
Chapter 521 Bone, the Fourth Sky Domain

True Immortal, Golden Immortal, Immortal Monarch, Immortal King.

On the tens of thousands of feet high stone tablet, there seems to be a map of this planet engraved. It is divided into four major regions, and each region has a two-character mark.

"The four areas must correspond to the four great realms of cultivating immortals. It seems that this place must be a secret place in ancient times." Luo Tian thought in his mind that only when the era opened this time, there will be such a difference in the level of immortals. Divide, now the strength division of immortals in the fairy world has become Tianxian, True Immortal, Feixian, Jinxian, Xianjun and Immortal King. Two levels have been added, and it is better to distinguish.

"It seems that the buildings here were at least established in the ancient times. It is said that the peerless powerhouses of that era emerged in endlessly, and almost all of them possessed earth-shattering supernatural powers. I wonder if they will leave behind any peerless treasures?"

Filled with doubts, Luo Tian began to search this ancient planet according to the area, and tried several times to take away some precious materials, but all of them came back in vain. These ancient buildings were printed with countless lines. Luo Tian couldn't break through the ancient and powerful prohibition circle.

"Ancient, ancient, and immemorial." Luo Tian recalled the information of these three eras in his mind, and found that the information about the ancient era was only in Qingli Xiaoxianjie, the immortal figure who guarded the mysterious ice coffin. The great person should be born in Snow Wind City, one of the three great lineages of the ancient times, and he is also a role in calling wind and rain in the fairy world.

"Everyone in the fairy world is petty!"

Thinking of this, Luo Tian couldn't help complaining, thinking that he and Dongfang Long worked so hard to get the Immortal Condensing Grass, but the big man took the token back when the two left. This incident made Luo Tian and Dongfang Long depressed for a long time.

Since he couldn't take anything away, Luo Tian's speed immediately accelerated, and he quickly visited the real fairy area, and then the golden fairy area. The fairy area is much smaller, and the building complex is naturally much higher and more refined.These have also gained a lot of insight into Luo Tian's experience.

Soon, Luo Tian returned to the central square, then flew forward along the central square, and soon arrived at the Xianjun area.

"This breath!"

As soon as Luo Tian stepped into the Xianjun area, he felt a burst of overwhelming coercion. In this area, not to mention the beautiful buildings, even the air seems to have a trace of The aura of Xianjun, just for a moment, Luo Tian felt that the will of the primordial spirit had been sublimated.

This is the place where the peerless celestial beings lived, so naturally a pure and unsurpassed brand of Dao has already been born. If Luo Tian can absorb a little, his strength will be greatly increased.The majestic and noble way of heaven is a realm that Luo Tian, ​​who has just been promoted to the realm of Feixian, can't understand. Even those immortal monarchs can strike Luo Tian across countless time and space as long as they send out a single thought. kill.

Of course, that would require Luo Tian to ascend to the Immortal Realm.In the fairyland space, it is impossible to cross the fairyland to invade the second-order and third-order planes. Otherwise, if the fairy monarch just has a thought, let alone Luo Tian, ​​even a plane will be wiped out.

Luo Tian quickly walked through the main halls, all of which were empty without exception.It seems that the entire planet is a civic in the strict sense, with only ancient buildings and no breath left.

To be honest, although Luo Tian shuttled through the Xianjun area, he didn't get any benefits. On the contrary, the residual Xianjun Dao aura floating in the air oppressed him and almost made it difficult to breathe.Under such circumstances, Luo Tian just wanted to get out of here as soon as possible, this feeling that the world inside his body would collapse if he took a breath, in other words, no one wanted to stay here for a while longer.

"If this is the case in the Xianjun area, wouldn't the Immortal King area be obliterated once it breaks into it?"

Luo Tian whispered to himself, frowning into Sichuan characters, and flew out of an empty hall again.

"Thatched cottage! There is a grassy cottage in the Xianjun area!"

Soon, a scene that made Luo Tian feel unbelievable appeared before his eyes.

In an inconspicuous corner of the Xianjun area, a thatched hut unexpectedly appeared. This thatched hut looks very ordinary, no different from the weeds on the Tianxuan plane, but every weed in it is Jingjing Bright, very fresh, looks as translucent as green crystal.

"Heaven returns to the truth!"

Luo Tian's excited body couldn't help shaking, "This is a sign of the return of heaven! The owner of this thatched hut must have reached the peak of the fairy king, only half a step away, and the last half step away from becoming the fairy king. From then on, you can travel in the heavens and worlds, and you will no longer be limited by the laws of the fairy world!"

"Go in, you must go in! The will of heaven comprehended by these characters, even if you can observe it for a moment, it is a supreme good fortune!"

Luo Tian landed, with his feet firmly on the ground, the Zhitian wings behind him automatically retracted into his body, and he walked slowly towards the thatched cottage.

What made Luo Tian unable to stop himself was that an inexplicable sigh seemed to pass through the depths of his mind. This sigh was illusory, and it could not be said to be sorrow or joy. The sky will turn into flying ash in an instant, and the body will die and the dao will disappear. It is absolutely impossible to violate it.

The strange scene happened again!

As the sigh in Luo Tian's mind disappeared without a trace, a black lotus flower appeared under his feet. The magic weapon of black lotus, which Luo Tian could never see through, suddenly appeared even after exhausting all the magic weapons.

"Black lotus magic weapon, don't entrap me!"

Luo Tian had a bitter face, no matter how he communicated with the magic weapon of the black lotus, there was no response at all, the black lotus just couldn't be taken back, as if he was provoking the supreme majesty of the big man in the thatched cottage.

Luo Tian finally walked into the thatched cottage involuntarily.

The scene in the thatched cottage gave Luo Tian, ​​who had a bitter face, the urge to turn around and run away.

A row of well-preserved skeletons, the bones are purer than white jade, there are eight of them lined up in a line.Of course, apart from the eight white bones and skeletons, there is only one weed futon in the thatched hut, nothing else.

What made Luo Tian horrified was that the eight white bones were originally sitting cross-legged on the ground. Just as Luo Tian broke in, the eight white bones seemed to move. The splendor kept circulating, and Luo Tian even saw some traces of fate in it, but soon these seen traces of fate were automatically removed from Luo Tian's mind, without a single bit of them remaining.

The black lotus magic weapon suddenly shook, and Luo Tian's attack on the fourth heaven, which had been unsuccessful for a long time, was suddenly opened!

After the fourth sky domain was opened, it was empty, but a black fire shadow flew out, directly shooting into the eight white bones and skeletons that changed in front of it.

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