
Chapter 524 1 Escape 1 Chase

In fact, Luo Tian's comprehension of the laws of heaven and earth has not improved much, but the overall strength of an immortal is not only judged by his own laws of heaven and earth and cultivation, but also by the will of the soul, the dexterous use of mana, and the subtle and mysterious Moves, etc., only by integrating these and gradually reaching a perfect state, can one fully display one's own strength.

In the past, Luo Tian was like a nouveau riche with a treasure mountain in the sky, with unrivaled strength in his body, and fighting the enemy directly relied on brute force and rampage, but now Luo Tian already knows how to use the mana in his body to achieve the maximum effect.

These two situations, day by day, are not the same.

"This, this is absolutely impossible!"

Yu Fei, who was slapped by Luo Tian casually, was so shocked that his eyes almost popped out of their sockets, and he looked at Luo Tian with a horrified expression.

"Under the law of fate, everything is possible!"

The light in Luo Tian's eyes soared, like two extremely deep hours and spaces, possessing a strange charm that ordinary people can't imagine.

Dressed in Tsing Yi, with black hair and black eyes, Luo Tian was also very excited. Yu Fei was really hard to resist just now.

"Nine Fairy Clothes!"

Yu Fei still believed that Luo Tian was able to knock him back by relying on surprise and good luck. He was really careless just now, and Luo Tian would naturally be able to repel him with a full blow, so he still had a lot of luck in his heart.

Countless fan shadows spread out in the void, and the air exploded wherever they passed, and no matter whether it was mountains, rivers, sun, or moon, they seemed to have stagnated at this moment.In the endless void, a white jade-like brilliance shot out, like a bridge of rosy light, coming across.

In the brilliance of white jade, there is a white jade folding fan that is all white. There is no breath on this white jade folding fan, but it gives people an extremely oppressive feeling.

Luo Tian stood on the spot with his usual expression, when the white jade folding fan was around thirty feet around his body, his long hair suddenly flew up, and he stretched out his hand and punched the white jade folding fan three times.

Boom boom boom!

The ground shook like a mountain, and Luo Tian seized the best opportunity to attack at this moment. When the attack on the white jade folding fan was about to come out, Luo Tian took the lead and hit the weakest place directly. Exactly.

"Mysterious smoke fan, transforming the world of flowing clouds, trying out good fortune!"

Yu Fei's voice was transmitted quickly, the white jade folding fan and the black smoke fan twirled in the air, opened immediately, became tens of miles in size, and fell towards Luotian cover in black.

"A medium-grade fairy weapon, dare to say it's a trial performance!"

Luo Tian sneered again and again, his figure flickered in the space, and disappeared immediately.

The countless white clouds and mist on the Xuanyan fan suddenly disappeared, and it was impossible to trace any breath of Luo Tian.

"Space hiding!" Yu Fei's complexion changed slightly, and he thought to himself, this Luo Tian must be killed, and he must be completely refined. There are too many secrets in him, and the strength exposed far exceeds that of monks of the same level , if I didn't have the top-grade fairy weapon nine-fan fairy clothes body protection, I'm afraid I wouldn't be his opponent.

Invincible defense, already invincible in itself.

As for whether it was invincible defense or Yu Fei's wishful thinking, Luo Tian quickly gave the answer.

"What nonsense mysterious smoke fan, bring it to me! Qiankun Seal!"

Luo Tian expended mana to walk and shuttle in the void, and quickly determined the positions of Yu Fei and Xuanyan Fan, and shot out from between the two at once, the opening of his hand was a powerful seal that turned everything into a universe in the palm of his hand!

It's very strange, the laws of heaven and earth in the entire sky gathered together at this moment, like a big net that can't stop shrinking, the whole space seems to be directly included by Luo Tian, ​​turning into a big seal.

"Want to take my magic weapon, idiot's dream!"

Yu Fei roared wildly, and quickly grabbed the void with both hands, and directly grabbed six iron nails out, opened his hand and struck out, the six iron nails vibrated and opened the void with the sound of howling wind.

"Wan Dao Yin!"

Luo Tian thought silently, the remaining hand kept changing in the air, and struck out the Wan Dao Seal, which directly changed the laws of heaven and earth in the space around the six iron nails. The six iron nails seemed to have crashed into a quagmire suddenly. It was extremely slow, and kept losing the locked target, bumping around like headless chickens.


The world in Luotian's body opened up, and the Sky Swallowing Tower flew out, sucking the six iron nails into it at once, suppressing and refining it.

Then, Luo Tian's big hand continued to use force in the void, grabbing the Xuanyan Fan abruptly, directly erasing the Yuanshen brand on it, and being sucked into it by the Tuntian Pagoda.


The two celestial treasures were forcibly collected and refined by Luo Tian, ​​blood overflowed from the corner of Yu Fei's mouth, but he laughed nervously.

"There is no cure!"

Luo Tian didn't care about him so much, with the Qiankun Seal in his left hand and the Wan Dao Seal in his right hand, he kept bombarding the precious light outside the nine fairy clothes, smashed and devoured those precious lights, and kept trembling in the air, he just wanted to see, Can Yu Fei be killed without using 27 times the combat power?

"Luo Tian, ​​you've been fooled!"

At this time, with one sleeve of Yu Fei's robe, the precious light on the nine fairy clothes directly converged, turned around and walked across the void, fled towards the distance, and disappeared in front of Luo Tian in an instant.

"Can you run?"

Luo Tian kicked across the air, magnified infinitely in the void, and stepped on Yu Fei's back steadily and accurately, and transmitted the precious light of the nine fairy clothes to his body.


Yu Fei spat out a mouthful of blood, panicking in his heart, and burned the remaining immortal pills and immortal treasures on his body one after another, the speed was extremely fast, and he left Luo Tian far behind in an instant.

"You have won my Wan Dao Seal, but if you use a little law of heaven and earth, it will be calculated by me, and you will not be able to escape!"

Behind Luo Tian, ​​Zhi Tian's wings appeared out of thin air, and with a light flap, they immediately chased after Yu Fei.

"Yu Fei, surrender quickly, I can still spare your life, so that you can enjoy the rest of your life!"

"Yu Fei, don't hide, I have already seen you!"

"Yu Fei, don't you think you can't see you if you hide in this seat underground!"


What broke Yu Fei was not Luo Tian's devilish urging voice, but that he seemed to know everything. Every time he changed his hiding place, Luo Tian seemed to be able to find it. This is simply incredible.

Bang bang bang!

At this moment, Luo Tian is like a cat strolling in the garden, teasing the frightened mouse in front of him——Yu Fei.With the wings of the sky, Luo Tian's flying speed is extremely fast, but it is still difficult to catch Yu Fei.

Yu Fei is ruthless enough to keep burning the Xianyuan Dan and Xianbao on his body to activate the secret method. It is estimated that after the Xianyuandan and Xianbao are burned out, this guy will probably burn his life essence.

People whose lives are threatened are often desperate and hysterical, especially Yu Fei, who has always been pampered. Once his life is threatened like never before, he will definitely go crazy. the point!

Human nature, so what if you have cultivated to the realm of immortals?

Immortals are also human beings.

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