
Chapter 522 Dao Seal and Qingyun

After the eight white bones and skeletons joined the black fire shadow, the aura suddenly became violent, as if countless boulders were thrown into the calm lake water, arousing boundless ripples and waves.

"I want to leave!"

Luo Tian couldn't help roaring in his heart, but unfortunately the black lotus under his feet nailed him firmly in place as if he had taken root, he couldn't move, even if he stretched his wings to the sky, it was useless, everything around him The space was completely blocked by an inexplicable force.

Luo Tian has no objection to seeing the eight white bones, but the coercive aura on the eight white bones is too violent. If a trace leaks out accidentally, Luo Tian will Stop cooking completely.This feeling that one's own life is involuntary is the most frustrating.

Resignation to fate, to put it nicely, is just to comfort myself.Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains and preferring to go to the mountains, there are only two possibilities, one is an idiot who is extremely stupid, and the other is that he thinks that he has a proud capital that ordinary people cannot match.

Obviously, Luo Tian didn't want to be the former, let alone the latter.

Throughout the ages, most of those amazingly talented and brilliant people died of a word of pride, Luo Tian didn't want to prove how proud he was with his life.

Countless creatures in thousands of worlds can't escape their fate. Luo Tian just wants to grasp his own destiny, that's all.The rest are all empty talk.

"Don't come here! Don't come here!"

At this time, Luo Tian watched helplessly as the violent aura in front of him slowly moved towards him, but the distance of several feet was moving inch by inch, which made Luo Tian feel the shadow of death slowly from the bottom of his heart. Slowly descending, eventually dragging him into hell bit by bit.

Just when Luo Tian was at his wit's end and was about to blow up the Sky Swallowing Tower in his inner world.

The berserk aura stopped half a foot in front of Luo Tian in an instant, and the berserk aura continued to change various scenes one after another, turning into a tall black phantom that flew up and poured into the magic weapon of the black lotus In the fourth day domain.

"That phantom seems to be a resolute human monk!"

Luo Tian was startled, and then he immediately communicated with the fourth heaven domain of the black lotus magic weapon, and found that black phantom directly shrouded in the boundless black cloud, sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, just looking at his appearance, he couldn't tell his age at all Big or small, say it is a teenager, young man, or middle-aged, it doesn't matter.

This scene is too weird!

Luo Tian couldn't help feeling flustered when he thought that a person lived in the magic weapon of the black lotus in his internal body.

"For those who are destined, don't be surprised. This is just the Dao seal formed by my eight reincarnations. You don't need to ask too much. When you arrive in the fairy world, you will naturally know everything."

Suddenly, a rich voice came from Luo Tian's mind.

Luo Tian suddenly fell into a daze.

What is it called?Grab the site by force?Hunk, do you really want to come to my Fourth Heaven Domain?My small temple can't afford your big Buddha!Luo Tian wailed continuously in his heart.

"You can move."

Luo Tian immediately urged the black lotus under his feet to fly out of the thatched hut. If he stayed for a while, he suddenly ran out and lived in his inner world alone, that would be fun.

In the fourth heaven domain of the black lotus magic weapon, the black phantom sitting cross-legged in the air, a smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth, which could not see any meaning.


"I didn't expect this place to be the ancient fairy planet in the ancient times!"

Moments later, Luo Tian, ​​who fled out of the Immortal Monarch's area in embarrassment, stood at the entrance of the Immortal King's area.There are countless Qingli texts floating in the sky above the Immortal King's area. After Luo Tian tried his best to read most of the text, Yuanshen's will was exhausted to the extreme, so he had to stop, but he had mastered most of the information.

This planet covered by ancient buildings is the original planet where the ancient immortals lived in the ancient times, and it is generally called the ancient immortal planet now.Similar to this kind of planet, there were many in the ancient times, and the fairy world at that time was not what it is now, it just evolved after countless years.

"Quack, Yu Fei finally made a mistake!"

Soon, Luo Tian shouted with joy, according to the written records above the Immortal King area, this ancient immortal planet can only enter once in 3000 years, and only one person can enter at a time. Now that Luo Tian enters, Yu Fei will naturally enter again. There is no chance to come in and hunt down.

However, now Luo Tian, ​​whose physical body is comparable to that of a middle-grade fairy weapon, has created his own supernatural powers, the Heaven Swallowing Seal.Although only the Qiankun Seal and Wan Dao Seal have been created so far, they are probably more than enough to deal with Yu Fei.

After resting for a long time, Luo Tian just returned to his peak state. In his eyes, two groups of black vortices faintly appeared, and he looked over the area of ​​the Immortal King again.

"That's how it is! So everything is like this!"

Soon, Luo Tian laughed and danced, as excited as a child.

It turns out that all the blue clouds on the Tianxuan plane come from the Immortal King area in the ancient immortal planet in front of us.Only the Immortal King area, where the ancient Immortal King powerhouses once lived and practiced, can the laws of heaven and earth and the rules of heaven and law be perfectly integrated in one place, thus deriving these special treasures that can ignore the space barrier - Qingyun.

However, what makes Luo Tian feel a little uncomfortable is that no matter what kind of rank the green clouds produced here can only take three at most, which perfectly embodies an old saying: there are no more than three things.

Three flowers!

Luo Tian thought to himself, it must be to collect Langhua Qingyun!

There is no doubt about this.

You must know that there are no waves and blue clouds on the Tianxuan plane that exceed the number of hands. Even if it is an ordinary blue cloud, counting what the major second-order planes have, there are only dozens of them. It can be seen that the probability of owning a blue cloud is high Low.

Luo Tian took a step forward and directly entered the Immortal King's area. As soon as he entered, he felt an unparalleled coercion, and directly knocked Luo Tian, ​​who was flying in the air, from the air to the ground.

"This is too scary, can't even fly?"

Luo Tian unbelievingly summoned the Zhitian Wings in his body, and the purple awns flowed on the Zhitian Wings, emitting countless purple flames. Luo Tian immediately felt that the palpitating coercion had faded a lot, and he could barely breathe Air flight.

"Looking at it like this, even if you use the wings to the sky in the area of ​​​​the Immortal King, you can only last for about an hour at most. An hour is the limit you can support at present!"

Luo Tian thought to himself while flying forward.

Sure enough, not long after Luo Tian had traveled, he noticed that blue clouds began to appear in the sky. Although they were all ordinary blue clouds, those blue clouds were flying around in the sky at will, without a specific trajectory.

"Try it!"

Luo Tian's pupils shrank, and he opened his hand to clap, a big hand immediately fell in the air, and quickly fell towards Qingyun.

It's very strange, those Qingyun seemed to have their own consciousness, they even evaded by themselves, and some of them didn't have time to evade, they escaped into the void extremely quickly.

Luo Tian's tentative blows all failed, and he didn't collect a blue cloud.

"It's really not that simple!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Luo Tian's mouth, Qingyun, it really is not so easy to get it.

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