
Chapter 520 Self-created unique knowledge, ancient planet

The perfect wing to the sky!

The supreme treasure from the previous era in the mysterious gap of Xuanhuang Secret Realm!

"A middle-grade fairy weapon! After Zhitian's wings were repaired perfectly, he was actually promoted to a middle-grade fairy weapon!"

Luo Tian's heart was full of excitement, and then he couldn't wait to drive the Zhitian Wings. The two wings together were three feet long and the Zhitian Wings flapped lightly, and Luo Tian went thousands of miles in an instant.

"This speed is simply..." Luo Tian couldn't help but his face was full of shock, this speed was several times faster than Langhua Qingyun, and this was only the result of a little force, if he used it with all his strength, the speed would probably scare people to death.

Luo Tian is confident that if he returns to the Profound Sky Plane, he can completely swim across the entire plane in an instant with the wings of the sky, and no one can escape Luo Tian's pursuit.

The purple awns on Zhitian's wings are all restrained at the moment, looking like ordinary wings.

"Can you still absorb purple essence?"

Luo Tian couldn't help being demented.

He just tried it, but he didn't expect that the perfectly repaired Zhitian wings could absorb the purple light, which made him a little overjoyed, "Haha, I don't know if we can absorb all the purple light in this black light belt Tian Yuyi has been promoted to the level of a high-grade fairy weapon, I am looking forward to it!"

Next, Luo Tian spent a lot of time on Zhitian Wings to continue absorbing the purple light, and flew towards the other edge of the black light belt.At this moment, the Zhitian Wing has been perfectly repaired, regaining its previous glory. Luo Tian is driving the Zhitian Wing in the black light belt, and he can't feel any destructive pressure at all. Instead, he feels like a fish in water.

"740 drops of Tianyi Shenshui!"

I don't know how long it took, but Luo Tian was finally about to reach the other edge of the black light belt. Zhitian Yuyi couldn't help absorbing the purple light, and he had already been promoted to the middle level of the middle-grade fairy weapon, and the speed was even more amazing It is so fast that it has reached the point where the ground has shrunk to an inch.From then on, Luo Tian's sky was high and the sea was wide, and his speed entered a new realm.

"Zhitian's wings have been repaired perfectly, and Tianyi Shenshui has obtained so much, but his own strength has not been greatly improved. The Nine Flames Mysterious Art, Xuanyin Taishang Dao Sutra and Maha Du'e Sutra are also going through the catastrophe. Time shatters and turns into the purest energy and melts into every part of the body, now only Zilian Sword Canon can be relied on, but Zilian Sword Canon has been cultivated to the peak, and there is no follow-up technique!"

Luo Tian thought hard, now that he has gone through so many things, he finds that he has fallen into an embarrassing situation where he has no skills to practice.

"I, Luo Tian, ​​have never been slack in cultivating the Tao all my life. I have always relied on other people's peerless skills. I don't know that when I crossed the catastrophe period, I gave birth to the inner world and created the Tao out of thin air! If I still rely on the previous people's skills, wouldn't it be a failure? The inferior? One way of cultivation is to reverse yin and yang, break the void, control destiny, and break countless shackles! From now on, I, Luo Tian, ​​will forget all the exercises, devour all the ways, and create my own exercise!"

Next, Luo Tian quietly sat cross-legged in the void, and began to smash and mix, mix and smash, and gather all the skills in memory together, and then smashed and forgotten without hesitation, and were swallowed by the sky one after another Dao absorbs and devours, and finally all formed is his own comprehension and wisdom, as well as the wisdom of countless predecessors, which almost includes all of Luo Tian.

"Swallow the sky, swallow the sky, swallow the heaven and the earth, swallow the ten thousand laws!"

Luo Tian was completely immersed in his own comprehension of the Dao of Heaven, and he was intoxicated, like drinking alcohol and unable to extricate himself from it.

In this way, Luo Tian fell into comprehension, and did not notice the passage of time at all. The laws of heaven and earth around him seemed to spread and extend continuously, reaching the deepest part of the black light belt.

"Tiantian Dao, it turns out to be like this!"

Suddenly, Luo Tian opened his eyes, and the brilliance of the sword shot out suddenly shattered into nothingness, replaced by two deep black whirlpools in the depths of Luo Tian's eyes.

"Using the heavens and the earth to transform the universe, to perform the creation of all things, and to seal the universe!"

Luo Tian divided his hands and stretched out flatly. The surrounding space seemed to give people a visual illusion, and it was quickly condensed into a square inch of land, which Luo Tian could snatch!

"Using the devouring ten thousand ways to condense the heavenly way, deduce the great world, ten thousand dao seals!"

Luo Tian's hand gestures changed again, this time like a butterfly stretching out in the air, it turned into the appearance of all things, one after another fragmented pictures and shadows were quickly presented in front of Luo Tian.

Qiankun Seal!

Wan Daoyin!

Using the two seals, Luo Tian seemed to be in the long river of time and space, watching the various changes in the long river of time and space, deducing the past, present and future.

"With my strength, I can only create these two seals for the time being. This set of unique skills, let's call it the seal of swallowing the sky!"

Luo Tian sighed deeply, as if after countless years of vicissitudes and changes, the sharp aura on his body suddenly changed into a gentle aura. At least from the surface, there was no sign or clue that Luo Tian had any masters. An ordinary mortal, because the ten thousand seals he realized included hundreds of millions of avenues in the world, even the most terrifying avenue of destiny could not be quietly activated in front of him.

"Starting today, I, Luo Tian, ​​have my own unique technique. With the continuous improvement of the Heaven Swallowing Seal, it will become the supreme treasure of the past!"

With a wave of Luo Tian's big sleeve, Zhi Tian's wings flapped involuntarily, flew towards the edge of the black light belt, and disappeared into the distance in an instant.

Not long after, Luo Tian shot out from the black light belt and landed on a planet full of ancient buildings.

"This architectural style has never been seen before!"

Luo Tian couldn't help guessing secretly in his heart, and in a flash of inspiration, he used the supernatural power of Wan Daoyin's calculation, and finally caught a clue in the long river of time and space.

"These buildings turned out to have survived from the beginning of this era!"

Luo Tian landed directly on top of a building, and his consciousness spread continuously, sweeping around these ancient buildings, but in the end he didn't detect any unusual aura.

"Hey guy, these materials are extremely rare and rare, tsk tsk, great work."

Luo Tian couldn't help sighing at the same time, his figure didn't stop, but kept flying among these ancient buildings. Some of these buildings were as big as ordinary buildings in the Profound Sky Plane, and some were like the kingdom of dwarves. , the tallest building is only the size of a chicken coop on the Tianxuan plane, and there are even buildings like the kingdom of giants. The most common tables and chairs are tens of feet high, which is simply unimaginable.

Of course, there are also other styles of buildings here, some of which are carved out of mysterious ice that has never melted for thousands of years, some of which are completely made of various gemstones and emeralds, and some of them are actually built by Luo Tian at the beginning. The two clones of Cyanwood Immortal Vine are fully formed.

What the hell is this place?

Luo Tian couldn't help being stunned, the green wood fairy vine in front of him was thousands of miles in size, it could scare people to death.

At this time, Luo Tian suddenly saw a tall stone tablet in the distance. The stone tablet was very empty, like a square. When he saw the ancient Qingli script on the stone tablet, Luo Tian finally changed his face.

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