
Chapter 519 Perfect Wings

Next, Luo Tian found a hiding place on this planet filled with countless dense green mist, and after that, Luo Tian did not arrange any prohibition circle, because he knew that Yu Fei could come anytime, anywhere, Arranging a restraining circle is equivalent to lighting a bright light in the darkness, not hiding yourself, but exposing yourself!

Luo Tian used the Void Beast's hidden magical powers to directly escape into the void, and began to divide small space gaps in the void, devouring the abundant spiritual energy with an extremely large number, so that it can be achieved in the shortest time Return to peak performance.

With Luo Tian's initial cultivation base of Feixian at this moment, he quickly devoured enough aura energy without any risk, but what made him feel unbelievable was that the aura energy on this planet was naturally incomparably abundant, but he recovered After reaching the peak level, he could no longer continue to absorb it, leaving him at a loss.

It's like watching countless treasures in front of you but you can't take them away. It's more annoying than swallowing a fly.

"Mysterious Yellow Realm is really unpredictable. I don't know how many secrets you still have that are unknown!"

Luo Tian smiled wryly, but suddenly, on a whim, an image appeared in his mind, it was Yu Fei with a gloomy and fierce face.

Yu Fei, this lingering guy is about to catch up!

"Yu Fei, when my wings are restored to perfection, it's your time of death!"

Luo Tian's face turned cold, and he broke through the sky in an instant, and flew towards the teleportation array of the Qingwu planet. He was very sure in his heart. This seemed to be a kind of intuition. Most of the space barriers, when the time comes, even if Yu Fei has the top-grade fairy weapon nine fairy clothes to protect his body, he will not be able to prevent Luo Tian's sudden attack.

When Luo Tian couldn't stop switching planets, Yu Fei with a gloomy face finally arrived on the planet of Qingwu, and he couldn't stop looking at it.

"Huh?" Yu Fei frowned slightly, "This planet's spiritual energy is so abundant, it's just right for me to recover my strength. The holy artifact in Luotian's ant's hands really has the supreme power of gods and ghosts, and it can Injured the primordial spirit hidden in the inner world of this seat! Damn it!"

Soon, Yu Fei's face changed slightly, "No, someone has been to this blue mist planet!"

After finishing speaking, Yu Fei stretched out his hand and grabbed the void in front of him. Countless cyan aura energy suddenly condensed into a cyan sphere and fell in front of him. The middle drifted indefinitely, directly covering the cyan sphere, and turned quickly.

"Sure enough! This seat's innate mental calculations are exhaustive. Someone on this planet came here not long ago, and it is probably Luo Tian!" Yu Fei smiled instead of anger, "Luo Tian, ​​Luo Tian, ​​you are digging yourself. Tomb, don’t you know that the deeper you go in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, the smaller the range? You can’t run away!”


"Where is the mysterious gap on the sixth floor of Xuanhuang Secret Realm?!"

At this moment, Luo Tian, ​​who had transformed dozens of planets, began to worry secretly. He couldn't find the mysterious gap, which meant that there was no possibility of the sky's wings being restored to perfection. After leaving the Xuanhuang secret realm, he didn't know how long He Yue had the chance to restore it to perfection.

Time waits for no man, not quite right.It's just that time waits for no one.

This time, when Luo Tian had just entered the teleportation array, his eyes looked through the starry sky, and he discovered that there was an endless black light band lying in the distant starry sky, which was extremely conspicuous in the starry sky.

"Could it be the mysterious gap?"

Luo Tian was so excited that he directly entered the teleportation array and teleported towards the distant planet.

Wangshan runs to death, the old saying is true, Luo Tian quickly teleports among the planets, but the mysterious gap is still far away, it seems that there are still hundreds of planets away.

"I'm really going to be exhausted now!"

After switching and teleporting more than 70 planets one after another, Luo Tian finally discovered that the black light belt was much closer.It's just that going through the teleportation array without stopping, Luo Tian's primordial spirit and willpower were greatly exhausted, and he was so tired that his eyes stared like gold stars.

After a short rest for half an hour, Luo Tian went on the road again. This time he rushed to several planets that were closer to the black light belt in one breath. Light bands to the nearest planet.

A part of the black light belt covers the whole blue planet. There is almost no land on this planet. It is all dark sea water with huge waves. Occasionally, a few small islands can be seen embedded in it, which looks extremely Small.


Luo Tian drove Zhitian Wings, formed a purple arc, rose directly from the ground, went straight up to nine days, and flew under the black light belt.

Luo Tian probed into the black light band and scanned it several times. Luo Tian finally determined that the black light band was the mysterious gap, but the mysterious gap on the sixth floor of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm was larger than the mysterious gap on the fourth and fifth layers combined. It must be tens of thousands of times larger.


The next moment, Luo Tian rushed into the black light belt on the sixth floor of Xuanhuang Secret Realm without hesitation.

"A lot of purple spirits!"

As soon as he entered it, Luo Tian was shocked by the scene in front of him. After being stunned, Luo Tian began to drive Zhitian's wings to quickly absorb the purple light floating in the space.

Since the place where Luo Tian initially entered was the outermost range of the black light band, Luo Tian then circled back and forth in the black light band, absorbing the purple light back and forth from left to right, and slowly moving forward Marching forward, by the way, also collected a large amount of Tianyi Shenshui.

Zhitian Wing has an endless supply of purple light, so the repair speed has been accelerated a lot, but [-]% of Zhitian Wing has been repaired, and it will take a long time to reach perfection.

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed like this, and [-]% of Zhitian's wings have been repaired, and only the last point is left to reach perfection.

"630 Nine Drops of Heavenly One Divine Water!"

Among them, Luo Tian also harvested a lot of Tianyi Shenshui, if such a quantity was revealed, it would scare people into fainting.You must know that an ordinary plane that descends, every time the Xuanhuang Pagoda opens, the lucky ones will only get a dozen drops of Tianyi Shenshui, the unlucky ones will only get five or six drops, and the unlucky ones will only get five or six drops. Two or three drops, and of course some greedy monks entered the fourth layer of Xuanhuang Mystic Realm and fell in order to harvest more Tianyi Shenshui. There are also many people like this.

"Just a little bit, a little bit!"

Luo Tian couldn't help roaring in his heart, Zhitian Yuyi was only a little bit short of repairing it to perfection!

"Absorb! Devour! Time accelerates!"

Luo Tian couldn't help becoming crazy. At this moment, the Zhitian Wings behind him exuded a blurred purple light. It looked like a dream, and it actually changed into countless strange pictures, and the laws of heaven and earth around it were condensed into one by one. Small world, constantly evolving.


Suddenly, Luo Tian felt a buzzing of heaven and earth all around, and countless laws of heaven and earth descended together, and the wings of Zhitian were finally successfully repaired to the point of perfection!

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