
Chapter 509 Double Gravity!

"I don't know which fellow daoist is here?"

Although God Crocodile was shocked, he still did superficial things, showing the aura of a generation of demon gods.

"Friend Crocodile God is forgetful. Didn't you just see me from Yu Fei in the Northern Immortal Realm?"

The person who made the sound is naturally Luo Tian who has completely absorbed the essence and blood of the Void Beast Primordial Spirit. At this moment, he is hiding in the Void, which is equivalent to the hour and space between the outside of the space and the inside of the space. You can't feel his presence.

"So it's you." God Crocodile frowned slightly, "What kind of person is Yu Fei from the Northern Immortal Realm? I'm just teasing him, so he's worthy of negotiating terms with me?"

"Listen to this."

Crocodile God suddenly raised his eyebrows, opened his big hand, and quickly grabbed somewhere in the void.


That void was almost blown away by God Crocodile's grasp, and a lot of transparent water lines emerged from the shaking, rippling non-stop, and finally returned to its original shape.

"What's the meaning of this, fellow crocodile god?"

Soon, Luo Tian's voice appeared from another void. Just now, Crocodile God's grasp could barely determine his approximate position, but Luo Tian transformed countless hours and spaces in an instant, freely coming and going in the long river of space, Even if God Crocodile could judge his precise location, there was nothing he could do to him. Strictly speaking, God Crocodile was just bluffing to bluff people.

"Haha, you are indeed a peerless person who makes even the despicable Northern Immortal Realm a headache. The space in this Mystic Yellow Secret Realm is comparable to that in the Immortal Realm. I never thought that you could break through the void and escape into it. I am in admiration of the Crocodile God. Luo Tian, You can enter the fourth floor now! I, God Crocodile, will not accept your money for buying roads this time!"

Crocodile God smiled very happily, but deep in his heart he was deeply jealous. Although there were powerful human monks who entered the Xuanhuang Mystery Realm in the past, similar to Yu Fei, but he relied on his middle-stage monster cultivation and follow-up methods. , is also not afraid, but this Luo Tian is a little scary, he can break the space barrier of Xuanhuang Secret Realm, you know, even if a strong person at the Xuanxian level can enter, it will take a lot of trouble to do it.

Like Luo Tian, ​​hiding in the void, if he didn't speak, Crocodile God wouldn't notice at all.Once this kind of person makes a move against him, the consequences will be unimaginable, and Crocodile God is naturally willing to sell a favor to Luo Tian.

"I still have an unfeeling request, I hope Fellow Crocodile God can fulfill it." Luo Tian was silent for a moment, then said calmly.

"please say."

"If fellow crocodile God meets a cultivator from the Heavenly Dao League, please don't make too many embarrassments. It is best to let all the monks from the Heavenly Dao League who are qualified to enter the fourth floor of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm come in."

"Hehe, you guys have made it clear that you want to take over the Tiandao League, okay, I promise you!"

"Thank you."

After Luo Tian finished speaking, he moved several times in the void, and cautiously entered the fourth floor of Xuanhuang Secret Realm.Naturally, Fang Yun took action on the first floor, and the Tiandao League was doomed to die.On the second floor, Luo Tian and Fang Lao have also told the monks in other planes to cross the catastrophe, and the days of the Tiandao League will not be easy.On the third floor, Zhou Dongfei was watching and prepared a big gift for those guys from the Tiandao League.As for the fourth floor, it is already possible to kill people, Luo Tian naturally does his part!

The scenery in front of him changed, and Luo Tian suddenly appeared on the fourth floor of Xuanhuang Mystery Realm.

"This is?!"

Luo Tian felt the pressure all over his body suddenly increase, and he who was hidden in the void was directly forced out, as if he was being pressed down by a mountain.

"It's terrible gravity! At least it's a hundred times stronger than the outside world!"

Luo Tian's consumption of mana at this moment has also directly increased by a hundred times, which means that he has the power of a hundred thousand horses outside, but here he can only exert the power of a thousand horses at most.

"With a hundred times the gravity, the time I can stay in the void is also reduced by a hundred times. I'm afraid I can only stay in the void for a quarter of an hour at most!" Luo Tian suddenly became cloudy, but after thinking about it, he was still Well, the body is strong and possesses many supernatural powers. The monks of the Dao League were not so lucky that day. Coupled with the spread of the spiritual amplitude of the soul-stimulating stone, the sacred artifact, Luo Tian's spiritual consciousness can spread dozens of miles at this moment.As for the mana lost a hundred times, it is not a problem at all for Luo Tian to have the second-day supply of the black lotus magic weapon.

Next, the game is about to begin!

There was a sudden chill on Luo Tian's face, his body shook, and he flew out quickly.

Luo Tian's current position is the southwest direction of the fourth floor of Xuanhuang Secret Realm, and it is still quite a distance from the entrance to the fifth floor. Now Luo Tian is just taking this opportunity to collect Tianyi Shenshui. Of course, it is best to meet To those guys from Tiandao League.

"There are really a lot of Tianyi water on the fourth floor!" Soon, Luo Tian obtained two more drops of Tianyi water. Excluding the one drop he gave to Zhou Dongfei, there are now a total of six drops of Tianyi water on his body.

At the same time, in the north direction of the fourth floor of Xuanhuang Secret Realm, Yu Fei was collecting a drop of Tianyi Shenshui with a sullen face. This time he descended to earth, he only had 20 immortal pills on his body, and he was squeezed out of six by the crocodile god. Ten thousand, in the fourth floor, the consumption of mana is a hundred times that of the outside, and the consumption of immortal pills is also extremely astonishing, but in an hour, he has consumed dozens of immortal pills. This is still the fourth floor. The fifth floor has a thousand times the gravity, and the sixth floor has ten thousand times the gravity. At that time, the consumption of the immortal pill will be even greater!

hurry up!

Yu Fei thought to himself, the speed of his flight immediately increased, and he had harvested eleven drops of Tianyi Shenshui on his body at this moment, almost twice as much as Luo Tian.

After Yu Fei and Luo Tian, ​​the cultivator who was deliberately made things difficult by God Crocodile was from the Heavenly Dao League. He was also an old acquaintance of Luo Tian, ​​the third leader of the Heavenly Dao League, and he was wearing a sky-blue armor. Nangong proud.

Nangong Ao has been to the Xuanhuang Secret Realm several times before, so he naturally knows the situation on the fourth floor. He has more experience than Luo Tian, ​​a rookie who came to the Xuanhuang Secret Realm for the first time. He just entered the fourth floor of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm. Burning the Xianyuan Pill and maintaining the peak combat power, for Nan Gongao, who came from a big family in the fairy world, naturally also has the Xianyuan Pill.

However, Nangong Ao didn't realize that he was not far from Luo Tian's position. With the speed of the two of them, it would be a matter of time before they met.

Three thousand miles, the distance between the two is only three thousand miles!

This distance is constantly shrinking, and finally shrinks to hundreds of miles, tens of miles.

"The seventh drop of Tianyi Shenshui!"

Luo Tian rushed out from the bottom of a river, and harvested the seventh drop of Tianyi Divine Water. After that, Luo Tian suspended in the air, quietly recovering his mana. Just now, he met an eleventh-rank monster at the bottom of the river. Under a hundred times the gravity, Luo Tian still beheaded him, but it consumed [-]% of his mana, a hundred times the force of gravity, which was really irritating.

In a short while, Luo Tian's mana was fully restored, and the heaven and earth energy in the second day of the Black Lotus Space was enough to support him in fierce fighting.

"Huh? Is someone coming?"

Luo Tian's eyes narrowed slightly, and he knocked out the soul-invigorating stone, and unexpectedly noticed a faint wave of spiritual consciousness.

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