luo Tian's expression froze immediately, and the voice from the Yellow Emperor's chariot sent him flying out of the blue sky full of fighting spirit, replaced by a flattering and wry smile on his face, "It turns out that the teacher's wife is here, and the boy is blind." Taishan, please forgive me, Mistress!"

Behind, the three of Su Butian almost burst out laughing.

Luo Tian glared at the three of them bitterly, and then said solemnly: "I haven't seen my wife for a long time, and I miss you very much. I hope my wife will see you for being so filial..."

"I know you are glib, come up."

A bridge of clouds was quickly paved in the Yellow Emperor's chariot and landed in front of Luo Tian.

Luo Tian cleared his throat, glanced arrogantly at the three people behind him, and stepped forward.

"Qiankun, Qingxuan, Butian, the three of you should come up."

Hearing this, Luo Tian almost fell down.

"Thank you ma'am!"

The Yellow Emperor's chariot was vast and boundless, and an independent space had been opened up, at least tens of miles away, and it was more than enough for Luo Tian to sit.There are singing birds and fragrant flowers everywhere, and there are streams and waterfalls flowing continuously. There are several viharas among them. Behind the viharas is a lake, and there are several gazebos standing on the lake.

"Xiaotian, hurry up and play a game with the old man!"

As soon as Luo Tian came in, he saw Wu Ren and Wu Yi brothers sitting opposite each other playing Go.

Mrs. Wen was sitting in another pavilion, concentrating on playing the piano, with two dignified and cold-eyed maids standing behind her.

"Why are the two seniors here?"

Brother Wu Ren and Wu Yi didn't speak, but blinked at Luo Tian.

"Master isn't angry, is she?" Luo Tian asked cautiously.

"What do you say?"

"... "


In the depths of the Chenzhou vortex, there are no palaces and pavilions, but some stone seats suspended above the sky. These stone seats are arranged in order of priority, and the names of the visitors are condensed with clouds in the sky above each stone seat, which is exactly right. .

Mrs. Wen's seat is the first one on the right, followed by the four ancient orthodoxy. Among the four ancient orthodoxy, Meteor Immortal Palace ranks first, Lei Island ranks second, and Tuling Mountain ranks third. Xueyu Island ranked fourth, and the sixth place was indeed a person that no one expected.

Luo Tian.

There are more than a hundred seats in two rows, and Luo Tian can be ranked sixth. What an honor this is!

Of course, representatives of many forces who thought that the seat should not be ranked behind Luo Tian chatted with each other, thinking that Luo Tian was not qualified to sit in the sixth position from the right.What's more, he let out a cold snort, and satirized Luo Tian mercilessly.

"So what about the Luo family? He thought he was Luo Huachen, the patriarch of the Luo family? I don't know what to do!"

"They found a good ancestor, who told you that you didn't have one?"

"Hmph! When I go out this time, I will definitely teach that Luo family boy a lesson, so that he understands the meaning of seniority and inferiority!"

"What did you just say?" Luo Tian sat on the sixth stone seat with his legs crossed, and coldly glanced at the few people who talked about him unscrupulously, "Is it not acceptable?"

Apart from Mrs. Wen's cold face, Su Butian, Hai Lao, Wu Ren and Wu Yi's brothers couldn't help but slapped their foreheads together.

"I knew it…"

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