
Chapter 529 The Change of the Phalanx

"Don't fight, don't fight!"

Soon, the stalwart man quickly slapped three extremely fierce palms, forcing Luo Tian to retreat directly, and then the stalwart man jumped out of the battle circle, waved his hands repeatedly, and said, "I really don't know who you are, an outsider!" Freak! Tougher than the flesh of us monster races! Stop beating me, and I won’t be able to hold it any longer.”

As the tough man said, he glanced at his arms, which were easily torn apart from the corners of his eyes, with lingering fear. At this moment, his arms were trembling involuntarily, extremely sore and numb. Even if he was stabbed, he might not be able to sentient.

Seeing this, Luo Tian didn't bother to say much, smiled slightly, and then drifted away.


This time, Luo Tian flew hundreds of thousands of miles before he saw the islands appearing in the sea area below, but before Luo Tian flew down from the sky, there were three groups of orange The brilliance soared into the sky.

Three powerhouses at the Feixian level!

Luo Tian's eyes lit up, and he was about to go up to fight with the three of them, but the three of them, as if they hadn't seen Luo Tian, ​​hovered for a while, and flew away towards the distance. It disappeared into the distant sky.


Almost without hesitation, Luo Tian used his wings to catch up from behind. This was the first time he encountered such a situation since he entered the endless sea area. Generally, these guardians are full of hostility towards outsiders. It's not about killing you when you come up, but you have to fight a battle before you can stop.But this time, the three flying immortals ignored Luo Tian, ​​which was a bit unreasonable.

Soon, Luo Tian used the Void Beast's tracking ability, keenly noticed the faint breath fluctuations in the air, followed the trace of breath fluctuations left by the three flying immortals in the air, and quickly tracked down the right track. route up.Since this is the supernatural power of the Void Beast, it can be used without mana support, but the effect is greatly reduced.Among them, Luo Tian also tried to hide in the void, which was also successful, but without the support of mana to hide in the void, Luo Tian could only last a meal at most before being repelled by the laws of heaven and earth, and it was difficult to hide again.

Even so, during Luo Tian's flight, he also proceeded extremely carefully, hanging far behind the three of them, for fear of being noticed by the three of them.

After flying for two or three hours, Luo Tian noticed that the aura in front of him suddenly became more intense. It seemed that the three of them had already slowed down their flight speed, so Luo Tian also slowed down accordingly. Landing on a mountain peak, the "Swallowing Spiritual Eye", which was running like a black vortex, peeked forward with extreme caution.

"A lot of monks!"

Luo Tian's spiritual eyes only worked for a moment, and he seemed to see cloud and mist platforms that were completely condensed from clouds. Waves of monks stood in groups, including humans, monsters, and some monks exuding a gloomy aura, who looked just like humans.

"What race is this! It looks very powerful!"

Luo Tian was secretly surprised, but there were the most human monks on the cloud platform, [-]% of them were human monks, and the monster race and that strange race jointly occupied the remaining [-]% of the places.

Just as Luo Tian was about to spy on it, suddenly, a majestic line of sight seemed to be transmitted from the depths of the cloud platform, looking directly at the place where Luo Tian was standing, this line of sight seemed to have supreme power, directly along the Luo Tian's eyes were about to kill Luo Tian.

Ding Ding Deng!

Luo Tian immediately withdrew his eyes in shock, as if his figure was about to be enveloped by the powerful sight that was about to fall, he directly backed away for more than ten steps, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.


Luo Tian was about to hide in the void at a critical moment, but the trace of the law of destiny on his body suddenly flew out, directly distorting the laws of heaven and earth around Luo Tian, ​​and all the laws of heaven and earth and the secrets of heaven were shielded.

"Strange? I clearly sensed the aura of an outsider. Could it be my illusion?" In the depths of the cloud platform, a young man in white sitting cross-legged on the floating clouds frowned slightly. Calculate the secret.

Ka Ka Ka!

It didn't take long for the laws of heaven and earth around the young man in white to distort and explode one after another. If it wasn't for the soft white brilliance that grew out of his body, he might be hurt by this blow.

"It seems to be my illusion." The young man in white seemed to be extremely confident in his supernatural powers. At that moment just now, he had calculated hundreds of times, but he did not come up with any clues.

Fortunately, Luo Tian has the body protection of the law of fate, otherwise, even if his cultivation base is raised to another level, he will not be able to escape the deduction of the boy in white.The law of destiny has always been supreme, and even the immortal king can't grasp the slightest bit!

Luo Tian's law of fate was also refined in Mount Bodhi. I don't know how the owner of Mount Puti was once such a great man, and he can even grasp the law of fate. It's a pity that the way of heaven Now, even if he grasped a little bit of the law of fate, he would still fall, unable to change his own destiny.

"Turn on!"

With the protection of a trace of the law of fate, Luo Tian finally escaped. Then, he waited for a while, driving that trace of the law of fate to explore the surroundings. After finding that there was no will of the soul to investigate, he finally started Little by little, he looked towards Yunwu Platform again.

But this time when he looked over, he heard an emotionless voice between heaven and earth, which seemed to have transcended reincarnation.

Immediately, all the monks on the Yunwu Platform rose into the air one after another, and flew towards a wide ravine deep in the Yunwu Platform. There are countless laws of heaven and earth all over that ravine, which seems to be able to drive Yin and Yang, and distinguish Yin and Yang. .


Soon, all the monks on the Yunwu platform left without a single person left, and the conspicuous gully also closed itself at once, and finally disappeared between the sky and the earth.

Luo Tian waited for a full quarter of an hour before he rose from the ground, flew directly to the Yunwu platform, and looked around.

There is nothing special about the Yunwu platform, it is just formed by condensing great supernatural powers, but Luo Tian thinks he can't do this.Luo Tian looked at it for a long time, but without any gain, he could only walk towards the depths of Yunwu Platform.

"Sure enough, there are tricks!"

Luo Tian thought about it, and he found that the laws of heaven and earth in the depths of the cloud platform seemed to be the same as the outside. The law of fate among the Three Thousand Ways!


At this time, the Naxu Ring worn by Luo Tian suddenly split and turned into nothingness bit by bit. Immediately, many things in the Naxu Ring turned into air one after another, and finally a white jade-like ray of light flew away. And it came out, it was the three-inch finger bone that Luo Tian collected for entering the Chenzhou whirlpool for the first time.

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