
Chapter 527: Miniatures of All Beings, Great Backstage!

"Is anyone there? Is there a demon?..."

It is also quite time-consuming for the Void Beast to devour spiritual energy and energy. Luo Tian became a little bored and panicked when he was idle. He roared a few times over this strange area from time to time, but no one responded to him.

The loneliness makes people a little crazy. If Luo Tian is allowed to stay in this place forever, even if he can break through to the Immortal Monarch, he will not do it.

No matter how strong the strength is, no matter how strong the cultivation base is, it is a helpless thing that makes people howl if there is no room for martial arts.

"Suck it!"

As soon as Luo Tian's playfulness came up, he couldn't stop it. This guy immediately displayed 27 times the combat power, and the time to communicate with the third heaven of the black lotus magic weapon was accelerated by a hundred times to absorb the spiritual energy here. The physical toughness is beyond Thousands of miles in a day, it is a thousand miles in an hour!

Soon, this boring day passed for a month.

"Wa hahaha!"

Luo Tian couldn't stop dancing in the sky, "The physical body has finally broken through to the middle level of a middle-grade fairy weapon!"

The toughness of his physical body has improved again, and Luo Tian's overall strength has also stepped up to a new level. Even if he doesn't use 27 times his combat power, he can easily take down an ordinary Xuanxian. The invincible existence in the world, the half-step golden immortal, is hard to say for the time being.

Now that Luo Tian's physical body and the Immortal Primordial Spirit are merged into one, his physical body will be promoted, and the will of the Primordial Spirit will naturally be promoted as well.The cultivation base itself does not have much influence, it is still the mid-term cultivation base of Feixian.It seems that the aura energy in this strange area is only useful for the improvement of the physical body, but it has no effect on the improvement of mana.

After walking forward for a few more days, Luo Tian finally felt that the scene at the end of the horizon had changed on this day.

"Finally, finally left this area!" Luo Tian couldn't help crying in his heart, "For more than a month, I have faced the same scenery every day, and it really makes people crazy to watch it!"

Speeding up, Luo Tian quickly reached the end of the horizon.

At the end of the horizon, there is an endless ocean. Countless thunder, lightning and golden flowers are scattered in the sky, which seems to be an extremely chaotic world. Slapped and turned into clusters of tiny waves.In some sea areas, the dark blue sea water surges for tens of miles and hundreds of miles, changing into various strange shapes.

"That is!"

The light black deep vortex flashed out of Luo Tian's eyes, and soon he saw the specific scene on the sea area through countless voids, and saw countless lights and shadows scattered like stars in the endless sea area. Below are islands with different scenery.

The smallest of these islands has a radius of hundreds of miles, and the largest one cannot see the whole picture at a glance, at least hundreds of thousands of miles.

What frightened Luo Tian was not the islands in the light and shadow, but the aura emanating from the islands in the light and shadow. Almost none of these auras were repeated, and even Luo Tian could tell that there was a Tianxuan position among them The breath of hundreds of planes, such as the earth spirit plane, the peacock plane, the sky water plane, the earth spirit plane, the snow god plane, etc., because I have dealt with these planes, I can recognize them, but there are only a few hundred planes. That's all...

The rest, Luo Tian couldn't identify them at all, and the unidentifiable light and shadow islands were simply countless, like the number of sand in the Ganges River, it seemed that there were hundreds of thousands, millions or even tens of millions.

Luo Tian was shocked immediately.

He never imagined that there are so many thousands of worlds. It seems that the news obtained from the Tianxuan plane before is simply nonsense. Looking at it like this, not to mention that there are only a few hundred in the second-order plane, at least There are also hundreds of thousands!As for the third-order planes, there are probably hundreds of thousands of times more than the number of second-order planes.

"The universe is so big that it really cannot be exhausted!"

Luo Tian sighed silently, it's ridiculous that he was really a frog at the bottom of a well sitting in a well watching the sky!

"It seems that this endless sea area is the epitome of all beings including countless planes!" Luo Tian thought silently, "Could it be that these miniatures of all beings are the existence of all planes since the opening of this era. I don't know if the fairyland is among them?"

Thinking of this, Luo Tian flew into the sky with the wings of the sky, and fell towards the sea.

As soon as he entered the sea area, Luo Tian felt the thunder, light, fire, rays and golden flowers in the sky fall towards him one after another.

"Go away!"

Luo Tian let out a low cry, waved his big sleeves, and directly displayed the Wan Dao Seal. Countless laws of heaven and spiritual energy were condensed into a big seal like a jade seal suspended above Luo Tian's head, and the golden flower of thunder, light, fire, and rays of light touched it. On the Wan Dao Seal, one after another disappeared into the invisible, and a small part was absorbed and refined by the Wan Dao Seal to replenish its power!

"Outsiders, get out of here!"

Just as Luo Tian stepped into the first miniature of living beings in front of him, a loud shout came from the island, and immediately the void in front of him split open, and a big light gray hand stretched out from it, and slapped it down towards Luo Tian quickly.

"Sure enough, there are monks!"

Luo Tian's eyes flickered, and he didn't make a move, letting the big light gray hand directly slap it down.


There was a happy humming sound from Wan Dao Yin, and the big light gray hand was broken inch by inch, and turned into green smoke and dissipated.

"Come out!"

The divine light in Luo Tian's eyes burst out, he took a step forward in the void, and grabbed the void with his probing hand, the void was broken open again immediately, and then an old man in gray fell directly out of the void.

"Outsiders, no matter who you are, it's best not to be too presumptuous when you come here!"

Although the gray-clothed old man described himself in a state of distress, he had an old look on his face, without the slightest fear, not even a trace of tension could be seen on his face.

"What if I want to be presumptuous?" Luo Tian asked back, with a faint smile on his face, "It's just a cultivation level in the Fusion Stage, but he actually has the physical toughness of the Mahayana Stage, no wonder he is so confident!"

"Hmph! Don't try to escape any information from this seat. Here, even an immortal would not dare to be too presumptuous!" The gray-clothed old man still hummed lukewarmly.

Luo Tian sneered and was about to speak.

All of a sudden, the black lotus magic weapon moved in the fourth sky domain, and the phantom that forcibly lived in the fourth sky domain suddenly transmitted a voice from the black lotus magic weapon.

"is it?"

"The epitome of all living beings! The endless way of heaven!"

The gray old man's complexion changed drastically, and he made a hand gesture, and opened it from Luo Tian's hand, as if he had merged with the entire miniature of all living beings at that moment, and if he wanted to kill him, he had to completely destroy this miniature of living beings Just do it!

"Yes, it is true that the miniature of all beings is left by the Karma Immortal, but that guy has disappeared for countless years. The seventh floor of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm is not as powerful as before, and the Immortal dare not be presumptuous? Today The deity will try it out!"


The seventh floor of Xuanhuang Secret Realm!

Luo Tian was overwhelmed by this series of news, the news is really too shocking!The person who forcibly lived in his Fourth Heaven Domain was a fairy, this is a big backstage!

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