
Chapter 506

As soon as Luo Tian's nine times combat power was launched, the sky was stirred up immediately, among which the law of reincarnation and the law of swallowing the sky were interpreted to the fullest, and the hard earth, trees, mud and rocks on the ground were swept up one after another. The weird feeling that there is nowhere to hide in the sky and on the ground!

"Soul Invigorating Stone! Shaking Soul!"

The golden-haired boss roared again, opened his mouth and sprayed out a mouthful of blood, and shot it directly at the soul-stimulating stone. The soul-stimulating stone trembled slightly, and countless red ribbons emerged from it. Instantly replaced by soft white light.

In the air, there seemed to be countless phantoms, each phantom was a powerful strong man roaring angrily, howling, with one sound, mortals would be taken away immediately. The gods will also be annihilated under this roaring roar, becoming a walking corpse.

"This is too cruel!"

Luo Tian was also taken aback. He had seen ruthless ones, but he had never seen such ruthless ones. Normal human monks, who did not practice special skills, would only have the blood essence the size of a child's fist if they were strangled to death. No more than five drops.Although the Golden Retriever clan has the blood of ancient monsters and is incomparably noble, they are not much more than ordinary human monks. The mouthful that the leader of the Golden Retriever clan spewed out just now is more than twice that of human monks of the same level. The blood essence is really scary.

"Nine times the combat power, the sword energy is vertical and horizontal!"

Luo Tian let out a low growl. Now that the opponent has displayed the maximum attack power, Luo Tian will not hold back any longer. He put the Purple Lotus Sword Formation, the Great Wilderness Immortal Sword and the Heavenly Heart Lantern into the Naxu Ring, and Luo Tian directly sacrificed the Heaven Swallowing Pagoda. It came out, and at the same time, the magic weapon of the black lotus also turned into a huge black lotus and appeared at Luo Tian's feet.

In an instant, Luo Tian almost burned all the spiritual stones in the Naxu ring, and the endless heaven and earth energy filled his body, enough to support him to launch dozens of attacks with nine times the combat power.This is Luo Tian, ​​whose physical body is comparable to the peak of a low-grade immortal weapon. If he were to be called someone else, he might display nine times the combat power once, and the unparalleled shock force would be enough to wipe out his own backlash.

The law of heaven and earth comprehended by the peak of the real fairy, Luo Tian fought nine times the combat power several times, and the countless gods that emerged from the soul-stimulating stone were immediately swept up and down, shaking unceasingly, and the precious light around him flickered.

But even so, the soul-invigorating stone is still as immovable as a rock, and Luo Tian's nine times fighting power can't shake its foundation at all.

Puff puff!

At this time, the countless gods gushing out from the soul-stimulating stone rushed over at once. In each light group, there was a god standing, sitting or lying down, in various postures.


Luo Tian looked at the nine times the fighting power he had played several times, and they all blew up the hard ground into a bottomless pit, but no matter how fierce his strength was, when he came in front of the soul-invigorating stone, he seemed to encounter an invisible wave The walls disappeared without a trace, and the Golden Retrievers behind the Soul-stimulating stone were not harmed in the slightest.

"What kind of immortal treasure is this soul-invigorating stone? It's so powerful!"

Luo Tian was shocked in his heart, and watched helplessly as the gods in the countless light clusters rushed over and collided with the Tuntian Pagoda.

a god.

Two gods.

Three gods.


After swallowing hundreds of gods in the Tiantian Tower, it seemed that the speed of refining and absorbing was getting slower and slower. Later, those gods exploded in the Tiantian Tower, shaking the Tiantian Tower violently. , the original flawless tower body has some cracks.

The world inside the body, the Tower of Swallowing Heaven, is Luo Tian's last trump card!Even being unable to defend against the opponent's attack shows just how terrifying the soul-shaking stone is.


At this time, the Sky Swallowing Tower finally could no longer stop too many divine light groups, and several divine light groups penetrated the defense of the Sky Swallowing Tower and attacked Luo Tian's body.

"Taiyi Cave Profound Divine Light!"

Without hesitation, Luo Tian shot out the mysterious divine light of Taiyi Cave, and a layer of blue light curtain came out from Luo Tian's body, finally barely stopping these divine light clusters.The powerful destructive power of the Taiyi Dongxuan Divine Light could not break the divine light group, and the gods in the divine light group began to recite Taoism in their mouths, and played countless unheard of magic formulas in their hands.

"I can't stop it again! Dare to attack me? Court death!"

At this time, the Golden Retrievers on the other side saw that Luo Tian seemed to be unable to resist, and rushed over in groups, wanting to take this opportunity to tear Luo Tian into pieces.

Chi Chi!

Those hundreds of golden-haired roars had just touched the mysterious divine light of Taiyi Cave all over Luo Tian, ​​and were tempered into fly ash by the blue light curtain.

The remaining Golden Retriever hurriedly stopped his forward body, roaring and cursing.

Taiyi Dongxuan Shenguang has no choice but to resist the mysterious and powerful fairy treasure of the soul-invigorating stone, but it does not mean that these ninth-level monsters can do whatever they want.

clap clap!

At this time, the light curtain of Taiyi Cave Mysterious Divine Light in front of Luo Tian suddenly made a cracking sound, and two of the divine light groups took this opportunity to rush over and directly arrived in front of Luo Tian.

"The replacement puppet!"

Luo Tian directly took out a substitute puppet that can only be used twice in a lifetime from the Naxu Jie, and directly turned into an inexplicable law of heaven and earth to stop him, quickly reversed time and space, and waved out a series of mysterious Dao patterns.

"I hope it works!" Luo Tian kept praying in his heart.


Next, the two divine light clusters crashed headlong into the law domain of the puppet substitute, and directly dissolved into nothingness. At the same time, the mysterious dao patterns in front of Luo Tian also disappeared one after another.

A message immediately came to Luo Tian's mind that the replacement puppet had only one last chance to use it.

"not good!"

At this time, Luo Tian's complexion changed drastically as he looked at the several divine light clusters flying towards him one after another. It was already too late for the last chance to use the replacement puppet!

"If you want to kill me, you have to pay the price!"

Luo Tian let out a wild roar, and swung his fists like a hammer that shook the world. In an instant, Luo Tian communicated with the second domain of the Black Lotus Space, and fought dozens of times with nine times the fighting power.

The speed of those divine light clusters was only blocked for a moment, and then they broke through the air again and arrived in front of Luo Tian in an instant.

There is no avoiding, there is no hiding!

When Luo Tian reached the most critical moment, he still didn't give up, and he was going to use the secret method of burning life span in his previous life!


At this time, the black lotus under Luo Tian's feet suddenly turned, shining layers of black light curtains, directly blocking Luo Tian's body, and rebounding all the gods' light clusters away.

"This is?!"

Luo Tian was surprised to feel that the black lotus seemed to be a little different, and before he could finish thinking, three colorful beams of light burst out from the black lotus.

A cyan color.

A streak of yellow.

a red.

Just one sweep of the three-color beam of light annihilated the light ball of the gods in front of it into nothingness and dust. Then, the three-color beam of light broke through the defense of the swallowing tower without stopping, and fell towards the soul-invigorating stone.

The red brilliance on the soul-shaking stone seemed to be fragile, and after only resisting a few breaths of effort in front of the three-color beam of light, the three-color beam of light completely wiped out the connection between the divine light and the primordial spirit above, and was directly swept back.

"Impossible!" The boss of the Golden Hair Roar clan turned pale, and he opened his mouth to spit out another mouthful of blood. For 10 years, it is impossible to be forcibly plundered!"

Holy artifact?

Luo Tian's heart skipped a beat.

ps: A group of people ate old duck soup yesterday, but today they are all in a bad way. Everyone in Chongqing should pay attention.I just recovered and collapsed.Yesterday, I was very animalistic. I was very tired, my whole body hurt, and I smoked a pack of cigarettes. Although I am not in a good state today, there will be three shifts.There are more favorites than recommendations, everyone, recommend and support, I love you.

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