
Chapter 505 Soul Invigorating Stone, 9 Times Combat Strength!

Tens of thousands of golden hair roaring in human form, what kind of concept is this, if it is in the Tianxuan plane, it can scare people to death alive!

"Hey, Luo Tian, ​​do me a favor!" Seeing this, Zhou Dongfei hurriedly hid behind Luo Tian, ​​and said loudly.


"Hurry up and use your supernatural ability to recruit people and take me in! I can't beat them!" Zhou Dongfei said with a sad face.

"I'm going to do it if you don't tell me!" After Luo Tian finished speaking, he directly opened the world in his body and took Zhou Dongfei in. Catastrophe.

Zhou Dongfei is just a troublemaker!

"Human, how dare you kill my youngest son!"

An extremely tall middle-aged man came out of the crowd, his face twitched, and he roared through gritted teeth.

"I really didn't do this." Luo Tian said helplessly, spreading his hands.


The middle-aged strong man must be the leader of the Golden Retriever clan. As soon as he opened his mouth, several members of the Golden Retriever clan rushed out and rushed towards Luo Tian from all directions and angles. Howling and piercing wind.

"What a lot of strength!"

Luo Tian praised secretly in his heart, but his movements were not slow at all. The whole person immediately spun on the spot, waving countless fist shadows and foot shadows, as if Luo Tian shook countless afterimages in an instant, with countless changes.

Bang bang bang!Bang bang bang!

Fighting against several Golden Retrievers with his own strength, Luo Tian knew that he was completely surrounded now, and he had to fight his way out if he wanted to leave.

"Ah! My arm is broken!"

"This human body is so strong!"

"What a domineering power!"

While panting, those golden retrievers flew upside down and fell out, all bones were broken, none of them was intact.This also shows how fierce Luo Tianxia's hands are, which can be seen.

"Get out of the way!"

Later, Luo Tian directly sacrificed the Tianxin Lantern, controlled the Purple Lotus Sword Formation with his left hand, and the Great Wilderness Immortal Sword with his right hand, and rushed out directly.

"It's a pity, the space in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm is too tough and solid, and it really can't be easily broken!"

If he could break through the space, Luo Tian would have used Qingyun to escape long ago, and a fool would be willing to roar at these tens of thousands of ninth-level monsters. Fortunately, it was Luo Tian. Beast, even if it stretches its neck for you to cut, it is guaranteed that it will be cut to the limp.

Just when Luo Tian was about to use teleportation, those golden-haired roars suddenly moved, and I saw thousands of them gathered in one place, their hands were heavily pounded on their chests, their mouths opened wide, and they all let out A huge sound wave came out.

This sound wave has no form or form, but Luo Tian can feel the range of this sound wave, the diameter is at least hundreds of feet!


Luo Tian can only teleport for a few miles now, and those golden-haired growlers behind him have all sent out their spiritual thoughts to lock him.

How could Golden Retriever have such a terrifying divine sense? !

Luo Tian couldn't stop shifting and shifting, took the time to look back, and found that the previous boss of the Golden Retriever clan was hovering a reddish stone above his head.The stone is not big, only three feet square, emitting bright beams of light.

"Soul-invigorating stone! Invigorate the soul!"

Thousands of golden retrievers roared together and added their primordial spirits to the red stone Vibrating Soul Stone, and the Soul Vibrating Stone locked Luo Tian firmly again, leaving Luo Tian with nowhere to escape for the time being!

Grandma's, fight!

Luo Tian gritted his teeth. If he wanted to get out of the soul-shaking stone's lock, he had to deal with the invisible sound wave in front of him.

"Six times the combat power!"

With a roar, Luo Tian threw out both the Purple Lotus Sword Formation and the Great Wilderness Immortal Sword. A layer of pale black light flickered on his body. The world in his body finally had a chance to appear. The Tower of Tuntian suddenly emerged, suspended in the sky with the Tianxin Lantern. Luo Tian raised his head.

Click click!

Suddenly there was a sharp cracking sound in front of Luo Tian, ​​and there seemed to be faint cracks in the void, which showed the fierceness of the attacks from both sides.

"Soul shaking!"

The boss of the Golden Retriever roared again, seeing Luo Tian break the invisible sound wave, he was furious like a thunder, and roared again.

Luo Tian quickly calculated in his mind that the soul-invigorating stone was too terrifying. Although Luo Tian had never seen a high-grade fairy weapon, Luo Tian was sure in his heart that this soul-stimulating stone was definitely a fairy treasure that surpassed a high-grade fairy weapon!

Surpassed the top-grade fairy weapon!If Luo Tian hadn't cultivated the inner world, it is very likely that he would be wiped out by the bears like Golden Retriever Hou this time!

"Swallowing Tower!"

Under Luo Tian's rage, he had already sacrificed the Heaven-Swallowing Pagoda of the inner world. The Sky-Swallowing Pagoda swallowed everything, even the laws of heaven and earth, not to mention such substantial immortal treasures as the soul-invigorating stone.

"Reincarnation of the Seven Heaven-Splitting Forms!"

Luo Tian finally broke out under the oppression of the Zhenhun Stone, a fairy treasure that surpassed the category of high-grade fairy artifacts!He actually fully comprehended the supernatural powers of reincarnation in the seventh form of the seventh form of the Sky Splitting Form!

Chi Chi!

The aura around Luo Tian strengthened again. He could feel the mana in his body cheering and jumping, boiling non-stop. He made a very mysterious gesture with both hands, and a huge vortex appeared in the sky. The vortex represented the law of reincarnation between heaven and earth. , unless you jump out of the parallel space and are not in the world of mortals, it will be difficult to escape from the magic power of reincarnation.

Bai Shijie is really a peerless man!

At this moment, Luo Tian fully comprehended the supernatural powers of reincarnation. When he turned his head, he realized that Bai Shijie was truly an astonishingly talented person who could create such supernatural powers. His understanding was much higher than his own. Appearing saint mood!

At this moment, Luo Tian looked at those golden-haired roars in the sky again, and couldn't help showing a little pity. Unfortunately, locked by the magic power of reincarnation, very few people can escape from it. Even the primordial spirit will be involved in reincarnation and enter the six realms. Maybe in the next life, he will become a grass, a Shura, a human, or a beast!

reincarnation!life and death!

Reincarnation is life and death!The beginning of life and death is the beginning of reincarnation, and the beginning of reincarnation is the rebirth of life and death!

At this moment, Luo Tian suddenly understood all kinds of things in the past, as if the long river of time and fate were constantly flowing in front of him, familiar or unfamiliar scenes were constantly changing, countless strange things and creatures even It was the battle scene that turned like a lantern in front of him. At one glance, it was a lifetime, and at another glance, it was another lifetime!

"Reincarnation magical power!"

Luo Tian's momentum continued to skyrocket, and it seemed difficult to stop. In the end, Luo Tian's eyes shined brightly, "Nine times the fighting power! Golden Retriever and Roar Clan, accept this move!"

The backhand is a palm shot.

Luo Tian's palm contains endless laws of reincarnation, including life and death, time, and eternity!

Luo Tian's cultivation base has even risen to the peak of the real fairy all of a sudden, and he is only half a step away from being promoted to the flying fairyland!At the same time as his cultivation base soared, Luo Tian's combat power also soared, and this blow was able to use nine times his combat power!It is earth-shattering!

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