
Chapter 530

"Lord Crocodile God, you must help, the two holy artifacts of my Golden Retriever clan were forcibly taken away by outsiders like this!"

On the third floor of Xuanhuang Secret Realm, an old man in brocade clothes with a golden beard and hair twitched his face, crying with snot and tears. Can't help but shed tears of sympathy.

This brocade-clothed old man is the ancestor of the Golden Retriever Clan.

The crocodile god in black robe was also full of helplessness, and he was also very speechless and said: "Old Jin, it's not that I don't want to help you, it's because you said that the person entered the fourth floor of Xuanhuang Mystic Realm a long time ago." , you also know that after the fourth floor, this seat cannot enter. What's more, even if he has not entered the fourth floor of Xuanhuang Secret Realm, this seat may not be his opponent..."

"What! He has already entered the fourth floor, this god damn it!"

The ancestors of the Golden Retriever clan burst into tears immediately.


At the same time, Luo Tian looked vigilantly at the mysterious three-inch phalanx floating in front of him. Just now, the Naxu ring suddenly burst. If it was someone else with that force, at least one arm would have been blown to pieces, but with With the physical strength of Luo Tian's middle-grade immortal artifact, this amount of damage can't do anything to him, and there is not even a white mark left on his body.

"This phalanx may have been dropped from inside."

Luo Tian looked at the depths of the Yunwu Platform, his face became cloudy and uncertain.

After a long time, the three-inch phalanx exuding white brilliance suddenly swelled with light, and shot directly in the air, falling to the sky above Luo Tian's head, just a little bit, and a white light curtain burst out immediately.


Luo Tianxia's complexion changed slightly for a moment, because he was completely enveloped by the white light curtain, and then he involuntarily rose into the air behind him, flying towards the front quickly.No matter how much he struggled, it was useless.

Luo Tian's thoughts turned sharply, and when he was considering whether to use 27 times the combat power, he had already jetted into the depths of the Yunwu Platform, and then stopped for a while, and the three-inch finger bone moved parallel to the void, just As if testing something.

"Could it be that this amputated phalanx can bring me into the space that divides yin and yang?" Luo Tian thought.

After a cup of tea, the three-inch phalanx finally stopped completely, and white light clusters stretched out from it. The light clusters turned into palms and began to tear apart in the void.

Luo Tian stood in the white light curtain with his hands behind his back, watched all this happen with cold eyes, and began to silently calculate in his heart.

"The heavenly secret has been blocked!"

Soon, Luo Tian felt that the source of the law between heaven and earth seemed to be cut off out of thin air, and he could no longer calculate any information, but there were faint signs of backlash.


At this time, the space in front of Luo Tian was abruptly opened, and then the law of yin and yang spread out head-on, firmly fixing a space portal for people to enter and exit.

"The law of yin and yang is indeed the most mysterious law in the legends. It is said that if you master the law of yin and yang, you can communicate with the ghosts and gods of heaven and earth, and you can even find the source of the clues of the law of destiny. I don't know if it is true or not?"

Luo Tian recalled in his mind, it seems that there is a law of yin and yang in the Three Thousand Ways, but this law of yin and yang has always been mysterious and cannot be grasped, so the ranking is only the sixth among many laws.

Then, Luo Tian tried to use the Wan Dao Seal in the Tuntian Seal, hoping to collect some Yin-Yang laws, but after Wan Dao Yin absorbed the Yin-Yang laws, he did not get any information about the Yin-Yang laws. It seems that it has turned into an ordinary imprint of the law and melted in the Tiantian Pagoda. It is useless for Luo Tian to observe and study the law of yin and yang.

"What a wonderful law!"

Luo Tian finally gave up, and with regret in his heart, he stepped into the space portal in front of him.

The suspended continent is vast and boundless.

Soon, Luo Tian walked out of the space passage and appeared in another place, but the scenery in front of him shocked him extremely.

There are countless floating continents in front of him. Luo Tian took a rough look. The smallest of these floating continents has a radius of tens of thousands of miles, which is really shocking.

clap clap!

Luo Tian drove to Tian Yuyi, and landed directly on the floating continent closest to him. With his feet firmly on the ground, he began to look into the distance.

The trees on this continent are extremely tall, and the shortest tree is fifty feet high. Even ordinary weeds are two or three feet high, far beyond the perception of normal people.Although there is not much gravity here, Luo Tian was secretly surprised by the tenacity of the space. With his current cultivation base and supernatural powers, he can tear open a gap of tens of thousands of feet with a random wave of his hand on the Tianxuan plane, but here, He used [-]% of his strength, but he couldn't pull out even a little ripple in the space.

"Damn, it's hard. If you want to hide the void, it's not impossible to do it with all your strength, but if you do more, you can hide the void for three or four breaths." Luo Tian said to himself with a bitter face.

The three-inch phalanx on the top of the head seemed to have remained unchanged since it entered, as if it lost all spirituality in an instant, and fell from the sky all at once.

Luo Tian stretched out his hand to grab it, and directly threw the three-inch finger bone into the inner world.

Soon, Luo Tian, ​​who was flying in the air, ran into trouble.

Flying for tens of thousands of miles, Luo Tian didn't see even a single person, and for the time being, there didn't seem to be anything unusual on this floating continent, everything was so ordinary and simple.


"Fart! This belongs to me, if you don't accept it, why don't you come and make gestures?"

"court death!"

Luo Tian's trouble finally came. After he flew tens of thousands of miles, he found that seven people were fighting in front of them. Shattered, countless long rivers flowed backwards, and countless birds and beasts died in this chaotic airflow.

"Stop! Look!"


"It's an outsider! Let's work together to suppress him and go to the adults to receive the reward!"

"Kill kill kill!"

In the blink of an eye, the group of seven monks fighting in the same place cleared up all their previous suspicions. They were fighting to the death just now, but soon they became life-and-death friends who were closer than brothers. Supernatural powers.

Luo Tian suddenly became the target of public criticism.

"If you want to exchange this seat for rewards, I'm afraid you don't have the ability!"

Luo Tian chuckled, he hadn't done anything for a long time, and his hands were already itchy. Since these guys are sent to their door for free, let's start beating!

Bang bang bang!

Luo Tian did not retreat but advanced, took a few steps forward, flapped Zhitian's wings, and moved silently in the void. In the blink of an eye, he was in front of the seven people, entered the encirclement by himself, punched and kicked.

"Ah! This guy is amazing!"

"His physical strength is too terrifying!"

"Impossible! It is impossible for an outsider to have such a terrifying body! We are the real ancient inheritance..."

"A lot of nonsense!"

Luo Tian smiled coldly, and sent the monk closest to him flying away with one punch.To deal with this group of monks who are only at the Mahayana stage, if Luo Tian still has mana, he can die thousands of times if he farts.

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