
Chapter 528 Robber Immortal Monarch, Continuous Tempering

"The epitome of all living beings, yin and yang cut the morning and evening!"

Regardless of whether Luo Tian was still thinking wildly in place, the existence of the black lotus magic weapon in the fourth sky domain, which was suspected to be a certain ancient fairy, started to drink in a low voice again.As his voice came out, this land of microcosms of all living beings swayed like a candle in the wind. Immediately, countless laws of heaven and earth twisted and covered, or added, or shattered. The gray-clothed old man was directly knocked out of the void, his face full of horror.

"How is it possible! This is the supreme restraining circle that has the existence of the karma fairy, and you completely ignore the law of karma here!" The gray-clothed old man's eye sockets were almost cracked, and he looked at Luo Tian with an inconceivable expression on his face, horrified Desperate.

"Could it be, could it be that you are the one in the legend..." The gray-clothed old man suddenly remembered something, but soon he held back what he was about to say later, and his expression became uncertain.

He might have guessed something, but he didn't dare to say it out, only for this reason, dare not!

Luo Tian looked on coldly, but was secretly surprised that the immortal who occupied the fourth heaven of his black lotus magic weapon with a robber master was not afraid of even the Karma Immortal, but he heard Fang Lao sporadically mentioning it One point, Immortal Karma is one of the six most powerful Immortal Sovereigns famous in the entire Immortal Realm, and belongs to the Northern Immortal Realm, but he has always been extremely low-key and mysterious.

The six most powerful immortals in the fairy world are all powerful figures who have lived for several epochs!A casual breath can blow thousands of people like Luo Tian to death.

"Isn't even the Karma Immortal Lord afraid? Then this Lord..."

"Boy, what are you still doing in a daze? Don't beat up this boy in gray?" The voice came again from the fourth heaven domain of the black lotus magic weapon.

"Uh, um, um, the kid doesn't know who the senior is?" Luo Tian replied with a layer of sweat involuntarily on his forehead.

"If someone dared to talk to this deity with his previous temper, he would have died a long time ago. However, you have grasped a trace of the law of destiny, which is worthy of this deity's protection. I can't tell you the identity of this deity for the time being. Time You'll know when you get there."

"It's playing with mystery again." Luo Tian couldn't help but rolled his eyes wildly, but he didn't dare to make mistakes, and secretly swore in his heart that before he knew the identity of this fairy, he would call him a robber fairy!

"What! How dare he hit me?"

The gray-clothed old man had a very hot temper, looked at Luo Tian coldly, and said proudly, "Except for a few immortals, no one here dares to touch a single hair of my hair!"


Bang bang bang!bang bang bang!

The Robber Xianjun didn't say much, just spit out a type, and then the gray-clothed old man was restrained by an invisible force, sealing the body and soul, and then countless invisible punches and kicks fell on him like raindrops. On the old man in gray.

"Damn, isn't this too fierce and straightforward?" Luo Tian stretched out his hand to wipe off the cold sweat on his forehead, and couldn't help but open his mouth wide, hitting as soon as he said he wanted to. This attitude really, really made people speechless. Suddenly, Luo Tian couldn't help secretly sympathizing with the old man in gray.

"My lord, my lord, the villain is not talking about you, please don't hit me!"

The old man in gray immediately let out howls of ghosts and wolves, and was extremely miserable. His mouse face was directly beaten into a pig's face, and he kept begging for mercy.

"To speak of this boy is to speak of the deity." The Bandit Immortal still said lazily.

"Don't say it, the villain is determined not to say it!" The gray-clothed old man lay on the ground dying.

Follow the law!

Luo Tian couldn't help yearning for it, this is the real way to speak!

"Okay, don't disturb me by spying on me if you have nothing to do in the future." Immortal Bandit said something casually, and then directly closed the fourth heaven domain of the Black Lotus Magic Treasure. Even Luo Tian, ​​who is the owner of the Black Lotus Magic Treasure, couldn't enter.

"It's unreasonable, a robber really is a robber!" Luo Tian burst into tears, what's the matter, this master has forcibly occupied his own territory, let alone not allowing himself to enter, it's too shameless!

Of course, Luo Tian dared to complain like this in his heart. If he really asked him to speak out, he wouldn't even dare to give him 1 courage. Just finding faults and cleaning up his own meal is still a certainty.

"My lord, can you leave here?"

The gray-clothed old man lay on the ground covered with scars, like a bastard, looking at Luo Tian miserably, the expectation in his eyes was extremely obvious.

Luo Tian shrugged his shoulders, stood up straight from the ground, left this place of miniature of all living beings, and headed for the next one.

"God damn it!"

After it was confirmed that Luo Tian had finally left, the old man in gray bounced a sharp carp from the ground and kept pacing back and forth. It seemed that this old guy was quite good at pretending to be dead just now, but Luo Tian knew it a long time ago. He didn't expose him. As for the robber fairy, he didn't speak up, and no one knew what he was thinking.

"This old man must inform other fellows in the land of miniatures of all beings as soon as possible! This one big and one small is simply a demon king!"

Soon, the old man in gray made up his mind, his figure shook, and he disappeared immediately.

The gray-clothed old man was still one step too late. By the time he spread the news to other living beings, those people had already been repaired by Luo Tian's so-called challenge...

"These guys, I don't know how many years of tempering and beating their fleshy bodies. Just now, the guy with Feixian's cultivation level is almost as tough as his own body. It's so happy, it hurts so much!"

At this moment, Luo Tian couldn't help feeling emotional while quickly absorbing the spiritual energy from the sea to refine and beat his body.It seemed that as he continued to march toward the depths of the sea, the guardians of the various planes he encountered became more and more powerful.

Fortunately, in this strange world, no one can use mana, and can only rely on the body to determine whether it is strong or not, otherwise Luo Tian may be surrounded by countless masters and beaten to death.

clap clap clap!

The sound of intensive physical collisions came from a certain island, and Luo Tian turned into a blue rainbow and a stream of light yellow smoke kept intertwining and intertwining. Inside the light yellow smoke was a middle-aged man with a strong figure, The whole body of his body exudes butter-like fineness and smoothness, as if cast from fine steel, every blow brought Luo Tian tremendous pressure.

"Physical attack can be so powerful!"

Luo Tian's pupils shrank, but he was very happy in his heart. He had fought with these people more times, his physical attack moves became more concise, and his physical attack skills improved even more. Many kinds of exquisite and dexterous applications were all mastered by Luo Tian.

Luo Tian is improving his strength extremely quickly.The physical body, after all, is the foundation of a monk, and the improvement of the physical body will have unimaginable benefits to the overall strength.

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