
Chapter 508 Beast Shadow

At the entrance to the fourth floor of Xuanhuang Mystery Realm, black smoke billowed and the wind gusts.

Above the black smoke and the evil wind, there are two people standing in the air at this moment. One is as tall and powerful as a demon god, and the other is as tall as a jade fairy. These two people are really evenly divided in terms of momentum.

"God crocodile?" Yu Fei asked first.

"Which force in the fairy world is your Excellency?" The tall and strong man in black Crocodile raised his brows, and said calmly, without the slightest domineering posture, and his mood was peaceful.

"Zixia Temple in the Northern Immortal Realm, Yu Fei."

Crocodile God said calmly: "With your strength, you can go directly to the fourth floor of Xuanhuang Secret Realm."

"I still have a small condition I want to discuss with you."


"As long as you can stop this person." Yu Fei smiled slightly, waved his sleeves, and a piece of jade slip appeared from the void. With a slight shake of the jade slip, an image of a person appeared on it.

"One price, [-] celestial pills."

"Isn't it too big for you to open your mouth?" Yu Fei's complexion changed slightly, and his tone became a little hostile, "Up to [-]!"

"Eighty thousand, no less."

"Okay! Deal!" Yu Fei gritted his teeth bitterly, "Even if he can't be stopped, he must be injured. Anyway, he can't be allowed to enter the fourth layer of the secret realm intact!"

"Haha, Yu Fei, are you doubting the strength of my crocodile god?" The crocodile god laughed wildly, "Our monsters are not as devious as your human monks!"

Yu Fei didn't say much, turned around and left with a gloomy expression on his face.

"Hey! Yu Fei, where's the Xianyuan Pill?" Crocodile God stretched out his palm, and said with a half-smile, "It seems that you forgot to give me the Xianyuan Pill."

"Take it!"

Yu Fei threw out a jade bottle, his face became cloudy, "Do you want to count the number of immortal pills in it to see if it is enough?"

"Thank you for reminding me." Crocodile God nodded foolishly, very harmlessly erasing the prohibition circle on the mouth of the jade bottle, and swept his divine sense inside.

"No more, no less, your calculations are quite accurate." Crocodile God laughed, unable to tell whether it was a mockery or a compliment.

Yu Fei naturally didn't bother to talk to him, his figure flashed, and he directly entered the passage leading to the fourth floor of Xuanhuang Mystery Realm.

Seeing Yu Fei's figure disappearing into the passage, God Crocodile couldn't help showing a sneer on his face, and scolded: "I'm just wondering, why are the people in the Northern Immortal Realm more shameless and sinister than the other? Is this also passed down from his mother's line?! Fei, don't you think that you dare to play tricks with me because you are half a step into the realm of Xuanxian? It's just [-] immortal pills, and you still have to leave me a f*cking backup, I'll kill your whole family!"

As soon as Crocodile God changed his previous indifference, he began to curse incomparably vulgarly. It seems that his impression of the Northern Immortal Realm was extremely bad.

"This group of bastards is a waste of my time and energy!" Crocodile God scolded while using his divine sense to disperse Yu Fei's backhands left on the Xianyuan Pill, "Little bastard, I'm really willing to spend my money, [-] yuan!" A fairy pill also planted the law of calamity!"

Not far away, Zhou Dongfei was reluctantly waving at Luo Tian with tears in his eyes, "Luo Tian, ​​that's interesting! I, Zhou Dongfei, have recognized you as a brother from now on. You are my brother, Zhou Dongfei! No, than Brothers are dear!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Luo Tian was directly amused by Zhou Dongfei's treasure, "I said Dongfei, didn't I just give you a drop of Tianyi Shenshui? Isn't your attitude changing so fast? You have no bottom line. Man, I fucking like it the most!"

"Ha ha…"

After speaking, the two laughed at each other.

"Come on, do it!"

Luo Tian took out two bottles of fine wine from the Naxu Jie, threw a bottle to Zhou Dongfei, and said with a proud smile, "After drinking this bottle, you and I will part ways. !"

"Okay, do a few more for me!" Zhou Dongfei laughed loudly, drank the fine wine in his hand in one gulp, threw it backhand, and the bottle exploded into powder with a bang.

"Take these." Luo Tian threw a jade bottle to Zhou Dongfei, and left through the air, "There is always a farewell, don't need to give more. See you and me in the fairyland tomorrow!"

"what is this?"

Zhou Dongfei swept away his spiritual thoughts, and waved his hands hastily: "Luo Tian, ​​brother, I'd better send you off again! By the way, can you give me some Taiyuan Pill as a gift? This is the best panacea!"

Hearing this, Luo Tian almost fell headfirst from the sky.

To be honest, Luo Tian still likes this treasure Zhou Dongfei from the bottom of his heart. This guy looks extremely coquettish, but in fact, he has a fanaticism and kindness in his heart that ordinary people can't match, and he is very emotional.When Luo Tian was comprehending the supernatural powers in the memory of the Void Beast, he once entered into a samadhi for three days. There was no movement during these three days and three nights. No matter how much you fall, you will definitely not be soft-hearted or leave. Although Luo Tian can't get close to him even if these monsters are settled, Luo Tian is so moved by Zhou Dongfei, otherwise he wouldn't take out a drop of Tianyi Shenshui and a drop of water. The Void Beast's blood was given to him. You must know that there are only seven drops of Void Beast's blood in Luo Tian's hand, and one drop was given to Zhou Dongfei, only six drops.

Seeing Luo Tian's figure disappearing into the sky, Zhou Dongfei couldn't help but sighed softly, found a hidden place, and began to refine the Void Beast's blood essence.


At this moment, Luo Tian, ​​after parting with Zhou Dongfei, seems to have experienced the true emotions among thousands of people in the world of mortals. These countless emotions emerged one after another in his heart, and finally converged into a river of vitality, slowly pouring into the world's Swallowing Tower in the body , to increase the power of the Sky Swallowing Tower!

The power of the Sky Swallowing Pagoda increased, and the essence and blood of the Void Beast in Luo Tian's body that had not been completely refined was also slowly absorbed by the Sky Swallowing Law contained in the blood, refining it bit by bit, and soon, the Void Beast's blood The essence and blood of Yuanshen will be completely refined by Luo Tian and merged into his own way of swallowing the sky!

Oh oh oh!

At this time, Luo Tian had already used the power of the third layer of the Black Lotus Dimension, and his own time flow speed increased a hundred times. If he did not practice in the third heaven of the Black Lotus Dimension, he had to burn mana and lifespan to display time acceleration. With Luo Tian's actions, he has entered the state of being intoxicated!

In a trance, a huge dark phantom slowly appeared behind Luo Tian. It looked like a bird, a fish, but not a fish. It turned out to be the body of a void beast. As if not controlled by the laws of heaven, they all trembled, and finally refracted and twisted each other, making Luo Tian and the void beast phantom behind him naturally submerge into the void, and even perfectly blended into the space of the Xuanhuang secret realm!

Above the entrance of the third-floor passage, the crocodile god who volleyed cross-legged opened his eyes at once, looking at the huge dark phantom that flashed away at the end of the distant sky, his expression changed, "That phantom just now?! It seems to be Void Beast, an ancient ferocious beast that has long been extinct in thousands of planes!"

"Excuse me, are you the Crocodile God?"

At this time, a soft voice came from the void, God Crocodile was startled, his consciousness swept out, but he didn't see any trace of the other party, and couldn't feel any aura of the other party!

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