
Chapter 526 A blessing in disguise?

"Crazy! He's gone completely crazy!"

The entire planet, as if tens of thousands of tons of gunpowder were ignited in an instant, a huge mushroom-shaped cloud of mist and smoke rose in the sky, constantly stabbing towards the sky.With the mushroom cloud as the center, the turbulent destructive air wave spread out in all directions at once, causing the ground and the air to explode together. The self-destruction of a master in the late stage of Xuanxian is really extremely powerful, and it will soon sweep across the world. the whole planet.

"Escape! You must escape!"

Luo Tian used Zhitian's wings to the extreme, just a flash out of thin air, and he went thousands of miles away. What he needs now is to find the teleportation array on this planet as soon as possible.Yu Fei, a lunatic, when he blew himself up, he aroused the energy of the planet, causing the entire planet to explode. It seemed that the planet was about to be destroyed.

Luo Tian has the wings of the sky behind him, a heavenly heart lantern floating above his head, and a black lotus flower under his feet. He found the teleportation array at an astonishing speed.

If you take a step too late, you will lose your body and spirit!


Seeing the location of the teleportation array from a distance, Luo Tian burned all the remaining immortal pills on his body, and the colorful brilliance quickly enveloped his body, and stepped directly into the teleportation array.

"Teleportation Array! Activate!"

Luo Tian almost roared out. He felt that the powerful self-explosive air wave behind him had followed, and his heart almost jumped out of his throat.


Endless waves of air with a destructive aura surged forward, instantly attacking the teleportation array, completely annihilating the teleportation array.

The ancient teleportation array was wiped out in the friction of the wind and waves.

"It's miserable!"

At this moment, Luo Tian, ​​who had just teleported out, couldn't help but his complexion changed drastically. It was true that he teleported out in time, but in a blink of an eye, he felt that the other end of the teleportation array had lost contact, and the space channel of the teleportation array began to quickly turn into a space. Invisible, disappearing rapidly.

"Quick! Faster!"

Luo Tian involuntarily let out a roar that he didn't dare to.

Annihilation's teleportation array finally caught up with Luo Tian, ​​and Luo Tian was about to successfully teleport to another planet in just a few breaths of time...

clap clap clap!

As soon as the teleportation array disappeared, Luo Tian immediately fell out of the space channel, and the space around him began to rupture by itself, making heart-palpitating soft noises, countless fault spaces appeared in front of Luo Tian, ​​and Luo Tian almost died. Cut by space debris.


Immediately, Luo Tian felt a black shadow descending rapidly in front of his eyes, and a dark vortex of space suddenly fell down, creating a boundless suction force, which swept Luo Tian into it all at once.


"Dead? Am I dead?"

I just felt that a ray of light suddenly appeared in the boundless darkness, Luo Tian seized this opportunity without hesitation, and held this ray of light firmly in his hands.Then, Luo Tian realized that he woke up.

This seemed to be just a very long dream, with no beginning and no end, even Luo Tian couldn't remember the process clearly, it seemed that everything was scattered in mystery.


As soon as Luo Tian opened his eyes, he felt like his whole body was broken, and there was no pain anywhere.

"This is where?"

Soon, the mana in Luo Tian's body circulated on its own, and he swallowed several top-quality panacea, and just now he felt that the pain in his body eased a bit, and then he began to look around the situation around him.

The birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant, the mountains and rivers were like flowers, the flowing water was gurgling, and there was a faint white mist floating in the air. It felt wet and greasy on the face, which made Luo Tian feel better.

"Could this be a planet too? What an ethereal atmosphere!"

Luo Tian took a few breaths of air greedily, and soon he found that this beautiful area was a bit different from the outside world. The spiritual energy here was also extremely abundant, but it couldn't be absorbed and refined into mana, and it couldn't warm and nourish the primordial spirit. Strengthening the physical body is quite effective.

This discovery made Luo Tian excited immediately.

Luo Tian's physical body is now comparable to the first-level middle-grade fairy weapon. As we all know, it has always been extremely difficult to improve the toughness of the physical body, otherwise all the human beings in the world would be more perverted than monsters.

Luo Tian practiced the inner world, possessed the suppression of the Heaven Swallowing Tower, and possessed the Immortal Soul. The physical body and the Immortal Soul were subtly integrated into one place, regardless of each other. Improving the physical body is equivalent to improving the body. Yuanshen will.

Among the countless planes, there is probably only one pervert like Luo Tian.

"Void beast, swallow it!"

Luo Tian made a hand gesture with a cheerful expression, and the huge phantom of the Void Beast appeared behind him. Immediately, the Void Beast opened its mouth wide, and swallowed all the spiritual energy in this area. After refining, it passed on continuously Entering Luo Tian's body, he began to temper and beat his body for Luo Tian.

This feeling is quite strange, Luo Tian immediately discovered that with such tempering, even the pores and fine hairs are tempered and beaten like fine steel.Luo Tian even had a whim, if he plucked out a single hair and threw it on the Tianxuan plane, would it become a supreme treasure?

The speed of the Void Beast's throughput was extremely fast, and soon, all the spiritual energy around Luo Tian was swallowed up, and the recovery speed of the spiritual energy didn't seem to be much faster, so Luo Tian had to get up and fly slowly towards the distance But to go, the first thing he has to do is to recover from the injuries on his body.

Luo Tian flew slowly in the air, slowness is only a relative term, and soon he traveled hundreds of miles. During this journey, all the spiritual energy along the way was swallowed up by the phantom of the Void Beast behind him.

Luo Tian is like a dissatisfied bandit, greedily absorbing the aura and energy of this strange region, plucking his feathers.

After flying for three full days and three nights, Luo Tian just recovered from all the injuries in his body.

In three days, Luo Tian flew out for more than ten thousand miles. For Luo Tian who has the wings of the sky, this speed is extremely slow, but now this strange place has such a wonderful aura. However, the trace of dissatisfaction in Luo Tian's heart had already flown beyond the sky.

"The toughness of the physical body is increasing so fast, it is about to break through to the middle-level level of the middle-grade fairy weapon!"

Luo Tian was extremely happy in his heart. Such a great opportunity was simply too rare to come by, but then, a new trouble appeared.

Luo Tian has flown more than [-] miles now, but the scenery in front of him is still the same. It seems to be driven by an endless world. Along the way, he only sees a few birds occasionally, but from a distance, these birds feel Luo Tian. The undisguised tyrannical aura on his body flew away far away.

"It's just an Asuka of a fourth-order monster, and its physical body is as tough as a seventh-order monster!"

Luo Tian was immediately dumbfounded, these flying birds are not fucking birds at all!Back then in Qingli Xiaoxianjie, the third-order monsters that Luo Tian encountered were as powerful as fourth-order monsters, which were already shocking enough. Unexpectedly, the creatures here were even more terrifying, and the toughness of their physical bodies was more than enough. Three or four levels of self-realm.

"Does it mean that this seat's physical body can also be infinitely improved?"

Luo Tian's eyes lit up, could it be that his luck was a blessing in disguise?

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