
Chapter 525

"Yu Fei, I have seen you, don't think that I won't notice you if you hide in the middle of the mountain!"

"Yu Fei, quickly get out of the clamshell!"


Soon, Luo Tian's voice spread across countless planets, and this happened dozens of times every day.Three days have passed, and Yu Fei has almost burned all the immortal pills and immortal treasures on his body. Most of the time, he quickly teleports among countless planets at the fastest speed. It takes mana to extract the power of the entire planet to replenish mana.

However, what makes Yu Fei miserable is that he bears ten thousand times the force of gravity, and does not hesitate to waste his mana to extract the planet's energy. Usually, Luo Tian lingers after him before he has replenished it completely. He beheaded.The lost mana will be lost, not to mention recovering from the injury, Yu Fei almost wants to cry just thinking about it.This Luo Tian is simply despicable and shameless to the extreme, he is a devil!

Luo Tian followed Yu Fei unhurriedly, with a faint mocking smile on his face, Yu Fei who had been hit by his Wan Dao seal naturally had nowhere to hide, at this moment, Luo Tian was just stepping Using words to erode Yu Fei's primordial will will make him constantly fear and fear, and eventually Yu Fei will turn into a frightened bird, fall into boundless madness and completely collapse his mind.

Possessing perfect wings to the sky, the sixth floor of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm exerted ten thousand times the gravity on Luo Tian, ​​but only a thousand times the gravity.Luo Tian was naturally much more relaxed than Yu Fei.However, Yu Fei's secret method is quite terrifying. Burning all the energy in his body to increase his speed, even if Luo Tian has the wings of the sky, he can't close the distance between the two for the time being with all his strength.

Of course, if Luo Tian used 27 times his combat power, he might be able to catch up with Yu Fei in a short while, but he didn't do it because he was afraid that Yu Fei still had cards in his hand, and he didn't want to rush to fight Yu Fei. A lose-lose situation.The sixth floor of Xuanhuang Secret Realm seems to be safe, but in fact, there are undercurrents surging, and it is very likely that he will fall here forever if he is seriously injured.

In fact, what Luo Tian was worried about was not wrong at all.Naturally, Yu Fei still has a trump card in his hand that he hasn't used yet, but the sequelae caused by this trump card are quite huge, even to the point where Yu Fei can't bear it.

Blood Yuan Pill!

Yu Fei had already had a Blood Yuan Pill in his mouth at this moment. This Blood Yuan Pill is also well-known in the fairy world, and it belongs to the middle-grade elixir. Generally, every elite disciple of a big force has one with him. After it takes effect, it can fully evaporate more than [-]% of the blood essence in the body in exchange for half an hour of realm improvement!

The realm is raised!

That's right, after taking the Blood Essence Pill, one's self-cultivation can be raised by at least a small level, and at most can even be raised by a big level.For example, Yu Fei is now a half-step Xuanxian at the peak of Feixian.After taking the Blood Yuan Pill, if you raise a small realm, you will immediately break through to the early stage of Xuanxian, and if you raise a large realm, you will directly rise to the half-step golden fairyland at the peak of Xuanxian.However, this kind of elixir has huge sequelae. After taking it, the mild ones will regress to a big state, and the severe ones will lose their wisdom and become dementia, and even directly destroy the body and spirit.

Therefore, Yu Fei never dared to take the Blood Yuan Pill unless it was absolutely necessary.The disadvantages of taking Xueyuan Dan far outweigh the advantages.


At this time, Luo Tian, ​​who was closely chasing after Yu Fei, punched out again, and directly hit the void beside Yu Fei. The void exploded directly, and countless subtle laws of heaven and earth moved in all directions. It was astonishing as if a large barrel of gunpowder had been ignited.

"Luo Tian, ​​don't bully people too much!" Yu Fei roared, not only did not slow down, but became faster and faster.

"Yu Fei, I should say this!" Luo Tian sneered, "Okay! Very good! You actually started to burn your life essence, which is really ruthless. I will see how long your life essence can burn!"


Luo Tian began to burn the robbed Xianyuan Dan on his body, and Zhi Tian's wings were much faster, how could he let Yu Fei escape safely.

"No way! If things go on like this, even if the life energy is enough to burn, sooner or later Luo Tian, ​​the hateful ant, will catch up with him. We must think of a way." In the blink of an eye, Yu Fei teleported out again, to another planet , on the sixth floor of Xuanhuang Secret Realm, the deeper you go, the fewer and fewer paths you can choose. Yu Fei also knows that he is digging his own grave by doing this, but he has no choice. Turn around and fight Luo Tian recklessly, unless he takes the Blood Yuan Pill, the chance of winning will definitely not exceed [-] to [-]%.

The current Luo Tian is really too strong!

"Bastard!" Yu Fei had just landed on a planet with extremely abundant aura and energy, and was about to extract the energy from this planet to recover from his injuries. Luo Tian, ​​who rushed over quickly, attacked again from the air, directly attacking Fei Zhenfei. , making his dream of extracting the power of the planet shattered again.

"Next time, the next time I can't get rid of this lowly ant, I will take the blood pill, and I would rather be seriously injured than kill him!" Yu Fei couldn't stop roaring in his heart, so angry that his seven orifices dripped out When the blood came, most of his face was immediately covered with blood, and his originally handsome face became unrecognizable, like a ghost.

Yu Fei continued to teleport among the planets.

Luo Tian continued to chase wildly behind him.

The two fled and chased, and teleported to dozens of planets, getting closer and closer to the core area of ​​the sixth floor of Xuanhuang Mystery, but the two still didn't notice it.

Finally, Yu Fei was teleported to a planet with extremely abundant aura and energy. This time, he made up his mind not to move forward, and even if he died, he would drag Luo Tian to be buried with him on this planet!The torment in his heart really made him unable to hold on!

"This planet is very different from other planets!" Luo Tian's heart suddenly jumped. Outside this planet, a rotating vortex appeared not far away, like deep eyes looking down at the void, looking extremely weird.

On a whim, Luo Tian seemed to sense the advent of a dangerous aura.

"Luo Tian! Die for me!"

At this time, a shocking roar came from somewhere on the planet.

Luo Tian frowned slightly, feeling that Yu Fei's aura suddenly became violent and chaotic, and his speed increased all of a sudden, but he didn't distance himself from him, instead shortened the distance all of a sudden, and approached him quickly.

"27 times combat power!"

Yu Fei's sudden soaring aura made Luo Tian smell something unusual, and he immediately displayed 27 times the fighting power!

Bang bang bang!

The auras of the two were still tens of miles apart, and the air in between began to explode, which was caused by the space being oppressed to the extreme by the fierce and domineering auras of the two.

Taking one step forward, Luo Tian crossed the distance of dozens of miles in an instant, and went directly to Yu Fei, and shot directly.

27 times the combat power immediately showed an advantage. Yu Fei, who had taken the Blood Yuan Pill, had now skyrocketed to the level of the late Xuanxian, and he couldn't compete with Luo Tian, ​​especially when he was so idiotic to let Luo Tian The sky is approaching...

Yu Fei, who was approached by Luo Tian, ​​was extremely miserable. He felt that Luo Tian was like a murderer in ancient times. Every attack seemed to shatter the world in his body for miles. If this continues, Luo Tian only needs to Thousands more attacks, Yu Fei will be beaten into meatloaf by Luo Tian!

"Dozens of times the combat power! How is this possible!"

Yu Fei was in an extremely embarrassing situation at the moment, he was already injured, and the nine fairy clothes on his body were even beaten by Luo Tian, ​​who had displayed 27 times the combat power, and the precious light was shaky and extremely gloomy.

"Luo Tian, ​​if you want me to die, you can go to hell with me! Hahaha!"

Finally, at this moment, Yu Fei was completely insane, not only burning his life essence, but even the will of his soul began to burn. The void around him was broken layer by layer, exuding an endless and powerful aura of coercion and tyranny, directly rebounding Luo Tian Go out for dozens of miles.

Luo Tian felt a pain in his body, and immediately his face changed drastically, "Explode! He's going to explode!"

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