
Chapter 518 Escape

Yu Fei's palm is like splitting mountains and crossing the sea, covering hundreds of miles in an instant. This is still under ten thousand times of gravity. If there is no ten thousand times of gravity, I am afraid that Yu Fei's palm can almost destroy half of the planet.This palm instantly emptied the Yuanli within a radius of hundreds of miles, compressing it into an unavoidable independent space.

Although Luo Tian was shocked, he didn't focus on dodging Yu Fei's attack. Yu Fei's attack had already sealed off all his chances of dodging. Therefore, Luo Tian drove Zhi Tian's wings without retreating. Jin, approached Yu Fei directly, and punched Yu Fei out.

"Pearls of rice grains also emit brilliance!"

Yu Fei snorted coldly, opened his mouth and spouted calmly, a thousand-foot-high mountain appeared directly, and fell towards Luo Tian in an instant.

In fact, Yu Fei's trick is very useful. Just imagine that in the sixth floor of Xuanhuang Secret Realm, the gravity is ten thousand times that of the outside world. What kind of concept is it? I am afraid that even ordinary celestial beings will be smashed to pieces in an instant.

"Sword Qi is vertical and horizontal!"

Luo Tian was about to get close to Yu Fei, but was disrupted by such a sudden change, so he could only shoot out thousands of purple lotus sword qi one after another, condensing the sword qi in one place, roaring away like an angry dragon , passing through the void, with infinite force, shaking the void so that it could not stop shaking and trembling.

"Swallowing Tower!"

At the same time, the world in Luotian's body suddenly opened up, and the Sky Swallowing Pagoda turned into a stream of black light, directly crashing towards the huge mountain peak falling from the sky above his head, swallowing up the laws of heaven and earth as he passed along the way, making a sharp humming sound , resounding through the void.

"The world inside the body!" Yu Fei couldn't help but exclaimed with a tense face, and immediately stretched out his hand to touch the center of his eyebrows, a drop of blood flew out from the center of his eyebrows, and directly turned into a huge red talisman and printed it into the huge mountain peak. The huge mountain skyrocketed in a circle again, exuding endless light red light.

Bang bang bang!Bang bang bang!

The Tuntian Pagoda was smashed to pieces by the huge mountain peak that fell from the top of the head, but countless thin red silk threads suddenly gushed out from the huge mountain peak, connected to countless gravels and mountains, as if Rapidly contract and fuse, and recover again.

"Wanting to recover is simply a dream!"

At this moment, Luo Tian took another step. This step seemed to span time and space, and he arrived in front of Yu Fei all at once.

"Hmph! Your previous attacks have no effect on this seat. Do you think that you can threaten me by shortening the distance? Today, this seat will tell you with facts, distance is of no use to this seat!"

"Nine Fan Clothes, dissolve!"

Then, countless silver lights burst out from the silver fairy clothes on Yu Fei's body, turning into countless silver fan shadows. In each fan shadow, there are thick and amazing laws of heaven and earth intertwined and entangled, as if A world of planes, deep and far away, unable to see reality clearly.

"Top grade defensive fairy clothes! No wonder!"

The expression on Luo Tian's face remained unchanged, and he was secretly surprised. No wonder his extremely powerful blow before was like a mud cow entering the sea, without stirring up even a small wave. It turned out that Yu Fei possessed a high-grade fairy weapon in the final analysis.


The space around Luo Tian began to make crisp sounds, it wasn't the space breaking, but the world in his body had begun to break under the pressure of the high-grade immortal weapon.


Luo Tian felt as if his body was trampled by an ancient giant beast, and he was abruptly bounced away by several dreamy fan shadows in the air, and his will was blurred.

no!Yu Fei, a half-step Xuanxian, has a high-grade fairy body protection on his body, which is really amazing!

Hundreds of thoughts flashed through Luo Tian's mind, but they were all denied by him one by one. The half-step Immortal can already use some mysterious laws of the Immortal, and the attack is silent and without warning, making it hard to guard against.

For Yu Fei, Luo Tian could not have an overwhelming advantage for the time being.

"Ten times the combat power! Soul-rejuvenating stone!"

Luo Tian finished his calculations in an instant and made a decision. He is not yet Yu Fei's opponent, and he cannot attack him in close quarters. He must restore Zhitian's wings to perfection as soon as possible to have a chance of winning.

"This breath is impossible!"

Yu Fei was about to take another shot to kill Luo Tian in one fell swoop, but found that a silent wave in the void was attacking him. Invaded into the body by the sound wave ripple.

The world in Yu Fei's body exploded immediately, and countless creatures were shaken to powder by the sound waves.

After sending out a full-strength blow, Luo Tian felt that the mana in his body was almost exhausted, and immediately communicated with the black lotus magic weapon on the second day, frantically absorbing the energy from the spirit stone planet below him, and then flew out for several seconds with a flutter of Zhitian's wings. hundred miles.

The Sky Swallowing Pagoda in the inner world is also dim at the moment, flickering like a candle in the wind, almost disintegrating.

"This Yu Fei is amazing!"

Luo Tian's body, which is comparable to the first stage of a middle-grade fairy weapon, has cracked a lot, and it is constantly recovering at the moment. Judging by his appearance, I am afraid that he still has a trump card in his hand that has not been used.


Luo Tian quickly found the teleportation array of the planet below him, and teleported out immediately.

"Holy artifact! Absolutely holy artifact!" Yu Fei roared uncontrollably, and after suppressing all the sound waves in the world inside his body, he finally understood, and roared ferociously, "Luo Tian! You I can’t run away! For the holy artifact on your body, this seat will also pursue you endlessly!”

Boom boom boom!

With Yu Fei as the center, the ground within a radius of hundreds of miles collapsed and exploded continuously.


Luo Tian transformed more than a hundred planets in one breath, and just stopped with a pale complexion. Passing through the teleportation array also required a lot of soul willpower. Luo Tian had just experienced a big battle, and was exhausted at this moment.

"This time against Yu Fei, I can only rely on the soul-shaking stone to cause damage to him. If I add my own strength to fight recklessly, I am afraid that both sides will suffer in the end. It is still not strong enough! Since the breakthrough of Zilian Jiandian to Mahayana After a short period of cultivation, there is no follow-up cultivation method, and I can only rely on devouring others and relying on brute force to suppress the opponent. When I meet a real master, I will suffer. This is like a young child born with supernatural power. If you don't know any way to use divine power, if you meet an ordinary master who is proficient in moves, you will die of hatred. Since there is no way to practice, then create a way!"

After resting for a while, Luo Tian cautiously stepped onto the teleportation array. Although the teleportation array is random teleportation, who knows if he will meet Yu Fei.With Luo Tian's current state, meeting Yu Fei is a dead end.


This time, maybe Luo Tian was lucky enough to appear on a planet covered in green mist. The aura on this planet was unbelievably abundant, and most of it turned into real energy.

"It takes half a day, half a day at most to restore the cultivation base of the heyday!" Luo Tian silently calculated in his heart, and the light of swords appeared in his eyes.

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