
Chapter 498 Tian 1 Shenshui, I disagree!

Three monitoring!

Luo Tian was stunned. He never thought that Fang Lao and the other three had such great backgrounds, but under the current situation, he had no time to guess their identities. The seal of Zhentian with a trace of Da Luo's law.

It has to be said that the Da Luo law is really not a high-level rule that Luo Tian's current cultivation level can be refined and absorbed. Two cleansing, and that trace of Da Luo law is difficult to refine.

"Nangong Ao, it seems that you didn't stop the elder when you made the move just now." Elder Fang said softly, without any expression fluctuations on his face, "The monk's fighting skills may fall, so there is no need to say more about it. The Virgo will not agree to your unreasonable demands. At least, it is not your turn to point fingers at the Profound Sky Plane!"

"You!" Nangong laughed furiously, "Okay! You Fang Qingyun! This seat has written down this matter. When the envoy from the fairy world arrives, this matter will definitely be decided!"

After finishing speaking, Nangong Ao Pokong left.

Mr. Fang gave Nangong Ao a deep look, but did not speak.

"Hmph! Come whenever you want, leave whenever you want, what kind of place do you think this is?!" Mrs. Tianhu Baolun next to her was not happy. Inject into the void and disappear.

Nangong Ao, who had gone hundreds of miles away in an instant, suddenly had a sudden change of expression. Immediately, his whole body trembled, and he froze in the void.

"Taiyuanzhen! What a Tianhu Baolun lady!"


"Thank you, Mr. Fang!"

After Nangong Ao left, Luo Tian bowed immediately, not to mention that Mr. Fang had a feud with Nangong Ao because of him this time, even when Luo Tian was still in the Foundation Establishment stage a long time ago, Mr. Fang took special care of him. This kindness, Luo Tian always remembers it in his heart.

"When did you become so polite, kid?" Mr. Fang said with a half-smile, "I'm not just doing it for you this time, but because the Taoist League deceived people too much that day. If there is too much trouble, let him not be spared."

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Fang, Mrs. Tianhu Baolun and the middle-aged man in black clothes flashed and went directly to the front seat.

"Everyone, please take a seat."

Fang Lao's voice came to everyone's ears clearly and softly like the spring breeze turning into rain.

Everyone sat down in a state of shock in their hearts. The scene just now subverted their previous cognition. At a meeting held in 3000, Luo Tian, ​​​​who was born out of nowhere, beat and killed people without restraint. Mr. Fang, who has always been known for his sternness and selflessness, was not angry. This alone made these old foxes present smell something unusual. They looked at Luo Tian again with a hint of awe, everyone She was thinking about how to make friends with Luo Tian naturally.

Everyone in the Luo family is really extraordinary!

The most miserable thing is that old man with triangular eyes in the Fire Feather Plane, his intestines are green with regret at this moment, if he had known that the boy from the Luo family still had such a relationship with Mr. Fang, even if he was killed, he would not dare to provoke this lawless man. The devil.

At this moment, Luo Tian, ​​the instigator who wounded one person and killed three on the spot, looked at Erlang's legs leisurely, and bombarded Mrs. Wen through sound transmission.


"Dear mistress, please reveal the origins of Fang Lao and the other three?"

"Master, if you don't speak again, I will roll in front of you!"

Mrs. Wen's face was calm, but she was quite helpless in her heart. It would be an extremely headache for anyone to share Luo Tian's hob meat. Stop making noise.

"Later, Mr. Fang will naturally say, what's the rush." ​​Finally, Mrs. Wen couldn't resist Luo Tian's rascally behavior, raised the white flag, and responded helplessly.

"Hey." Luo Tian saw that the trick had succeeded, so he didn't say any more.

After another half an hour, all the representatives participating in the meeting finally arrived, and even some monks who were familiar with each other before stopped talking and laughing, and they all fell silent.

"Hehe, another 3000 years have passed. Many old friends have been sent away and many new friends have been welcomed." Mr. Fang coughed lightly and said, "Since I have many new friends, I will introduce myself first." For a moment, this seat, Fang Qingyun, is the chief envoy of the Immortal Realm in the Tianxuan plane, and the two next to him are Mrs. Tianhu Baolun and Hei Chang, who are the deputy envoys of the supervisor. The three people in this seat are guarding all the year round. The Tianxuan plane has only one purpose, and that is to protect the Xuanhuang Pagoda and supervise the opening of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm."


Luo Tian was secretly startled, it turned out that Fang Lao and the other three were the supervisors of the fairy world!

At the same time, while Mr. Fang was talking, Luo Tianmu looked at the six roads and listened to all directions. He quickly noticed that Su Butian, who was on the second stone seat from the right, seemed to tremble slightly. Mrs. Tianhu Baolun on the left.

No!Luo Tian suddenly got up dumbfounded, what does the uncle think about Mrs. Tianhu Baolun?Is this the type of woman this guy likes?This is too strong!

When Luo Tian was thinking wildly, Fang Lao paused and continued.

"The size of the Immortal Realm is far from what you imagined. It is really vast. In a large scale, the Immortal Realm is divided into the Southern Immortal Realm and the Northern Immortal Realm, and my Profound Sky Plane belongs to the Southern Immortal Realm. Your position They all belong to the Southern Immortal Realm, while Daomeng of that day belongs to the Northern Immortal Realm. Every time the Xuanhuang Secret Realm is opened, the Northern Immortal Realm will come down with envoys from the Northern Immortal Realm, just to enter the Xuanhuang Secret Realm to obtain Tianyi Divine Water. I also know that even the great figures in the fairy world are extremely eager for such treasures, although I don't know the specific function of Tianyi Shenshui."

"This meeting is just to discuss one issue. The envoys from the Northern Immortal Realm have already communicated with the Tiandao League. They want to take the Wucheng Tianyi Shenshui in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm this time. What do you think?"

"I disagree!"

A clear and clear voice suddenly sounded out of place.

"Oh, what do you think?" Mr. Fang smiled lightly.

The one who spoke was naturally Luo Tian, ​​who saw Luo Tian standing up and bowing in circles, "The Xuanhuang Secret Realm is originally the treasure land of my Profound Sky Plane, and the Profound Sky Plane is under the jurisdiction of the Southern Immortal Realm. Why does he want a share of the North Immortal Realm? Pooh!"

"It's nothing more than a share of the pie. What right does the Northern Immortal Realm have to take away [-]% of the Tianyi Divine Water? Although the boy doesn't know the magical effect of the Tianyi Divine Water, I am the first to disagree with such a robbery in the Northern Immortal Realm! Immortal Realm Messenger What's the matter with the advent? Are you scaring us? It's like a robber came to your house and said that as long as you obediently hand over half of your belongings, Lao Tzu will mercifully spare you. It's as ridiculous as not hurting your life! If that's the case, it's fucking useless to ask the government to do something! Besides, the Northern Immortal Realm has achieved its goal this time, and it will definitely get worse in the future. As long as we in the Southern Immortal Realm are bloody men, we will not agree to such shameless conditions in the Northern Immortal Realm! "

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

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