
Chapter 497 Three Supervisions

The person who just yelled at Luo Tian was the first elder among the four elders of the Heavenly Dao League, while the other young man, who was always calm, was the more noble third leader of the Heavenly Dao League.

As for Luo Tian, ​​he wanted to kill the two of them, which could be described as audacious!

The Heavenly Dao League is a force hidden in the dark. Only the super strong who have reached a certain level of cultivation can hear the scaly claws of this mysterious force, but even the tip of the iceberg that has been uncovered is enough to deter many people. .Especially the third leader of the Heavenly Dao League, few people know that he is the eldest son of the Nangong family, a giant family in the fairy world, Nangong Ao.

When Luo Tian shot at him as a mortal, his face never changed a bit. Is it because he has cultivated his energy well, or is he relying on his self-cultivation to reach the sky?


Seeing that Luo Tian dared to attack them, the elder of Tiandao League couldn't help but sneered, "The ignorant are fearless!"

While talking, the Daomeng elder hit something with his backhand that day, and after that thing was hit, countless powerful forces surged towards him in the space around Luo Tian, ​​intending to bind him and tear him into pieces .

"Want to kill me, dream!"

The light in Luo Tian's pupils flickered, and he instantly saw clearly the magic weapon cast by the elder of the Heavenly Dao League. It was a red seal surrounded by abundant laws of heaven and earth, and it was a low-grade peak fairy weapon.Thousands of figures of yellow turban wrestlers appeared on the seal, some with their backs to the mountain, some with a lake on their shoulders, and several people working together to lift a river, in various gestures, and so on.

"Suppress Tianyin! Use the power of mountains, rivers and everything to suppress this person forever!"

The long hair of the great elder of the Tiandao League fluttered, and he cast countless spells in an instant. The Zhen Tianyin floating in the void couldn't help but shuttle back and forth, locking on Luo Tian's aura from afar, and was about to kill him on the spot.

"The mayfly shakes the tree!"

Luo Tian smiled coldly, and once again used the Void Beast's hidden powers to escape directly into the void, walking steadily in the void, and in an instant, countless blurred lights and shadows were separated to confuse the Tianzhen Seal.

Bang bang bang!

The sky seal kept falling into the void, and every time it fell, it strangled a lot of the light and shadow that Luo Tian separated. The power of this kind of fairy treasure is really comparable to that of a middle-grade fairy weapon.

Luo Tian walked in the void without sadness or joy, seeing that he was approaching the side of the great elder of the Tiandao League, the Zhen Tianyin seemed to have sensed something, directly broke through the void, and came to suppress Luo Tian's body.

The sword qi condensed by countless heaven and earth energy around Luo Tian stretched out one after another, turning into more light and shadow clones, each occupying a space in the void, resisting the Heaven-Suppressing Seal.At the same time, Luo Tian also threw several punches fiercely, reaching out to forcibly capture Zhen Tianyin.


A strange rune suddenly appeared on the Zhentian seal, which immediately shocked Luo Tian away.

Rao Luotian's physical body is now comparable to a low-grade peak immortal weapon, and his arms are blurred by the shock, and his flesh and blood are flying everywhere, "It's such a powerful counter-shock force, this rune must be a trace of a golden fairy-level powerhouse. It was refined by the Law of Great Luo! If it is refined by the world inside the body, it will definitely improve its cultivation, and it is not impossible to even break through to the realm of flying fairy!"

With such an idea in Luo Tian's mind, he acted more crazily, and soon came up with a perfect plan!

Outside the void, a sneering smile appeared on the face of the elder of the Tiandao League, "If you want to forcibly seize the Tianzhen Seal, it is absolutely impossible without the cultivation of Xuanxian! Die, boy of the Luo family!"

In the void, in the turbulent flow of countless pitch-black spaces, Luo Tian was also very uncomfortable, but in order to seize the Zhentian Seal, Luo Tian could only work hard for the time being and continue to flee in embarrassment in the void.

"Ma'am, do you think we should take action?" On the first stone seat on the right, Mrs. Wen still closed her eyes and meditated, as if what happened around her had nothing to do with her, but the brothers Wu Ren and Wu Yi behind her couldn't sit still up.

"It's okay, Xiaotian still has a lot of trump cards that he hasn't shown, so he must have a plan." Mrs. Wen smiled lightly. This smile was like a hundred flowers blooming, and the world was a little more colorful.

Sure enough, when Luo Tian went to great lengths to lure Zhen Tianyin into the depths of the turbulent space, he finally showed his ferocious fangs!

"Suppressing Tianyin? Watch me shoot him from the Tiantian Pagoda to forcibly refine him!" Luo Tian immediately played the Sumeru Divine Chapter and the Ziwei Heavenly Scripture to distort the law of space, and the space within tens of feet around him suddenly became blurred Clearly, no one can calculate it in a short period of time, unless the cultivation base has reached the Golden Immortal level.

"Huh?" Nan Gongao, the third leader of the Daoist League that day, frowned slightly, "Something is wrong."

At the same time, the world in Luotian's body opened up, and the Sky Swallowing Pagoda flew out, directly covering the Zhentian seal, and slowly corroded and peeled off the trace of the Da Luo law on the Zhentian seal, without the power of the Da Luo law. Zhentianyin was shattered under the radiant power of the Heaven Swallowing Pagoda, and was taken into the Swallowing Sky Pagoda to be refined.


The Great Elder of Tiandaomeng spat out a mouthful of blood when he opened his mouth, his face was full of horror, "How is that possible?!"

"Killing you is like slaughtering a dog!"

At this time, the void suddenly burst open, and Luo Tian flew out of it, "Crack the sky!"

With just one grasp, the body of the Great Elder of the Heavenly Dao League was torn apart, crushed into a ball of minced meat, and then sucked into his body.

"If you eat people and practice kung fu, you won't be afraid of being punished by God!"

Nangong Ao, who had always been as stable as Mount Tai, finally changed color, and countless ancient pictures emerged behind him, "Eight Ways of the Nebula! Nebula Nebula, the sky and the earth are nothingness!"

"Heavenly Heart Lantern, the will of the sky, infinitely changing!"

In an instant, an ancient bronze lamp appeared above Luo Tian's head. It was the Tianxin lamp. An inconspicuous cyan flame shot out from the Tianxin lamp, which instantly distorted the space and transformed countless restraining formations, killing Nangong Ao's body. The attack was directed into the void.

Ding Ding Deng!

Rao Tianxindeng Shenwei was in front, Luo Tian still felt as if his chest had been hit by a sledgehammer, and he retreated dozens of steps one after another.

The third commander of the Tiandao League is at least a Feixian-level powerhouse!Otherwise, he would still be almost injured after being transferred so far away.However, Luo Tian's disadvantage lies in his ignorance of the opponent. As long as he has an insight into the opponent's attack, Luo Tian's superposition of six times the combat power is enough to kill the third leader of the Heavenly Dao League!But six times the combat power consumes a lot of mana, even if Luo Tian has the supply from the second domain of the Black Lotus Space, he can't use it many times.

Just as Luo Tian was hesitating whether to use six times his combat power, a gentle force descended from the sky, separating Luo Tian and Nangong Ao.

"Everyone is a guest from afar, why hurt your peace?"

A wooden boat landed slowly in the sky, and the one who stood first was the leader of the Forbidden Fire, Fang Lao.

Standing on either side of Mr. Fang were Mrs. Tianhu Baolun and the middle-aged man in black clothes.

"Fang Qingyun, others may be afraid of you three supervisors, but I, Nangong Ao, are not afraid!" Nangong Ao said, "This boy from the Luo family has killed many masters of my Heavenly Dao League. I hope you can hand him over to me. Otherwise, the envoy from the fairy world will come soon, and you will bear the blame!"

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