
Chapter 523

Luo Tian tried several times in succession, but still got nothing.

The Qingyun in the Immortal King's area looked like spirits one by one, as if they possessed spiritual wisdom. No matter how Luo Tian made a move, they were still a few points more slippery than loach, making Luo Tian dumbfounded.

Of course, Luo Tian didn't exert his full strength, because he didn't meet the highest wave Qingyun.

Qingyun is divided into three types, ordinary Qingyun, monster Qingyun and spray Qingyun.Ordinary Qingyun is in the shape of ordinary clouds, and Monster Beast Qingyun is in the shape of a monster. It travels through space several times faster than ordinary Qingyun, and the highest-level Langhua Qingyun is even faster than Monster Beast Qingyun. several times.

At least, so far, Luo Tian has only seen a very small number of monsters Qingyun, most of them are ordinary Qingyun, which makes him secretly anxious, if it drags on, Zhitian Wings will not be able to maintain the volley flight , when the time comes to run wildly with two legs alone, charging Qingyun will become a joke.

The distribution of the Immortal King area is very strange. It is not as closely connected as the previous three areas. Instead, there is a long distance between each building complex. Although the number of buildings is the least among the four major areas, the It occupies the largest area.

Even, once Luo Tian approached a certain building group, he was thrown away by the tyrannical prohibition above, which made him act more cautiously. If he encountered a powerful magic circle that he could not resist, Luo Tian might be permanently arrested. Trapped in it turned into bones.

"The Waves and Blue Clouds finally appeared!"

At this time, Luo Tian's heart suddenly turned, and the two black vortexes in his eyes flashed away, and the endless clouds and mist in the distance broke open, and countless ordinary blue clouds and a few monster blue clouds were surrounded by a dazzling blue light like stars. emerge from afar.

"Good guy!"

Luo Tian was amazed in his heart, this blue wave was much stronger than the one given to him by Mrs. Wen, it was probably the best among the blue clouds.

Oh oh oh!

At this time, the outermost ordinary blue clouds all let out a howl similar to a strong wind, and the entire cloud layer trembled rapidly, as if it was about to form an ancient formation!

Albatron, who can form formations on his own!

Without hesitation, Luo Tian used his full power to fly into the sky, and the seven-colored light flashed on his body, which quickly poured into the sky wings, adding more power to the sky wings.

In just three or four breaths, Luo Tian flashed out from high in the sky, strode forward, and directly hit the seal of heaven and earth!

"The seal of Qiankun! Start with Qiankun!"

I saw that the large formation of blue clouds that was about to take shape suddenly became chaotic, countless blue clouds collapsed and flew away, and it was difficult to form a large formation anymore, the entire void seemed to shrink rapidly at once, and it was about to fall into Luotian in the palm of your hand.

Bang bang bang!Bang bang bang!

While Luo Tian cast the Qian Kun Seal, the remaining hand kept changing various moves and bombarded it, knocking down the Qingyun that was approaching quickly one after another, what's more, it was directly beaten to death by Luo Tian's fierce attack. The essential blue clouds and smoke are only half a breath away, and these blue clouds return to their original shape again.

Qing Yun couldn't be broken up!

Looking at the waves and blue clouds that were getting closer and closer to him, Luo Tian looked resolute and drank lightly.

"Wan Dao Seal! Ten times the combat power!"

Ten dense interlaced lights and shadows immediately appeared behind Luo Tian, ​​and they all attacked, and the Wan Dao Yin, which was enough to cover the entire sky, was suddenly exerted by Luo Tian to its extreme power.

Countless blue clouds returned to the smoke and dust, but this time they didn't even have time to recover, they were sucked into them by Wan Daoyin and became the supreme tonic for Luo Tian's body.One must know that even ordinary Qingyun contains a bit of the aura of the Immortal King, which is of great benefit to Luo Tian.


The wave flower Qingyun that can be called the king in the blue cloud was directly brought into the palm of Luo Tian, ​​no matter how hard it struggled, it could not escape.


At the same time, the world in Luotian's body exploded continuously, and the second floor of the Tuntian Pagoda quickly transformed into a middle-grade fairy weapon. Luotian's combat power suddenly reached eleven times. The top three Laws of Fate, Karma, and Destiny in the Dao can all be absorbed and refined by Luo Tian. After absorbing so many Qingyun at once, the Sky Swallowing Tower, which is the core of Luo Tian's internal world, is also undergoing rapid transformation.

Immediately afterwards, the third floor, the fourth floor, the fifth floor of the Swallowing Tower...

The Qingyun absorbed this time actually made Luo Tian transform all the seven floors in front of the Tower of Swallowing Tower like a bamboo, and increased his combat power by six times. Now Luo Tian can display sixteen times of his combat power!

"There are still eleven floors that haven't transformed!" Luo Tian calculated silently, directly suppressed the waves in his hands, and threw them into the inner world. The Tiantian Pagoda sent him a message just now, and the remaining eleven floors have transformed. It can also increase his combat power by eleven times. In this way, if Luo Tian upgrades the tower to the level where the entire eighteenth floor has been transformed, then he can display 27 times the combat power.

27 times!

With Luo Tian's current cultivation base of Feixian at the initial stage, his combat power is 27 times higher, which is enough to beat a strong Xuanxian to death!

"27 times the combat power may not be my limit. When the Tuntian Pagoda is fully promoted to a middle-grade fairy weapon, it can only be promoted as a whole, but if it is promoted to a high-grade fairy weapon, I am afraid that the combat power will not increase!"

Luo Tian thought silently in his heart, relying on the Sky Swallowing Tower alone to increase the combat power, at best, it would increase the combat power by eighteen times, and it would never increase again.If you want to improve your combat effectiveness, you can only rely on your own cultivation.

No matter what, we still need to absorb Qingyun a lot!

Eleven times the combat power is far from meeting Luo Tian's needs.


Half a year later, the radiant Luotian finally walked out of the ancient immortal planet, and three waves of blue clouds appeared in his inner world. Now he has not only collected three extremely high-grade Langhua Qingyun also used Wan Dao Seal to swallow countless ordinary Qingyun and monster Qingyun. Today, he has officially possessed 27 times the combat power. When he meets Yu Fei again, Luo Tian is confident that he can easily kill him.

"Luo Tian! Luo Tian! Where are you hiding, come out for me! Come out!"

On a planet full of rainbows, a half-mad Yu Fei was screaming incessantly, his eyes were red, and his whole body exuded a very dangerous and terrifying aura. Countless rainbows were shaken into nothingness by the sharp aura emanating from him.

"Yu Fei, are you looking for me?"

A lazy voice came out from the void, and immediately, a hundred feet in front of Yu Fei, a young man in Tsing Yi slowly walked out, it was Luo Tian.

"You finally appeared!" Yu Fei's ferocious face quickly returned to peace, "I thought you were hiding in the ancient fairy planet and dare not come out!"

There is a time limit for entering the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, and it must not exceed ten years before being automatically teleported out.A mere ten years is not enough for these powerhouses who have entered the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

"I haven't killed you yet, why can't I be willing to come out?" Luo Tian had a faint smile on his face, the cloud was calm and the wind was light.


Yu Fei laughed loudly, "This time, it depends on where you are going..."


Before Yu Fei could utter the word escape, he saw Luo Tian on the opposite side pat lightly with his hand, and a powerful force surged out.

At this moment, Luo Tian's physical body and internal world have all been promoted to the middle-grade fairy weapon realm, and his own strength has improved qualitatively. This palm is naturally used by Luo Tian to test how far his cultivation has reached!

The next moment, Yu Fei flew upside down and was slapped away by Luo Tian at random!

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